Masuk Ogos berlaku musibah sana sini termasuk di luar Malaysia juga. Bulan Ogos angka 8 biasanya stress. Letupan yang dikatakan sebagai kedua terbesar selepas letupan bom atom Nagasaki/ Hiroshima. Kematian akibat Covid19 setiap 15 saat. Energi alam kini berada dalam keadaan "sakit" jadi yang boleh dijana adalah energi dalaman diri kita. Ianya tidak mampu melawan energi sebesar alam tetapi cukup untuk melindungi diri kita. Janalah energi yang positif berterusan. |
Bulan Ogos. Bulan yang ke 8. Angka 8 biasanya dikaitkan dengan tekanan/ stress. Ini baru 3hb dah keluar berita2 yang stress. Gajah pun stress inikan pula manusia. Energi alam menjadi stress dan kita sebaiknya bina perlindungan/ pendiding diri untuk mengatasi energi stress sebegini. Sebaiknya dijana energi positif untuk bulan Ogos ini. |
Secara logiknya, manusia mendengar suara di luar kebiasaan adalah mendengar suara "ghaib". Ini dah jadi metafizik dan ilmu kebatinan. Tetapi sains yang mencipta kaedah ini untuk mendengar di luar frekuensi biasa. Menggunakan kaedah Neuralink yang dibayai oleh bilionair Elon Musk yang juga pengasas Tesla Motors dan SpaceX. Metafizik pencetus idea sains. |
Dapatkan Laporan Keserasian Pasangan dari Dato Eddy Rosyadie 017 769 7946 016 624 9666 Ada 6 jenis analisa tarikh lahir untuk Laporan Keserasian Pasangan. Bagi mendalami perihal perhubungan anda dengan kenalan/ tunang/ suami/ isteri. Untuk dibina strategi yang lebih baik untuk menambah keserasian. Tidak semestinya Laporan Keserasian tidak serasi maka anda tamatkan perhubungan. Ada aspek2 yang boleh diusahakan dan diikthiarkan tapi dalamilah dulu 6 jenis analisa keserasian tersebut. |
Maklumbalas peserta ikhtiar energi. Warna energi yang hadir ketika Dato Eddy Rosyadie menjana energi boleh berbeza dengan warna energi yang hadir kepada peserta. Yang penting, energi dijana. Warna energi yang hadir ketika Dato Eddy Rosyadie jana energi dipindahkan (transfer) kepada peserta (melalui nama yang diberikan). Setelah diselidiki, tarikh lahir peserta ini adalah elemen KAYU (warna hijau) kemungkinan warna hijau tersebut adalah tentang dirinya sendiri. |
Bagaimana dengan dekad anda? Dekad terkini dan 10 tahun akan datang? Juga dekad usia perniagaan anda dari tarikh daftar syarikat.
Leading psychic Rose Smith says our personality traits can foretell our careers. She has deciphered while star signs would make good cooks, writers and artists. Almost one million Australians have lost their job during the COVID-19 period. Ms Smith recommends finding your next career prospect by looking at the stars
PUBLISHED: 01:47 BST, 28 July 2020 | UPDATED: 01:51 BST, 28 July 2020
A leading Australian astrologer has revealed the career you should consider based on your star sign - and the ones to avoid if you want to perform your best.
Psychic Rose Smith says now is the time to retrain and prepare for long-term job prospects, as almost one million people in Australia lose their regular income as a result of COVID-19.
'Although you can do short-term work if you've lost your job or are out of work, the economic and employment ramifications from coronavirus will continue for years,' Ms Smith said.
'Now is the time to look to training opportunities which are aligned with your personality traits - you can have your astrology chart done to help with this.'
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the unemployment rate is 7.1 per cent - the highest since 2001 - with the official jobless number standing at 927,600 in May.
So what should you look for?
Earth signs find their work particularly important, not only for the job itself, but also for the money.
They are hardworking and responsible, getting the job done even through difficulties or hardship.
Earth signs can do better than most in 2020 with their jobs.
Taurus: April 19 - May 20
* Jobs in construction such as surveyor, builder, or project manager
* Culinary career such as chef or restaurant manager
* Managerial career in musical, theatre or acting industries such as concert promoter or casting or publicity agent
* Art director, interior design, or designing homes such as architect
Taurus: April 19 - May 20
* Jobs where other people often tell them what to do
* Jobs where empathy is required such as counselling, welfare, or social work
* Jobs in the medical field dealing directly with sick people as bedside manner can need work
* Jobs which require a lot of patience
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
* Medical jobs such as nutritionist or acupuncturist
* Jobs in financial industry
* Outdoors or environmental jobs such as a farmer or forest ranger
* Managerial roles or work involving organisational tasks
* A career involving numbers such as statistician, mathematician or accountant
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
* Jobs in creative fields that can get messy such as artist
* Plumbing or sanitation work
* Open ended jobs without structure or schedules
* Jobs frequently involving unpredictable or chaotic elements
* Jobs where perfection is unobtainable or undesirable
Capricorn: December 21 - January 21
* Financial planning, legal or accountancy-based careers
* First responder jobs such as police work, firefighting, or emergency services
* Teaching, especially high-level concepts
* Business executive
* A career in science such as scientist
* CEO of a large enterprise
* Business analyst
Capricorn: December 21 - January 21
* Jobs with no avenues for commitment, responsibility, or dedication
* Dead end jobs with no promotion opportunities as Capricorns are ambitious
* Working with people who are disorganised or lack self-discipline
* Jobs without structure or rules
* Jobs where lots of empathy or interpersonal communications are required
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces can transform their emotions into something physical.
Water signs can reap rewards in 2020 if they stay grounded and practical.
Strong emotions will show the way, but those emotions shouldn't be allowed to rule.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
* Jobs in helping industries such as counselling, aged or disabled care
* A culinary career or anything to do with nurturing others
* Customer service industries - Cancerians who care about people can do well in sales
* A career in the musical, theatre or acting industries
* A career as a medical professional
* Teaching
* Counselling, welfare, or social worker
* Online sales as Cancerians usually enjoy working from home
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
* Jobs where empathy and emotional responses are not appropriate such as in the military
* Jobs without some flexibility if Cancerians have families to attend to
* Jobs where rationality must take precedence over emotions such as aviation pilot
* Cancerians find difficulty hiding their emotions, so any job requiring a 'happy face' when they don't feel happy, could be a problem
* Any job where Cancerians don't feel they're making a positive difference to others
Scorpio: October 23 - November 22
* Private investigator
* Negotiation specialist such as police negotiator
* Working in the death industry such as medical examiner
* Law enforcement
* Auditor
* Crisis management
* A medical career such as surgeon
Scorpio: October 23 - November 22
* Jobs where they can't work alone sometimes
* Anything that involves inordinate amounts of patience. Scorpios can be impatient
* Jobs that do not allow them sufficient control over their work
* Jobs that do not allow them to use both their intellect and their intuition
* Any job that does not allow them to express themselves fully
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
* Artist, musician and the creative arts generally
* Spirituality based jobs such as psychic reading and astrology
* Healing either alternative or allopathic and roles in healthcare
* Colour therapy
* Welfare and social work
* Any job where Pisces can put their listening skills to good use
* Jobs in human resources
* Designer such as fashion, jewellery, home stylist etc
* Jobs in non-profit organisations
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
* Working in a job that gives no outlet for Pisces' sensitivity, intuition or empathy
* Any job where Pisces is not free to use their natural instincts
* Jobs involving constant analytical work
* Jobs with high stress or lots of time deadlines
* Jobs with little or no interaction with other people
* High pressure sales positions with required quotas
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are curious and think about things before making decisions. All air signs have good communication abilities and enjoy illuminating conversation.
They are usually good at writing, social media, publishing and generally getting the word out.
Air signs often have 'flashes of brilliance'. They can generally think their way to a better life this year despite what is happening externally.
Air signs can find new opportunities where others fail to see them.
Gemini: May 21 - June 21
* Journalism
* Public relations involving writing or social media
* Working in the entertainment industry such as singing or a DJ
* Working in advertising
* Teaching
* Some science-based jobs if Geminis can speak their minds
* Travel based careers such as travel blogger
Gemini: May 21 - June 21
* Jobs where creativity and self-expression are not encouraged or allowed
* Jobs involving strict schedules which don't allow some flexibility
* Boring jobs or those with tedious or repetitive tasks
* Non-social jobs as Geminis need to communicate with others
Libra: September 22 - October 22
* Public relations
* Working in the fashion or beauty industries such as hair and makeup
* Mediation or negotiation industries
* Life coaches, counsellors and lawyers as they see many sides to a situation
* Home styling or decorating
* Any industry where aesthetics is important
* Public speaking or advocacy
* The wedding industry
Libra: September 22 - October 22
* Jobs where making lots of decisions very quickly is necessary
* Jobs with lots of stressful deadlines
* Jobs where they have to deal with poor hygiene or dirty conditions such as plumbing
* Working with people who are unfair or manipulative
* Gender dominated industries or jobs where there is bias towards any group of people
Aquarius: January 21 - February 20
* Humanitarian jobs dealing with 'big picture' concepts
* Science based careers such as meteorology, communications, or electronics
* Pioneering a new field or innovation
* Innovative jobs especially involving technology
* Jobs involving going against the status quo, with rebelliousness against the current system
* Anything involving the internet
* Doing different things every day
Aquarius: January 21 - February 20
* Working in a job with strict rules and procedures
* Jobs where lots of self-expression is involved
* Always being around the same people, or sometimes any people! Aquarians need solo time
* Jobs where lots of empathy or sympathy are required
* Jobs with 'same thing different day' type scenarios. Aquarians need breaks from routine and stimulation from different sources
Inspiration is needed to make your heartfelt desires real and physical so you can share and help others in alignment with your heart.
Get in touch with your hopes and dreams.
Fire signs have a lot of passion which can carry them to where they want to go.
Aries: March 20 - April 19
* Entrepreneurship
* Public relations
* Military service (or other adversarial careers)
* Competitive sports
* Leadership roles
* Jobs involving creativity
* Doing different things every day in the workplace
* Risk taking where you can rely on your own instincts
Aries: March 20 - April 19
* Boring and repetitive work
* Working in isolation
* Being a square peg in a round hole. Aries need to make their own rules
* Sedentary work or not sufficiently moving around in the workplace
* Jobs where you have to follow rules that don't make good sense. Often you can see a better way to do things but for some reason you can't get others to understand your point of view.
Leos: July 23 - August 22
* Public relations - anything involving motivational speaking or being the 'face' of an organisation
* Acting - stage, film, TV or working as a social media influencer
* Leadership roles such as CEOs, as people tend to follow Leo's lead
* Jobs involving 'the spotlight', especially where people look up to them in some way
* Careers involving generosity such as charities or leadership roles in social services
Leos: July 23 - August 22
* Working in isolation as Leo loves an audience
* Jobs where Leo has no authority to make meaningful change
* Jobs with challenges that are either insurmountable or fail to provide sufficient stimulation
* Jobs that interfere with Leo's need for independence
* Leos especially, don't enjoy working in jobs where they feel unappreciated
Sagittarius: November 21 - December 21
* Writing, podcasting, or livestreaming from different locations
* Marketing
* Work involving the outdoors or travel
* Work with a sense of freedom and expansion
* Jobs requiring good people skills
* Leadership roles
* Teaching
Sagittarius: November 21 - December 21
* Working 9-5 in an office without any breaks outdoors
* A Sagittarian's worst nightmare is a job with an overabundance of rules and regulations
* Jobs with loads of responsibility or stress usually don't suit the Sagittarian temperament
* Jobs where patience is required as Sagittarius is known for being impatient and irritable
3 Effective Marketing Strategies For Selling Digital Products Online
How to get your foot in the door of what could be a $325 billion industry.
Tina Dahmen
CEO of The Biz Heroes & Dahmen Consulting OÜ
July 29, 2020
Selling digital goods and getting started in the online education sector has never been easier in today’s online world. According to Research and Markets, the online education industry is poised to become a $325 billion dollar industry by 2025, increasing from $187.877 billion in 2019.
Not only do we live in an instant gratification economy, where we want to have products delivered instantly to our doorstep (or even better via our email inbox), but we also demand location-independent freedom from both sides, the consumer and the business perspective.
Consumers are purchasing more and more digital goods, for example: membership sites, ebooks, audiobooks, digital courses or live lessons and tutorials, videos, songs, design, photography, templates, apps, masterminds or worksheets. There are literally hundreds of digital product options out there that you can add to your product suite.
There are countless benefits to selling digital goods online. For instance, the entry barrier on getting started is very low, digital goods are low-maintenance in general, you have full creative freedom and digital products have huge scalability.
Here are the top three tips and marketing strategies on how you can promote and sell digital products best to achieve the highest profits possible, listed in no particular order.
1. Online summits
Online events and online summits have become a very popular and important marketing channel over the past few months. Many events and conferences have forcefully been cancelled, and the smartest businesses have moved their events online.
Virtual summits run generally between one to 10 days, and attendees are able to watch expert’s interviews and presentations free of charge for a short amount of time. Usually, online summits are so value-packed, with many speakers presenting per day, that overwhelmed attendees don’t find the mental capacity or even the time to consume all the content in one go.
The hosts then offer one or several up-sells to the viewers, so they can purchase the recordings all together and watch them on their own time.
You can host an online summit on any topic and don’t even need to be an expert in the particular topic you are representing. If you or your speakers have additional digital goods, such as online courses or ebook that they can throw in to make the up-sell offer more appealing to the buyer, then this will increase your chances of a higher sales rate. The bonus is it doesn’t really cost you or the creator of the course more money.
2. Online challenges
Online challenges, and in particular five-day challenges, have become increasingly popular amongst online marketers, as they achieve fast results. An online challenge consists mostly of a video series the attendees will watch and corresponding "homework" assignments. According to Yahoo Finance, one minute of video is worth 1.8 million words. So, seeing you on video every day, especially when it’s live and you can interact with your audience, increases your trust score tremendously.
A challenge will help your ideal customer avatar get started creating something like an outline for their next online course or a launch plan for their next book promotion. This way your up-sell at the end (which in this case could be a full program or course on how to create your online course or how to write your first ebook) will become very easy, as the prospects have already started to do the work and feel motivated to keep going with it.
The most effective challenges run usually between three and five days, as this is a healthy timeframe to get people through their daily tasks without dropping out. Most marketers run a low-cost and high-turnout challenge on Facebook. According to Hootsuite, Facebook is the third-most visited website and has become the most popular platform to execute and market a challenge.
3. Membership sites and online learning platforms
Membership sites and online learning platforms are another awesome but much more indirect way to sell digital products. You can either build your own e-learning platform where you can sell your own digital products or you can sell digital goods from fellow experts in the industry.
There are many different types of membership site models and online course platforms you can either join or create. To name just a few:
The drip-fed model: Content will be added every month.
The all-in membership: Members get access to everything straight away.
The online community membership: Members get access to private forums, masterminds or online groups.
A consultant and course creator, for example, isn’t necessarily interested in creating ongoing new content and therefore isn’t looking to build an entire membership site themselves. However, most consultants, coaches and course creators are more than eager to get involved in a joint venture and have their online course listed on the best e-learning platforms in return for an affiliate commission or simply for exposure.