Author: Kristen Lund
From helping you hire a well-rounded staff to aiding in solving communication woes, personality tests deserve a place in a small business owner’s toolbox.
Amanda Gamble took a temporary job a few years ago with her father’s company, Door & Gate USA in Claymont, Delaware. The job quickly grew stressful as she witnessed frequent miscommunication, arguments and errors. She tried to serve as a mediator between conflicting employees.
“It was incredibly frustrating because everyone was great at what they did,” says Gamble, who now runs Right Start Enterprises, an entrepreneurial consulting company in Odessa, Delaware. “But together, it was like internal combustion waiting to happen.”
The company’s assistant, who was working part-time while starting her own company, told Gamble that she was being certified as an administrator of the Path Elements Profile, a personality test designed to improve communication within a group. Figuring the company had nothing to lose, Gamble asked the team members to take the test, which classifies each person as one of the four elements: fire, wind, earth or water.
“We saw nearly instantaneous results,” she says. Gamble suddenly understood why her father, a high-energy, demanding fire personality, had a difficult time working with a close colleague, a water personality who had become withdrawn and burned out. After taking the Path Elements Profile, “they were more aware of the words they chose, which made their communication more productive,” she says.
“We also realized that moving that individual into another role within the company might be more ideal for him because of his personality type,” she says. “But it was a role in which he had no experience, so we took the risk in training him. Within weeks, he was flourishing and overall just a happier employee. His personality brought a certain balance to the existing team that made them better and more efficient both internally and externally.”
Gamble was so impressed by the experience that today, she recommends personality tests to her small business clients, both for hiring and for solving specific problems. “I suggest hiring for personality type and work ethic over skill,” she says, noting that awareness of personality types can help a business owner create a well-rounded team. “While skills are important, a team that is unbalanced in personality types can be more detrimental than one with a lack of skills. Skills can be taught. Personalities, ultimately can’t be changed.”
However, Rebecca Lacy, president of Pinnacle Management Group Inc. in Farmington, Missouri, cautions business owners against developing a bias toward people who share their personality type. “People have a tendency to hire in their own image,” she says. “You can get a bunch of people who don’t bring different schools of thought to the table.”
Clients often call Lacy, a coach and consultant who administers numerous personality tests, to help them solve communication issues like the ones Gamble faced. How can you tell if your business could benefit from personality tests? Watch for employees not cooperating, withdrawing or being subversive, especially if you have at least five to 10 on your staff—a number that means less interaction but more points of conflict.
Personality tests can also help your employees do their jobs better, Lacy says, because the concepts and personality types are often easy to recognize even in people who haven’t taken the same test. For example, if a new employee is heading out on a sales call to a client he or she hasn’t met, “talk about the customer’s personality and how to prepare a presentation that fits their style,” Lacy says.
Perihal di atas ini memang sudah lama ada di dalam kaedah pernomboran sejak tahun 2007 lagi. Artikel ini mengesahkan lagi kebaikan kaedah sebegini.
Program berkaitan:
- KDT Kelas Dalam Talian - ELEMEN DIRI
- KDT/ Kelas Who AM I (asas pernomboran)
- Konsultansi Peribadi / Perniagaan.
Author: Kristen Lund
‘No’ doesn’t have to be the final word. Here’s how to negotiate with naysaying clients.
In small business, you win some and you lose some. But when a client says no to more money, to a big idea or to a new business relationship, don’t assume it’s a done deal. After a refusal, the most important question you can ask is “why?” says Victoria Pynchon, co-founder of She Negotiates, a consulting and training firm in Los Angeles.
“Open-ended questions call for a narrative response,” says Pynchon, a former litigator. “We should not be assuming we know what the other person wants and needs.”
Here, Pynchon offers suggestions for what to say when a client tells you no:
… To More Money.
Begin by asking why the price is too high, then discuss how you may be able to work together to agree upon a fee. A few options:
- Payments spread out over time
- A reduced fee with a back-end bonus if your proposal improves your client’s financial standing
- A series of flat fees for certain landmarks
If the client still refuses your fee, ask, “Can you think of any other way we could profitably work together?” If the answer is no, offer to refer the client to a contact of yours who could provide a similar service for a lower fee.
… To a Big Idea. Several years ago, Stamats, a higher education marketing firm in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, pitched a new branding idea to Drake University: the Drake Advantage, with the logo “D+.” It was bold and edgy. It wasn’t universally loved. But prior to launch, testing showed that it grabbed the attention of more than 75 percent of high schoolers—the campaign’s target audience—and 90 percent called it unique compared to other colleges’ marketing efforts.
Drake said yes, while many universities probably would have said no. If you pitch a bold idea and meet resistance, Pynchon suggests asking your clients to propose ideas that are a better fit for them. Or ask how they prefer to differentiate themselves from the competition. This will spark a brainstorming session, and “maybe you’ll come up with a better idea together,” she says. “Or you may come back to the original idea because you were pitching ones that weren’t as good as your first.”
… To New Business. If you try to strike up a new business relationship and are rejected, ask questions rather than do the talking and focus on the mutual benefits, Pynchon says. For example, she is advising an inventor who must decide whether he’ll sell his product wholesale to a single distributor. The negotiations and financial considerations are complex, but the distributor’s argument is powerful: It has the connections and experience to help his invention succeed in the global marketplace.
By asking the client questions about his or her business, look for the gaps where you could contribute your expertise. “People don’t like to be sold,” Pynchon says. “But they like to be helped.”
Program berkaitan:
1. Seminar Potensi Kejayaan Wanita - Jati Maharani
2. Sesi Konsultansi Peribadi / Perniagaan.
3. Kelas WHOAMI (Asas Diri) / Kelas Dalam Talian KDT01 WhoAMI - hubungi En Nizam 012 769 3807
Assalamualaikum cikgu ady.. alhamdulillah selepas doa di shah alam macam2 project masuk dan rezeki yang langsung tak diduga... doa satu2nya senjata yang terakhir
Alhamdulillah lpas majlis berdoa tepi tasik shah alam bri ni rezeki saya dtg mencurah2. On the way nk dtg hari tu saya dpt invitation utk bg talk kt 600 orang di Melaka... last month saya dapat peluang perniagaan bernilai 100K...
Assalamualaikum wbt cikgu A-D syukur Alhamdulillah sy sudah blh menggunakan kod 38 dgn teknik pernafasan yg diijazahkan Pak Lah ketika majlis berdoa di masjid negeri shah alam pd 11.12.13. Teknik ni sgt mudah dipratikkn dn gerak hati jg memudahkan urusniaga
Salam cikgu A-D, tadi jam 145 ptg saya buat solat hajat di masjid wilayah berdoa nak jadi kaya, selepas solat saya terus buat kerja say edar flyer di kenderaan yang ada di sekitar masjid, tiba2 ada satu motor tu di bakulnya ada duit RM50, tapi saya tak ambillah sebab dlm hati kata bukan duit aku tu, tapi itulah keberkesanan berdoa hari ini 14 dis keluar saja dari masjid jumpa RM50. Alhamdullillah aura duit tu dah sampai.
Suami dpt bli keta nip n brkat pg majelis doa ngn cikgu di muar…
smlm bru lps bincang, sykt d lantik jd pembekal sebuah produk berasakn sawit… berkat doa kt muar ari tu.. sbb msa doa bwk kertas cadangan.
Salam Cikgu Eddy, berkat berdoa pada 3hb Jun di Muar, pembayaran yang tertangguh daripada 'business partner' telah saya terima pada 4hb Jun. Begitu cepat kesannya apabila kita berikhtiar dan berdoa dengan ikhlas ke hadrat Allah.
salam cikgu eddy..saya bermula join biz pd 1.12.2011 bermula slpas majlis berdoa yg pertama di muar hr tu.. dan hingga sekarang, alhamdulillah rezeki x putus.. kalau dulu harap pd makan gaji jer.. now dpat xtra income dlm 2k sebulan
Berita baik untuk penduduk Lembah Klang - sudah lama tak buat program berdoa secara langsung bersama... selalunya jarak jauh dan selalunya di luar Selangor... yang terakhir di Putrajaya pada 2010 lalu... ketika itu sdra Noredie (Avail Johor) ada datang untuk program berdoa.. dan selepas itu kejayaan demi kejayaan beliau hingga kini... energi Putrajaya dan aura Masjid Tuanku Mizan. Khasiat energi pada 9 Ogos nanti adalah Main Structure Great Pioneer iaitu "berpotensi menjadi jutawan segera" (be a millionaire overnight).. juga untuk energi 2015 nanti adalah Virtuous Star (kekayaan).. jadi taktala rakyat Malaysia mengeluh kerana Vacuum Star 2015 untuk negara Malaysia, kita pula dah ada energi kekayaan... mudah-mudahan kita ikhtiar... kan elok ikhtiar daripada asyik merungut atau tadah nasib atau termenung semata-mata kan ... bukannya kita nak berpiket kat Putrajaya depan PM minta BRIM lebih... kita nak berdoa kat Masjid! Mana tau dengan doa kita nanti, negara kita dari energi Putrajaya ni menjadikan negara kita lebih kaya raya... kita tolong rakyat Malaysia juga kan... nak bagi BRIM kita tak mampu.. kita bagi doa... Sempena semangat raya sebulan syawal ini, digalakkan pakaian tradisional (baju melayu/ kurung) dan bawalah kuih yang terlebih kat rumah tu untuk dikongsi kita beraya di Putrajaya pulak... Bawa sekali bahan/ produk/ flier untuk didoakan/ transfer energi.. bawa sekali dokumen tender bolehlah terus submit ke kementerian di Putrajaya minta projek juta-juta! Ikhtiarlah kan... Berkumpul jam 3 petang Sabtu, 9 Ogos 2014. Sila hantar mesej kod MB. |
Chiang Mai: Nasib yang sering tidak menyebelahi Yingluck Shinawatra mungkin memaksanya menjalankan upacara keagamaan di Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep semalam bagi membuang nasib malang yang menimpanya.

Program berkaitan:
Konsultansi Peribadi bersama cikgu Ady (SMS atau WhatsApp di 016 624 9666)
Every day we make handfuls of commitments. We say we'll meet friends for drinks or pick up the dry cleaning. We swear we'll make it to the gym or call our grandmothers. And while these are all great promises, they all have one slightly negative commonality: They sound more like items on a to-do list than actual vows.
If you're wanting to make promises that are really worth crossing your heart for, try making the five vows below. Then swear not to break them.
I will make a point to notice when life is good.
It's easy to dwell on the dreary days, the bad workouts, the broken coffee machine and the horrible fights, but the antidote isn't incessant rumination. Practicing gratitude in spite of the negative is the best way out. Expressing thanks -- whether it's just calling the good to mind or writing it down -- can help you deflect bad experiences and cultivate a happier attitude. By promising yourself you'll look at the good side and being thankful for it, you're automatically setting yourself up for joy.
I will listen to my body and my mind when I'm stressed out.
As HuffPost President and Editor-in-Chief Arianna Huffington points out, burnout is the disease of our civilization -- so how can we prevent ourselves from catching it? When something's wrong, our bodies tend to scream louder than our minds. It's important to tune into the warning signs of stress -- physical and mental. That includes paying attention to out-of-the-ordinary symptoms like upset stomachs, tight muscles and recurring dreams, and making a promise to tap into those red flags. You may be able to stop (and ultimately avoid) burnout.
I will smile at one stranger today.
Giving a friendly grin isn't just a simple gesture -- it's an instant wellness booster. Studies have shown that the simple act of smiling can increase your mood, and flashing those pearly whites to a stranger can help you feel more connected. By promising to smile at someone once a day, you're not only helping yourself, you're boosting the morale of others. And doesn't that feel good?
I will be kind to myself.
Whether it's your appearance or your abilities, you deserve to be treated respectfully --and that includes the thoughts you have about yourself. Research shows that self acceptance is paramount to a happier life, but it's the habit we tend to practice the least. Make a vow to be kinder to the person staring back at you in the mirror. Don't know where to start? Try saying these phrases to yourself each day.
I will try my best.
We're often our own worst critics when it comes to estimating our abilities, so make a promise to yourself today that you're going to take control of that criticism. Shame-based thoughts get us nowhere, and soon they affect more than our capabilities at work.
As licensed psychologist and author Margaret Wehrenberg points out, the labels we give ourselves are the ones that stick -- and it's better to accept what your best is than put down what you're not. "Observing without judgment can move you to see yourself in new, objective terms and can lead to greater understanding and acceptance of yourself without the negative labels," she wrote in a recent Psychology Today blog. "A consequence will be greater compassion toward others and more positive relationships.
Oliver Wyman Group has released a very interesting piece about the potential for a future financial crisis. They make the case that the next great financial crisis will occur around 2015 and will be the result of a massive bubble in commodity markets that results in widespread economic collapse and sovereign defaults.
Read more:
Arikel di atas ditulis pada tahun 2011 lalu... kebetulan tahun 2015 sama kitaran tahun 1997 dan Malaysia pula dalam Vacuum Star sama seperti tahun 2007 lalu... kali ini GST, kenaikan OPR dsbnya... bagaimana anda dan bisnes anda nak hadapi masalah ini dengan berkesan? Jom, seminar strategi tahun 2015.. siap kita berdoa sekali tu.
Satu kaedah untuk tingkatkan sales atau keupayaan organisasi anda adalah meletakkan kakitangan/ leader / ejen di tempat duduk yang sesuai... macam kaedah feng shui cuma versi cikgu Ady berbeza kerana kita melihat kepada strategi... jadi, lain orang lain pula kerusi/ meja kedudukan yang sesuai untuk close sale, buat kerja dengan tenang dsbnya... kan senang untuk cipta kejayaan! Audit premis perniagaan bersama cikgu Ady. |
Satu perkhidmatan yang cikgu Ady dan team sediakan adalah perkhidmatan program ikhtiar energi / berdoa kekayaan/ kejayaan... ini adalah satu-satu program seumpama dan pertama di dunia... program ini menggunakan kaedah pengiraan hari dan waktu yang dikatakan mengandungi energi yang baik untuk berdoa/ ikhtiar energi... ini satu ikhtiar kita bersama kerana selama ini kita berdoa/ berusaha sendirian tetapi kurang berhasil jadi kita buat ikhtiar ini secara bersama (berkongsi energi).... biasanya secara jarak jauh dan sesekali ada dibuat secara langsung berkumpul di sesuatu tempat seperti Masjid Jamek Muar.... gunakan khidmat kami ini sebagai satu ikhtiar tambahan kepada apa juga usaha anda - kekayaan, kejayaan atau kasih sayang.
Program berkaitan:
- Program Ikhtiar Berdoa Kekayaan (secara jarak jauh atau berkumpul di masjid pilihan).
Saya sangat bersyukur dan berterima kasih kerana telah di pertemukan dgn cikgu. Pada masa itu saya mengalami masalah kewangan yang agak teruk dan dalam dilemma untuk berpindah tempat kerja. Dgn panduan graf hayat... Alhamdulillah… Saya telah dinaik kan pangkat dan kenaikan gaji bila saya memutuskan untuk bertahan di sini.
Kenapa perangai orang Aries dan Gemini seperti agak kasar (995) dan apakah orang VIrgo suka/ pandai memasak (499)? Banyak lagi boleh dikupas... nanti kita belajar dalam kursus seterusnya.