Jom, kepada muslimin / muslimat, yang mahukan kejayaan, kekayaan maka ikhtiarlah berdoa di Mekah dan Madinah!
Foto oleh cikgu Ady.
Kerana itulah antara ikhtiar "cuci / pulih" energi pola 38 adalah seperti rawatan energi... yang "advanced" adalah seperti program tanam pasir emas Mersing (20 Mac 2015 - Gerhana Matahari) dan Energi Laut Pulau Besar Melaka (4 April 2015 - Gerhana Bulan). Jika tak dapat hadir, boleh ikhtiar secara jarak jauh pada hari-hari tersebut atau pada hari-hari "energi pola 38" yang lain. Anda perlu mahir menguruskan energi 38 anda kerana pola 38 sebenarnya adalah satu anugerah baik jika dapat diuruskan dengan baik. Pengalaman cikgu Ady menyelesaikan satu masalah individu pola 38 yang selalu nampak bayangan tetapi selepas itu dapat nampak cahaya terang yang menyamankan.... ada positif dan negatif pola 38 ni perlu tahu.
Tambahan pula, tentang jenuh berubat juga ada faktor seperti tempoh masa sakit (kes individu ini bermasalah dari 2012 hingga 2021), lokasi dalam rumah, warna dalam rumah dsbnya... jadi, di dalam kaedah tarikh lahir versi cikgu Ady bukan sekadar ikhtiar rawatan tetapi pembetulan dari aspek warna, lokasi dsbnya.
Majoriti orang tidak dapat memahami perihal mistik sebegini di zaman Samsung dan WhatsApp sekarang ini...ia masih wujud dan ramai anggap ianya sebagai penyakit, tapi jika dapat diuruskan dengan baik ianya adalah satu tenaga yang begitu hebat... dengan syarat ada cara pengurusannya.
Program berkaitan:
- Program Upload Energi Aura 38
- Kursus Pola 38 Tahap 1, 2 dan 3.
Program Upload Energi Pasir Emas Mersing
20 Mac 2015 Langsung dari Pantai Sri Mersing (Batch ke-3)
berserta ikhtiar berdoa / rawatan energi kekayaan (jarak jauh)
Program 19 Mac petang (daftar) sehingga petang 20 mac bersurai (solat Jumaat tengahari di Masjid Mersing)
Untuk cleansing, upload dan download energi alam pada 20 Mac di Mersing... Fenomena Gerhana Matahari simbolik masuk ke "dunia baru", maka energi/ "kelahiran semula" pada 20 Mac 2015 ikhtiar kita masuk ke dunia baru yang lebih kaya, bahagia dan ceria... kebetulan, istiadat pemahkotaan Sultan Johor di adakan 3 hari selepas itu, satu lagi fenomena energi pola 38 diadakan ... Johor "masuk ke dunia baru". Jom, upload energi 20 Mac 2015... Langsung bersama kami di Mersing atau jika tak dapat hadir secara Jarak Jauh (Pakej Bulanan/ Individu).
Dengan modul ini, para peserta Singapura lebih memahami strategi kaedah tarikh lahir. Sebelum-sebelum ini mereka telah belajar daripada pelbagai sumber dan tentunya versi cikgu Ady menambahkan lagi ilmu dan lebih terus kepada strategi untuk kejayaan arah dan pasaran.
Ada permintaan untuk program berdoa dan energi tanam pasir di Singapura tu.. insyallah pihak kami akan cuba susunkan program.
Jadi, nak tanya kepada anda mungkin anda ada pengalaman yang sama/ berbeza?
Details Published on Thursday, 26 February 2015 15:28 Written by Ashraf Wahab
KUALA LUMPUR – As the global price of oil continues to plummet, it seems that it is not only Malaysia’s economy that is feeling the effect. US Business magazine Forbes reports that the trend is also burning a hole in the pockets of the country’s billionaires. The biggest drop in terms of percentage was suffered by Datuk Mokhzani Mahathir, who is the second son of former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Mohkzani, who occupies the 26th spot in Malaysia’s Richest Person List, sees his net worth plunge by 42 per cent or RM1.8 billion. This knocks him out of the billionaire ranks. Brothers Shahril and Shahriman Shamsuddin, the main investors in SapuraKencana, where Mokhzani also invests, suffered a loss of nearly 40 per cent of their net worth – from RM5 billion to RM3.1 billion. They fall from 11th spot in the list to 21st. “As global oil prices plummeted from a peak of US$115 (RM414.67) a barrel to below US$50 a barrel, the wealth of the country’s oil and gas tycoons fell by hundreds of millions of dollars,” the article said. The downward slide in oil prices also hurt the top three richest – Robert Kuok, Ananda Krishnan and Quek Leng Chan --who each have significant oil & gas services operations. In fact, 11 of Malaysia’s top 50 fortunes have ties to the oil sector, and most were down.
Seperti yang cikgu Ady beritahu dari tahun lepas bahawa 2015 ini tahun Vacuum Star untuk negara Malaysia.. maka terjadilah berita menyedihkan di atas... kesian kan, orang-orang yang disenaraikan tu dah jadi lebih miskin.. kalau dulu ada RM5 bilion sekarang tahun 2015 ni ada RM3.1 billion je.. kesian jadi lebih miskin tak dapat nak bermewah macam dulu lagi... yang nama anda tak disenaraikan di situ bertuahlah ye lebih kaya dari mereka... tu lah, dah sound awal-awal tapi tak serius.
- Konsultansi Asas / Perniagaan
- Kursus Poa 966 Potensi Usahawan Menguntungkan
- Seminar Bisnes Berjaya Kaya.
(Feb 25): Sejak join program berdoa Makkah dan program wakaf Al-Quran...saya berjaya withdraw duit forex sebanyak 500 USD... Hati rasa gembira sgt2...perjalanan hidup sy nmpak mcm mudah jer...rezeki Forex pun bertambah2,jiwa berasa tenang sgt....Allahuakhbar...
kalau USD500 x RM3.6 = RM1800
Inilah yang dinamakan ikhtiar... selama ini kita ikhtiar berdoa sorang-sorang macam tak berjawab je doa kita, lalu kita ikhtiar berdoa beramai-ramai berjemaah di masjid yang mana ikhtiar berdoa pada hari dan waktu yang baik (dari pengiraan pernomboran metafizik) dan ikhtiar juga buat sumbangan semampunya dsbnya, maka dengan ikhtiar kita itu menunjukkan kita ini memang berusaha keras dan bersungguh untuk berjaya maka apabila dapat kejayaan menjadi satu kenangan baik.
Program berdoa Makkah dan Wakaf Al-Quran di Mekah (Jumaat 20 Feb 2014) modal dari peserta adalah sikit, bukannya cikgu Ady dapat komisen dari untung tu tapi tapak kaki pecah jalan berjingkit, bibir pecah merekah, betis seharian crammed, sakit badan ditolak puluhan orang dsbnya balik Malaysia demam 2-3 hari, tak mengapa itu yang cikgu Ady cuba bantu tunjukkan anda berusaha untuk anda berjaya sebab individu sendiri nak pergi Mekah mungkin belum bersedia tapi cikgu Ady cuba bantu yang termampu, moga Allah swt juga memberi kekayaan kepada cikgu Ady yang cuba berusaha untuk bantu orang lain berjaya, kata seorang guru kepada cikgu Ady "jika kamu nak kaya kamu kena jadikan orang lain kaya dulu"... teruskan positif dan jom terus kita ikhtiar bersama sama untuk kekayaan dan kejayaan dunia & akhirat.
(peserta Wakaf Al-Quran Mekah 20 Feb 2015 dan Ikhtiar Doa Kekayaan Mekah 19 Feb 2015)
Mungkin "energi" dari amalan cikgu Ady, bukan cikgu Ady secara spiritual, dizahirkan dalam mimpi seseorang. Yang penting, jika bermimpikan sesuatu yang kebenaran, maka buatlah solat hajat untuk memohon diberikan kebaikan, kerana mimpi juga satu petanda/ petunjuk. Biasanya bermimpi kalimah Allah adalah memberi petanda supaya individu itu untuk lebih dekat kepada Nya dengan amalan2, seperti yang "cikgu Ady" cakap dalam mimpi tu sama juga untuk banyak buat amal... kenapa dengan amal? Adakah tak cukup amal? Kemungkinan ya tidak cukup amal kerana kesibukan kita bekerja atau apabila kita negatif, kita kurang beramal, jika beramal pun kita macam tak ikhlas. Tambah amal bermaksud lebih konsisten, tambahkan amalan daripada biasa, contoh sebelum ini tidak pernah buat solat Dhuha sekarang ini buat solat Dhuha dsbnya.
Walau bagaimanapun, jika anda tidak bermimpi setelah menyertai program ikhtiar adalah tidak mengapa.. bukan semestinya program sebegini perlu ada mimpi atau kesan pening, yang penting ada orang yang merasainya menunjukkan program ini wujud dansemua peserta yang join mendapat manafaat energi juga, mudah-mudahan.
Menarik kali ini untuk bulan Mac 2015 ada dua peristiwa energi (Aura 38) yang besar - gerhana matahari (total) yang berlaku pada hari JUMAAT hari berkat 20 Mac dan juga istiadat pemahkotaan DYMM Sultan Johor pada 23 Mac 2015. Jika anda lihat dua tarikh di bawah kedua-duanya ada Pola 38 iaitu tentang ENERGI. Biasanya pola 38 ditemui pada fenomena kesultanan dan berkaitan energi kehidupan.
Energi Gerhana Matahari Aura 38 - untuk energi "perubahan" masuk ke dunia "baru" yang lebih baik.
Energi Kesultanan Aura 38 - untuk energi kepimpinan, kekayaan dan kehormatan/ kedaulatan.
Insyallah kami akan buat langsung dari PANTAI SERI MERSING, untuk energi emas dari sana. Jika anda nak join program Energi Mersing KALI KETIGA ini, hubungi:
En Nizam 012 7693807 atau
En Saiful 0142797669
Becoming your own boss is many people's dream. The appeal seems obvious - complete freedom over how you organise your time, and only having yourself to answer to.
A host of recent multi-billion dollar deals for small start-ups, particularly in the tech arena, have helped fuel many people's dreams.
Facebook paid a cool $19bn (£11.4bn) for messaging app WhatsApp when it had just 50 employees and had only been in existence for six years.
The internet giant also paid $1bn for photo-sharing smartphone app Instagram, which was less than two years old and had only 13 staff.
Similarly, Yahoo shelled out $1.1bn for blogging service Tumblr, founded just six years earlier.
Successes like these make it tempting to think that with the right idea serious wealth is just around the corner, yet the stark truth is that most start-ups fail.
In fact, the majority (55%) of British small and medium-sized enterprises don't survive more than five years, according to research from RSA, the UK's largest commercial insurer.
And ditching the day job to start up your own business is rarely as glamorous as it sounds.
'Really competitive'
Filipa Neto is co-founder of Chic by Choice, an online marketplace which rents out designer dresses, enabling people to hire rather than buy them.
Ms Neto, originally from Portugal, says she and co-founder Lara Vidreiro came up with the idea after struggling to find dresses for formalwear events when they were not willing to shell out hundreds of pounds.
She says her parents were initially sceptical of her idea.
"In the beginning, they were like 'what are you doing with your life? Why are you not going to a consulting company or working for McKinsey, Deloitte or KPMG?'," says Ms Neto.
"Those were the expectations for someone who went to a really good university in my country."
The business launched in June last year and is not yet profitable, but so far it has 230,000 customers from 15 countries across western Europe, and its transactions are increasing by 30% each month.
But Ms Neto says it is difficult to persuade more well-known designers and established brands to join her database of suppliers.
"It's really competitive. So even when I do an approach that is really targeted I know there are a hundred other people trying a targeted approach as well."
'Delicate balance'
Leadership expert Steve Tappin says start-up firms like Chic by Choice should assume a 90% failure rate when trying to get big firms on board, with only a minority of the most pioneering large firms willing to do any kind of tie-up with a new company.
"Their fear is of making the wrong decision and getting into trouble with the hierarchy, that's for most corporates unfortunately the situation."
However, he says there are "four elements of trust" which any start-up founder can work on to help persuade a large firm to support them: making some kind of personal connection, ensuring their motivation behind the business is genuinely convincing, proving they have the ability to deliver consistently. and making sure their way of doing business is compatible.
But even once a start-up has persuaded larger firms to come on board either as part of a partnership, or by way of an investment to help it expand, working out how big a share of the firm to give away as part of the deal can be difficult.
Peter Ward is co-founder of WAYN, an acronym for Where are you now?, a social network aimed at connecting travellers and helping people discover where to go and what to do in new places.
It's already profitable, with a presence in 193 countries and more than 23 million members, but Mr Ward has bigger ambitions, wanting the firm to be valued at $1bn. Yet getting the right investors on board to help it drive this expansion, but still managing to keep overall control is a "delicate balance", he says.
"The trade off is you want to raise more but obviously maintain the control, which in our case is board control as well as equity majority. One of the things that plays on my mind is do we have enough financial support to play against the big guys?"
To address this, Mr Ward says he is focusing closely on people's perception of the firm.
"The key is to get the balance right, where you can show momentum, you can show that you're doing something unique, that has the potential to be huge," he says.
Carving a niche
Julian Warowioff is UK managing director of German start up Lemonaid Beverages, a soft drinks firm using organic and fair trade ingredients, where 5p of each bottle purchased goes to its charity, and which aims to help disadvantaged communities globally. He says competition with bigger firms is also a challenge.
"We are still a very small company compared to our competitors, which have really big marketing budgets which we can and will never have," he says.
However, instead of trying to directly compete, Mr Warowioff says Lemonaid Beverages is trying to carve out its own niche using word of mouth, and trying to spread the word about the company and its charitable projects by attending music festivals and similar such events to meet potential customers directly.
"As we do not have shareholders in the company that ask for a profit margin on their investment we're pretty free to choose how much we want to sell, where we want to sell," he says.
"For us that means we'd rather supply the small individual artsy cafe bar restaurant scene, the corner stores, the organic wholefood stores, rather than the big supermarket chains."
In the end, the biggest determinant of success for a start-up firm, says Mr Tappin, is how convincingly a founder is able to convey their own excitement about the business.
"They've got to love their business. It's got to be connected to them and it's got to be meaningful for them. If they can create the same passion in investors then the sky's the limit," he says