Bulan Mei 2020 adalah "penentuan" untuk perjalanan kita pada tahun 2021 nanti. Berdasarkan pemerhatian Dato Eddy Rosyadie, bulan Mei dan Jun merupakan petunjuk untuk perjalanan tahun akan datang. Kita mesti bina energi yang baik untuk Mei dan Jun ini supaya perjalanan kehidupan/ perniagaan/ kerjaya kita adalah baik pada tahun hadapannya.
Tahniah perlantikan sebagai Pengerusi Bursa Malaysia. Memang pola tarikh lahir berpotensi dalam bidang pelaburan dan kewangan. Petak statik adalah sama dengan petak statik Bill Gates. Tetapi berbanding dengan Bill Gates yang melibatkan diri dalam pelaburan antarabangsa yang pelbagai secara langsung. Tak mengapa, yang penting potensi kekayaan itu lebih menyerlah nanti. |
Tahun 2020 ini Malaysia melalui tempoh Great Financier (Graf Hayat) yang mana melibatkan pembiayaan atau funder/ investor. Tiba2 tahun ini tak pernah dibuat Bank Negara bagi moratorium 6 bulan untuk bayaran pinjaman. Juga, tahun ini juga tak pernah dibuat, tiba2 kerajaan Malaysia umumkan RM250 bilion sebagai pelan pemulihan ekonomi. Begitulah peranan Great Financier. Lihat Graf Hayat anda untuk Great Financier - bilakah tahun berlaku Great Financier? Ketahuilah dengan join KDT (Kelas Dalam aplikasi Telegram). |
Kini perniagaan secara online adalah lebih meluas penggunaannya. Tetapi sama seperti perniagaan premis kedai yang punyai saingan pilihan dan harga dengan ribuan laman yang lain. Dalam kaedah metafizik, nama online, cara penyampaian, cara tulisan dsbnya memainkan peranan untuk menarik pelanggan. Dapatkan khidmat rundingcara pemasaran secara online dengan kaedah metafizik bersama Dato Eddy Rosyadie (017 769 7946 / 016 624 9666) |
Untuk meneliti perjalanan kehadapan perniagaan mahupun kehidupan anda atau kerjaya anda ataupun perjalanan alam perkahwinan anda, sebaiknya menggunakan data2 sebegini untuk membuat persiapan awal dan strategi yang sewajarnya. Meneliti punca yang sebenarnya dan status terkini serta status akan datang.
Khidmat Dato Eddy Rosyadie (017 769 7946 / 016 624 9666):
- Sesi konsultansi peribadi / perniagaan / perkahwinan (online/ bertemu) 1 jam / 2 jam.
Bagaimana pula dengan kitaran tahunan anda, kitaran tahunan perkahwinan anda dan kitaran tahunan syarikat anda? Pastikan membuat tindakan yang tepat pada kitaran tahun yang sesuai. Ada kitaran tahunan yang baik dan ada kitaran tahunan yang kurang baik. Menguruskan prestasi potensi di sepanjang kehidupan, perkahwinan dan perniagaan. Sebaiknya mengenalpasti kitaran tahunan lebih awal sebelum masuk ke tahun tersebut untuk disesuaikan strategi dan ikhtiar.
How Entrepreneurs Can Win During A Recession Be strategic today, and you can lay the foundation for giant gains tomorrow. Hamza Mudassir GUEST WRITER Managing Director and Co-Founder at Platypodes.io The COVID-19 pandemic ended a record 11-year bull run of the U.S. stock market. This, coupled with an oil price crash instigated by Saudi Arabia and Russia, has all the signs of an imminent global recession. Depending on who you trust with your forecasts, most experts are predicting a global contraction that can last anywhere between 6 months up to 2 years. The word ‘recession’ strikes fear in the hearts of startups and established businesses alike—and for good reason. Long-running studies from dozens of countries indicate that global recessions drive a doubling in bankruptcy and unemployment rates, as well as a sharp decrease in the number of new businesses formed. On the other hand, new evidence is now showing that—over the longer run—recessions do not impact the eventual success of a business. In a study by the Kauffman foundation, 8,464 U.S. companies were analysed against a backdrop of nine recessions, and found that their propensity to do an initial public offering was not impacted by economic contractions. In fact, powerhouse tech and non-tech firms such as Apple, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, Walt Disney and Krispy Kreme can trace their origins back to various recessions. As part of my consulting practice, I work closely with entrepreneurs, CEOs, and PE and VC boards over a wide range of corporate strategy and organizational change topics. These days, their number one concern is about making the right strategic calls now so as to better navigate the upcoming recession and come out of the other end poised for growth. To ensure that there was enough scientific rigour in my feedback to them, I conducted extensive research literature review, analysed dozens of companies that bounced back successfully from the 2008 financial crisis, and interviewed several entrepreneurs on how they are adapting to these changing times successfully. Here are the four insights that stood out the most: 1. One strategy does not fit all, especially for smaller firms Given the current news cycle, it is easy to imagine that a recession hits all businesses equally, resulting in similar levels of underperformance. Studies show that this assumption could not be further from the truth. Some businesses do suffer from a sales downturn thanks to a recession, while others end up with a sharp increase in sales. Furthermore, the popular doctrine of small businesses being especially vulnerable to recessions is open for debate as well. What small businesses lack in resources and cash, they more than make up for in terms of speed and flexibility. We can be sure of one thing: Irrespective of size, your company’s ability to adapt quickly is your biggest defence against a recession. Therefore, make sure you are fully aware of the forces that your business will be exposed to during this time and then pick your battles strategically. You can do so by tracking the health of your biggest customers and their changing needs, investigating the stability and relevance of your existing supplier base as well as deepening your understanding of your company’s competitive advantage in this new world order. Work with an independent sounding board—say, an advisor or a mentor—who can analyse and co-create your new strategy with you. The last thing you want to do is to make big decisions with a lens of either excessive pessimism or optimism without checks and balances for either in place. 2. Aim for transformational jumps in productivity—not just cutting costs Recessions are usually triggers for large-scale layoffs and cost cutting, irrespective of sectors and company sizes. In fact, as of now, the US is tracking towards historic unemployment levels in the face of the COVID-19 lockdown. Ironically, in research done on recessions by HBS, it becomes quite clear that following a single-minded, "cost cut only" strategy is a recipe for disaster. This is because such an approach assumes that talent, technology, and opportunity would be easily available for a company once the recession is over. This is usually never the case, and a company that only follows a cost-cutting strategy will struggle to regain capabilities and capacity when the economy returns to normal. That's why performance never bounces back to pre-recession levels. It is much better to gear up your organization for a sharp jump in productivity during this lull period. So how do you begin? Start off with the customer. Which of your current customer-facing operations can be simplified or digitized to deliver products and services faster, cheaper, and better? Can you simplify propositions and sunset underperforming product lines? Can you invest in technology, equipment or training that will improve performance reasonably quickly? Such a strategy will not only lower your cost structure, but will help you leapfrog your competition thanks to better-quality products and services. During this process, you will need to let go of some employees who you no longer need. However, these number are likely to be lower than what you would have lost if you were just cost cutting. 3. Be strategic when discount shopping for assets Companies, buildings, equipment, and land—all of this become cheaper to acquire during a recession. However, just because an asset is cheap does not mean you should buy it. For example, retail stores losing sales to ecommerce companies should not go on a shopping spree to buy more low-cost store locations—even if the prices appear to be a steal. Such purchases will become a drain on cash and managerial focus when the economy bounces back, creating a drag on your company’s performance. Instead, such retailers could use this time and resources to invest in upgrading their technology stack and digital talent. In the process, they'll accelerate their shift towards an ecommerce-centric business model. 4. Selectively increase R&D and marketing spend As with the point above, doubling down on all pre-recession R&D and marketing spend is not a good idea. However, if done selectively, increased spends in these areas are incredible drivers for growth. When it comes to R&D, increase spend on projects that help you double down on your relevant competitive advantage in the new world order. For example, if you are a furniture producer and your customers have become both fashion- and price-sensitive thanks to the recession, now would be a good time to invest your R&D budget in to exploring new material types and production equipment that can help deliver lower priced, but fashionably made pieces of furniture. On the other hand, doubling down on R&D regarding premium materials would not be such a good idea. The same holds true for marketing spend. If it is not relevant to solving customer problems from the lens of the economic crises, do not put marketing dollars behind it. If your spend is solving customer problems, double down quickly for market share gain. A good example is Hyundai’s Genesis, which became a runaway success during the financial crises thanks to a clever marketing campaign and a sharp positioning towards ‘accessible luxury’—something the other car manufacturers simply could not follow at that time. Hyundai won the prestigious North American Car of the year award in 2009 and gained record market share and increased shipments in the face of an otherwise shrinking automotive market. The best time to change is now Recessions are a tough time for most businesses and many companies will fold during this period. Recessions are, however, also an incredible time to drive change in your organization—for the better. We all have many things to improve on or many promising opportunities to explore, but we hadn't had the time to do so before. With the status quo effectively now over, we should use this time to take some creative risks and take our companies’ long-term performance up a notch. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/348975 |
1. Tahap energi (energi level) sepanjang usia bermula dari kecil hingga warga emas.
2. Ada 12 Zon Spesifikasi Diri (Zon Wealth, Zon Profession, Zon Property dsbnya).
Dapat satu Laporan Graf Hayat sudah memadai untuk ketahui Tahap Energi sepanjang usia dan 12 Zon Spesifikasi diri.
Tahap energi hayat (Energi Level) adalah mengukur perjalanan energi diri anda. Bagi contoh di atas, umur 23 tahun hingga 63 tahun dalam keadaan yang menurun dan jatuh, Begitu lama tempoh energi individu ini turun. Apabila energi berkurangan/ turun, prestasi kehidupan menjadi lemah/ kurang baik. Namun, boleh diikthiarkan dengan menggunakan strategi tertentu seperti pemilihan kerjaya/ bisnes bagi menyesuaikan diri dengan energi yang berkurangan. Dan juga boleh diikhtiarkan dengan Kaedah Ikhtiar Energi yang dijalankan oleh Dato Eddy Rosyadie.
Terdapat satu lagi kegunaan Graf Hayat iaitu meneliti fenomena perjalanan kehidupan secara tahunan, bulanan dan harian. Ianya ada dalam Diari Metafizik (pdf/ bercetak - tahunan, bulanan, harian) atau Software Integrasi (softcopy EXCEL - tahunan, bulanan, harian dan JAM).
Hubungi Dato Eddy Rosyadie (017 769 7946 / 016 624 9666) untuk perkhidmatan Graf Hayat ini.
Jiwa kacau. Jiwa stress. Sakit mental. Itulah fenomena kitaran 7 untuk Malaysia 31+8+2020=7 tahun 7 adalah tahun ujian minda/ mental. Majoriti kita semua rakyat Malaysia mengalami sedikit sebanyak fenomena ujian mental sebegini disebabkan PKP juga masalah ekonomi. Kuatkanlah semangat untuk teruskan kehidupan dengan positif kerana ini satu tahun ujian mental. Ianya untuk menyiapkan diri kita bagi melalui tahun tekanan tahun depan 31+8+2021=8. |
I think you’ll agree with me when I say:
Some people spend their entire lives wondering how to be successful in life, but never figure it out.
Would you be surprised to find out that the secret really comes down to four key areas?
Well, it does.
You see, personal success is achievable for anyone who practices the four areas – or keys to success as I call them.
Everyone wants personal success and to learn the keys to success. Everyone wants to have a happy, healthy life, do meaningful work, enjoy a career, and achieve financial independence. Everyone wants to make a difference in the world, to be significant, to have a positive impact on those around him or her. Everyone wants to do something wonderful with his or her life.
Over and over, I have found that the keys to success are a single piece of information, a single idea at the right time, that can change your life in the right situation. I have also learned that the great truths are simple.
If you can follow these tips, you will be able to take control of your life and achieve your goals.
We All Have One Common Goal
Luckily for most of us, personal success is not a matter of background, intelligence, or native ability. It’s not our family, friends, or contacts who enable us to do extraordinary things. Instead, the keys to success in life are our ability to get the very best out of ourselves under almost all conditions and circumstances. It is your ability to adapt and change your life.
You have within you, right now, deep reserves of potential and ability that, if properly harnessed and channeled, will enable you to accomplish extraordinary things with your life.
The Four Keys To Success
The great keys to success to change your life have always been the same.
1. Decide exactly what you want and where you want to go.
2. Set a deadline and make a plan to get there. (Remember, a goal is just a dream with a deadline.)
3. Take action on your plan; do something every day to move toward your goal.
4. Resolve in advance that you will persist until you succeed, that you will never, ever give up.
This formula is your key to success and has worked for almost everyone who has ever tried it. It will require the very most you can give and the best qualities you can develop. In developing and following these keys to personal success, you will evolve and grow to become an extraordinary person.
Learn How To Be Successful From The Experts To Change Your Life
You will not live long enough to figure it all out for yourself. And what a waste it would be to try, when you can learn from others who have gone before. In one of many great quotes, Ben Franklin said, “Men can either buy their wisdom or they can borrow it from others. The great tragedy is that most men prefer to buy it, to pay full price in terms of time and treasure.”
Your greatest goal in life and in personal success should be to acquire as many of them as possible and then use them to help you do the things you want to do and become the person you want to become.
For example:
If you want to learn how to write a book, you can follow a step-by-step process created by a bestselling author. Learn from their mistakes and benefit from their systems by following their guide to writing a book. It will save you time in the end!
Program Yourself For Personal Success
You will change your life by achieving just one important goal, you create a pattern, a template for personal success in your subconscious mind. You will change your life and be automatically directed, and driven toward repeating that success in other things that you attempt.
This is the best way to get your life back in order.
By overcoming adversity and achieving one great goal in any area, you will program yourself for success in other areas as well. In other words, you learn to succeed by succeeding. The more you achieve, the more you can achieve. Each of the keys to success, especially the first one, builds your confidence and belief that you will be successful next time and achieve ultimate personal success.
Try to leverage your momentum from an achievement in your personal success to reach a goal in your career or at school. Eventually, you will create a synergistic effect and find that success comes easier on all fronts.
Unlimited Potential
The only real limits on what you can do, have, or be are self-imposed. Once you make a clear, unequivocal decision to change your life by casting off all your mental limitations and throw your whole heart into the accomplishment of some great goal, your ultimate personal success is virtually guaranteed, as long as you don’t stop.