Individu yang ada pola pendidikan sudah tentu ambil peluang ini.. tidak kira sama ada sebagai pelabur, peniaga, pensyarah dsbnya..
Sudahkah anda memiliki strategi kejayaan untuk tahun 2013 tahun kekayaan, tahun pendidikan dan tahun perniagaan? Masih belum ada strategi? Datang kelas Strategi 2013 atau dalam sesi konsultansi.
Seremban: Guru, guru besar dan pentadbir cemerlang yang memiliki ijazah sarjana muda akan dilantik terus ke gred DG41 tanpa temuduga mulai tahun depan. Kumpulan itu yang memperoleh ijazah melalui pengajian separuh masa atau pengajian jarak jauh (PJJ) boleh memohon terus kepada Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Pelajaran SPP untuk dikecualikan daripada ditemuduga. Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, berkata keputusan SPP itu bertujuan menyokong usaha Kementerian Pelajaran meningkatkan latihan dalam perkhidmatan kumpulan pendidik di negara ini.
By Jane Symons / Source: The Express
Imagine how much better life would be if medicines were free, available around the clock and came with no unpleasant side effects. It may sound too good to be true but the reality is we can all tap into this 24-hour pharmacy because it's literally all in our mind.
We sometimes talk of being "worried sick" but there is growing evidence that we can also harness the amazing power of the mind to think ourselves well.
A belly laugh can even help us cope with pain as researchers at Oxford University proved recently.
Professor Robin Dunbar, who led the study, believes uncontrollable laughter releases pain-killing chemicals called endorphins.
"Things that worked well were slapstick comedies such as Mr Bean," he says.
The Power of Positive Thinking
Doctors have long recognised the importance of positive thinking. They call it the power of placebo which is a phenomenon that sees patients improve after taking a dummy pill or treatment.
Some reports found that placebo works in 90 per cent of cases.
Meta-analysis, which is a review of all existing studies, suggests that half the effectiveness of prescription antidepressants is down to the placebo effect.
Meanwhile half the rheumatologists who responded to a survey reported in the British Medical Journal admitted prescribing placebos on a regular basis to patients with chronic arthritis.
In most cases mind power is not a replacement for modern medicine but it can enhance its impact and reduce the risk of getting ill in the first place.
Here are some scientifically proven ways to rewrite the proverb and make it: "Patient, heal thyself."
Opt For Optimism
A sunny outlook can help head off a heart attack, revealed a study of almost 100,000 women which was published by the American Heart Association.
Healthy volunteers were given personality tests and then tracked to see who went on to develop medical problems.
Pessimists were 50 per cent more likely to die from cardiovascular disease with the highest incidence among women who scored highly for "cynical hostility".
A similar but smaller study of men found optimists had the lowest cardiac risks and pessimists had the highest incidence of artery disease.
One clue to the connection between outlook and health outcomes emerged from researchers at Hong Kong City University who measured levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the saliva of volunteers who were also asked to complete psychological tests.
Cortisol is a hormone released in response to stress originally as part of our fight or flight reaction. It's helpful in short bursts but when levels remain raised it suppresses the immune system, raises blood sugar and encourages weight gain.
Love is a Drug
Brain scans show that love helps us withstand pain, revealed a study at Stanford University in America.
When volunteers were asked to hold a heated device until it became too hot to handle they could withstand more pain if they were distracted by a picture of the person they loved.
Dr Sean Mackey, a pain specialist who headed the study, said: "The amount of pain we experience may be modulated by a large number of factors and now we know that love is one of those factors."
Pill-Free Pain Relief
Another study by Dr Mackey showed brain training can help patients with chronic pain reduce their symptoms.
Volunteers who suffered from long-term pain were hooked up to scans which showed them what was happening in their head and then asked to try different mind games in an attempt to soothe the discomfort away.
One woman who took part in the trial said: "I imagined little people scooping away the pain trying to rescue me," and "I thought about water or snowflakes putting the fire out."
She had endured eight years of almost constant pain after a riding accident but said: "I think the most incredible thing was to see that scan of my brain constantly producing pain. Then to gain control over the pain, to see that I had that power, even when I was making myself feel worse, was amazing."
Relax and Change Your Brain
Meditation can alter the way our brain works. Learning how to relax has an impact on the anterior cingulate cortex which is the region that regulates blood pressure, heart rate and decision-making.
Researchers at Oregon University discovered just 11 hours of mind-body training improves the functioning of this part of the brain and they believe meditation could be used to help prevent mental disorders.
High-tech MRI scans show relaxation techniques also trigger physical changes in the part of our brain associated with stress. The amygdala which lies deep within the brain goes into overdrive when we are frightened.
It sets off a series of signals that activates the nervous system and it also helps store painful or stressful memories.
This part of the brain has also been linked to psychological problems including anxiety, hyperactivity and phobias.
Research has revealed that when we are stressed grey matter in the amygdala becomes more dense.
Yet when researchers at Harvard University asked stressed volunteers to learn how to meditate, brain scans showed relaxation can reverse this process and reduce grey matter density in the amygdala.
Gut Reaction
Mind power is so effective at controlling the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) it is now recommended by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence.
Professor Peter Whorwell, an IBS specialist based at the University of Manchester, pioneered the approach because standard treatments were failing for many of his patients.
"I got into hypnosis because the conventional treatment of these conditions is abysmal," he says.
Patients start with a brief lesson in how the gut works and are then asked to imagine a feeling of warmth and their bowel working normally.
He has shown that under hypnosis they are even able to slow bowel contractions which is usually impossible. Patients also become less sensitive to pain.
Professor Whorwell is not sure how the hypnosis works but said there is "a lot of incontrovertible research" that it does.
Head Off a Heart Attack
The stress hormone cortisol is literally a killer. If levels remain high for long periods it increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, reduced immunity and many other health problems.
The more stressed we are the more cortisol is released when we find ourselves under pressure.
Yet women who are long-time fans of meditation found their cortisol levels were 300 per cent lower than a similar control group who did not practise relaxation, a study in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences reported.
It's never too late to start. Just 20 minutes of meditation will lower cortisol levels within five days say Chinese researchers.
Kathy andrews, 49, is a music teacher from thame in Oxfordshire
As A teenager growing up in the United States, Kathy suffered from the eating disorder bulimia and in her 20s sought help to deal with her emotional problems.
It wasn't until she had children and moved to England with her British-born husband Mark that she was diagnosed with depression. Her doctor prescribed antidepressants but she was uneasy about the prospect of long-term medication.
A friend in the States suggested mindfulness and Kathy discovered that one of the three men who helped develop the technique, Mark Williams, a professor of clinical psychology at Oxford University, was on her doorstep. She joined a trial he was running which involved taking an eight-week course to master the technique, which draws on meditation.
Kathy says: "These are not simply relaxation techniques although you do become a lot more relaxed.
"The point of mindfulness is learning how to pay attention and be aware of what is going on right now."
A typical exercise might focus on breathing and being aware of every breath, following the rise and fall of your chest and nudging the mind to notice small sensations and noises.
"You are a lot more in tune with what's around you at any time," says Kathy. The technique has been so effective that Kathy has reduced her reliance on antidepressants and hopes to wean herself off medication altogether.
By Madison Cavanaugh / Author of The One-Minute Cure
Did you know ... that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that one in five adults in the U.S. does not have any health insurance?
This adds up to almost 45 million Americans with no insurance! Of those that do have health insurance, 20 million do not have adequate coverage and still can't afford to receive care or even cover the cost of their prescription drugs.
So why should you care about this?
Even if you happen to be one of the fortunate ones who have adequate health insurance, that doesn't guarantee that you'll have peace of mind. Why? Because having adequate health insurance only means that the cost of your medical care will be covered in the event that you get sick.
Wouldn't it be infinitely better if you didn't get sick at all?
Why, of course!
And if you think it's not possible to avoid disease altogether, think again.
Preventing and curing disease is just a matter of identifying the cause of disease -- and getting rid of it. It's really that simple!
What complicates the process of curing disease is that everybody has a different opinion as to what the cause of disease is.
1. Some say viruses are the culprit [e.g., the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) causes AIDS; the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) causes cervical cancer; the Influenza virus causes the flu, and so on].
2. Some insist that it's microbes, germs or harmful bacteria that cause disease.
3. Some say it's the toxins in the food we eat, the air we breathe and the substances we consume that cause disease (e.g., carcinogens, neurotoxins, heavy metals and toxic chemicals).
4. Still others say it's our genes that make us susceptible to acquiring one disease or another.
5. And then, of course, there are those that believe that the "mother" of all diseases is stress.
Which of the above do you think is the correct answer? If you picked one or more of the 5 causes of disease listed above, your answer is incorrect. While all of the above do characterize most diseases, or might be precursors of disease, they do not cause disease.
For example, viruses, microbes, germs and harmful bacteria do not cause disease. They do "seek their natural habitat -- diseased tissue -- rather than being the cause of the diseased tissue; e.g., mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but do not cause the pool to become stagnant." This is according to the famed "Father of Pathology," Dr. Rudolf Virchow.
Likewise, germs, bacteria, viruses and pathogens do not cause disease, but rather seek out environments where they can thrive best -- and that is in oxygen-deprived bodies.
Neither do toxins, genes and stress cause disease. Rather, they bring about a condition in the body (oxygen deficiency) that, in turn, causes disease.
The One-Minute Cure is the first book that provides solid proof that the primary physical cause of all diseases is linked in one way or another to oxygen deficiency. In fact, many of the elaborate (and expensive) therapies offered by organized medicine take advantage of oxygen's effect on diseased cells. Most conventional cancer therapies, for instance, including chemotherapy and radiation therapy, produce oxygen-activated events that kill cancer cells. Another new cancer drug, verteporfin, increases the amount of oxygen within cancerous tumors, and this kills tumors more effectively than radiation alone. Interferon drugs, which are vastly prescribed for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, owe their efficacy to the fact that they raise the body's oxygen level.
It's safe to conclude that many drugs basically work on the same principle of oxygenation described in The One-Minute Cure -- but those drugs cost tens of thousands of times more than the one-minute, pennies-a-day, self-administered therapy presented in the book.
Furthermore, the one-minute cure does not come with any of the adverse effects typically associated with toxic drugs and other radical medical therapies.
There are numerous oxygen-based natural therapies being offered for the prevention and so-called "cure" of disease, such as oxygenated water, oxygen-rich foods or supplements, or treatments that release oxygen into the bloodstream. But they are not always effective in treating disease. While they may deliver oxygen to the blood, they don't have an efficient mechanism for breaking the oxygen free from the hemoglobin molecules in the blood, which means the oxygen is not delivered to the cells and tissues. Only when oxygen is delivered to the body's cells and tissues can it eradicate disease.
The simple therapy described in The One-Minute Cure is the only one that uses a natural oxygenating substance which stimulates the movement of oxygen atoms from the BLOODSTREAM to the CELLS to a dramatically greater degree than is usually reached by all other means.
It does this by increasing oxygen and hemoglobin disassociation, thereby maximizing the delivery of oxygen from the blood to the cells, according to a prominent doctor best known for treating AIDS patients with a holistic protocol which includes oxygen therapy. Therefore, the one-minute cure is -- hands down -- the best health insurance anyone can have because although it doesn't provide coverage in the event you get sick, it does something better -- it prevents you from getting sick in the first place. If you already have a disease, the one-minute cure brings your body to an oxygen-rich state where disease can neither survive or thrive.
By Lee Rannals / Source: Red Orbit
Do you ever feel like you just have a really good feeling about something happening? Well, according to a new study, you actually may be predicting the future.
Scientists wrote in the current edition of Frontiers in Perception Science that our bodies are able to anticipate the near future.
The team already knew that our subconscious minds know more than our conscious minds, and physiological measures of subconscious arousal show up before conscious awareness. However, there were still some unanswered questions.
The Northwestern University researchers analyzed the results of 26 studies published between 1978 and 2010 to look into whether humans have the ability to predict future important events without any clues as to what might happen, said Julia Mossbridge, lead author of the study and research associate in the Visual Perception, Cognition and Neuroscience Laboratory at Northwestern.
Her example is that a person playing a video game at work while wearing headphones can't hear when his or her boss is coming, but they may be able to anticipate it.
"But our analysis suggests that if you were tuned into your body, you might be able to detect these anticipatory changes between two and 10 seconds beforehand and close your video game," Mossbridge. "You might even have a chance to open that spreadsheet you were supposed to be working on. And if you were lucky, you could do all this before your boss entered the room."
She said this phenomenon is called "presentiment," as in "sensing the future." However, despite what the name suggests, she and other researchers say they are not sure people are really sensing the future.
"I like to call the phenomenon 'anomalous anticipatory activity,'" she said. "The phenomenon is anomalous, some scientists argue, because we can't explain it using present-day understanding about how biology works; though explanations related to recent quantum biological findings could potentially make sense."
She said it is anticipatory because it seems to predict future physiological changes in response to an important event without any known clues. Also, it is an activity because it consists of changes in the cardiopulmonary, skin and nervous systems.
Test subjects during the studies exhibited significant changes in cardio and brain waves, as well as electrical measurements in their skin, 10 seconds prior to experiencing randomly chosen stimuli. This suggests that the subjects somehow anticipated they were about to see something that would provoke a sensory response.
Mossbridge's analysis of the data puts the odds of her findings being the result of chance or coincidence at 400 billion to one.
"If this seemingly anomalous anticipatory activity is real, it should be possible to replicate it in multiple independent laboratories," she and her co-authors write. "The cause of this anticipatory activity, which undoubtedly lies within the realm of natural physical processes (as opposed to supernatural or paranormal ones), remains to be determined."
By Sara Reistad-Long / Source: MSN Health
It's not just your energy level or weight that fluctuates over the course of a day. Did you know that your brain obeys its own rhythm too? It's based largely on your human clock, sleep pattern, exposure to light, and genetic makeup -- and getting in a groove with its tempo can make you healthier, happier, and have more energy.
As cutting-edge research shows, you can burn more calories from exercise, work more efficiently and improve concentration, and even have better sex by learning how to synch up to your circadian rhythm and brain's power hours. Here's your daily guide.
7 to 9 AM: Best for Passion
"The perfect moment for bonding with your spouse is right when you wake up," says Ilia Karatsoreos, PhD, a neuroscientist at Rockefeller University. The reason: Levels of oxytocin (aka the "love hormone") are sky-high upon waking, making it the best time for intimacy of all kinds.
These are the hours to strengthen your relationship with the most important people in your life. Wake up feeling frisky and need more than just cuddling? Your husband's brain is on nearly the same wavelength; British researchers found high morning oxytocin levels in men gradually decreased as the day wore on.
Tap into it: Make love or cuddle. Tell your partner how much you love him. Call your child at college (so long as it's not the weekend!). Pen a thank-you note to a friend.
9 to 11 AM: Best for Creativity
Your brain now has moderate levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which in reasonable amounts can actually help your mind focus, says Sung Lee, MD, secretary of the International Brain Education Association. It's present at any age: A University of Michigan study found that college students were the quickest, mentally that is, in the morning. So for those students pursuing a physical or online college degree here, or elsewhere for that matter, should keep in mind that the brain is best utilized in the morning. Furthermore, retired adults were also mentally quick in the morning -- but among older subjects, sharpness declined in the afternoon.
Because you're primed for learning, take on tasks that require analysis and concentration. "From middle age on, you're more alert early in the day," says Carolyn Yoon, PhD, an associate professor of marketing at the University of Michigan who worked on the study. Schedule discussions that involve personal or family matters, as others will be sharp during these hours as well.
Tap into it: Develop a new idea. Write a presentation. Brainstorm solutions to challenges, large or small. Have an important convo with your doctor.
11 AM to 2 PM: Best for Tough Tasks
By now, levels of the sleep hormone melatonin have dipped sharply from their late evening and early morning peaks. This means you're more ready to take on a load of projects, according to German researchers. They found that reaction time and the ability to accomplish several to-dos were strong in the middle of the day.
Tear through that list -- because of your mental quickness, this time of day is best for taking action. One tip: Cross items off one at a time, says René Marois, PhD, director of the Human Information Processing Laboratory at Vanderbilt University. Attempts to juggle tasks simultaneously put additional demands on your brain, making you more likely to lose concentration and make slip-ups.
Tap into it: Plow through voice mails or e-mails. Give a presentation to a client or boss. Iron out a tough problem with your spouse.
2 to 3 PM: Best for a Break
To digest your lunch, your body draws blood away from your brain to your stomach, says Lee. Aim to eat lunch closer to 2 PM, as the midday meal can make you wish there was a couch to crash on close by. Your body's circadian rhythm (the biological "clock" that regulates sleep and wakefulness) is also in a brief down phase during this time, according to a Harvard study.
Steer clear of your workload and play around on Facebook or flip through magazines. If you're at work and need to fight off drowsiness, take a quick, brisk walk around the block or drink some water -- both will get blood moving away from your belly and toward your head. "Water increases vascular volume and circulation, promoting blood flow to your brain," he says.
Tap into it: Meditate or pray. Read for pleasure -- Web sites, magazines, or newspapers. Go for a stroll.
3 to 6 PM: Best for Collaboration
"The brain is pretty fatigued by now," says Paul Nussbaum, PhD, a clinical neuropsychologist and author of Your Brain Health Lifestyle. That doesn't mean you're stressed, however: University of Michigan scientists found that cortisol levels usually decline in women by late afternoon.
Although your brain is not as sharp as earlier, you're more easygoing, so plan a low-pressure meeting for now. If you've already left work, pick an activity that is as different from your job as possible, suggests Nussbaum. Exercise is a perfect one: Studies show that grip strength, manual dexterity, and other physical skills are at their strongest by evening, but if you work out too late, the residual adrenaline may interfere with sleep for some people. A gym session right before dinner solves the problem.
Tap into it: Brainstorm with coworkers. Strength-train.
6 to 8 PM: Best for Personal Tasks
Between these hours, researchers have found that the brain enters something called "wake maintenance," when its production of sleep-friendly melatonin is at an all-day low. As a result, chances of getting tired now are next to none. Studies also show that your tastebuds are lit up during these hours because of circadian variations in hormone levels.
Keep your energy up by exposing yourself to the last of the day's serotonin-stimulating sunlight. Now may be a good time to walk the dog or walk yourself to the grocery store. And because you're now more alert but no longer at work, direct your renewed burst of mental energy toward your husband and kids and maybe some friends; you're bound to be pretty engaging about now.
Tap into it: Run errands. Clean a long-overdue room in your house. Enjoy quality time with your family members. Whip up a delicious meal.
8 to 10 PM: Best for Relaxing
There's an abrupt transition from being wide awake to feeling sleepy as melatonin levels rise quickly, report Australian and British researchers. Meanwhile, levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter tied to perkiness, start to fade. "Eighty percent of serotonin is stimulated from exposure to daylight, so now you're slowing down," says Rubin Naiman, PhD, sleep specialist and clinical assistant professor of medicine at the University of Arizona's Center for Integrative Medicine.
Now's the time to ease into relaxing, "mindless" activities (save the crossword puzzle for the morning). "By nightfall, when your brain is tired, this is a good way to bring yourself down, like walking a lap or two after a big workout," says Naiman.
Tap into it: Unwind by watching a funny movie. Try a low-key, repetitive activity, such as knitting.
10 PM onward: Best for Snoozing
Your brain is looking to knit together all it learned today, which it does during sleep. Your top priority should be getting a full night's rest. Sleep can inspire insight: In one study, more than half of those taught a task thought of an easier way to do it after 8 hours of sleep. Adjusting lighting can help: Dim the rooms you occupy after dinner to let your body know the day is ending, suggests Naiman. In a few hours, your brain will be ready to start all over again.
Whatever helps you get to sleep -- and it may take adjustments over time -- follow your routine consistently. Just make sure you sign off early enough so you get the 7 to 9 hours of shut-eye recommended for optimal health and energy.
Tap into it: Curl up with a good book. Write in your journal. Drift off while reading something you want to remember in the morning.

3 tahun lepas, seorang pelajar pernomboran telah ditawarkan projek pembekalan RM9 juta dan sekali lagi, masalah menyediakan bon sekuriti jadi minta tolong dengan cikgu A-D... dalam bab ni cikgu A-D tak dapatlah nak menolong tapi kebetulan ada seorang kenamaan maka cikgu A-D minta dia rujuk kepada beliau... difahamkan projek tu dapat dijayakan.
Daripada kejadian ini, barulah perasan tentang sesuatu perkara dan tindakan pembetulan perlu dibuat;
1. Untuk program berdoa kekayaan akan datang, doa akan ditambah lagi iaitu doa supaya projek kekayaan yang kita dapat dibantu dengan sumber modal / funder. Dengan kata lain, selama ini kita berdoa supaya dapat kekayaan dan projek, tapi bila dah dapat, tak mampu pula kita nak melaksanakannya sebab tiada dana permulaan.
2. Setiap usahawan yang terlibat / mahu terlibat dengan projek pembekalan seumpamanya, eloklah pelajari dan cari sumber-sumber berkaitan "funder" atau cara dapatkan bon sekuriti tersebut dari sumber yang betul... tak silap Bank SME dan lain-lain bank boleh membantu, tetapi kita perlulah ada dokumen kewangan yang baik seperti dokumen akaun syarikat yang diaudit, borang B dari LHDN dan seumpamanya. Ramai usahawan didapati mahu dan bersemangat berniaga tapi buku akaun tiada langsung atau tidak diambil berat. Bila nak buat pinjaman tak cukup dokumen silap sendirilah.. tak kisahlah jual kereta mewah ke, jual nasi lemak ke... buku akaun tu penting! Jika dapat projek besar memerlukan pula dana besar sebagai sekuriti/ modal.

Sangat-sangat perlu dibaca oleh semua yang mahu atau terlibat dalam dunia perniagaan. Jika anda betul-betul mahu bina empayar perniagaan dan jadi usahawan berjaya, pengetahuan sebegini perlu ada.