Perkhidmatan kami:
- Ikhtiar Rawatan/ Pemulihan Energi (Jarak Jauh / Secara Langsung)
- Kursus Pola 459 Potensi Kesihatan
- Kursus Pola 38 Pola Energi Dalaman
But the reasons why the rich stay rich (and the poor stay poor) are much more straightforward to explain.
Taxes are the most obvious reason and no “Panama Papers” are necessary to bring this to light.
Billionaire investor Warren Buffet has pointed out that his secretary pays a higher percentage of taxes than himself, despite the billions of income he enjoys. This is because the tax code works to the advantage of the rich in a few ways.
First, taxes on labour (salary) are typically much higher than income on capital gains (investments).
Second, the tax code of virtually any country is very complex. This allows the rich to hire fiscal experts that earn their own salary back by exploiting loopholes, litigating with the tax authorities, moving money into separate legal entities and offshore tax havens and maximising all available tax exemptions. It’s how a US tycoon filed for bankruptcy at least four times without ever becoming poor. The poor don’t have the time, money or knowledge to use the tax code to their benefit.
The second reason is leverage: using debt to increase the returns on your equity – is another mechanism used by the rich. Although I warned against using leverage in a previous column, the rich are smart enough to use limited liability companies to protect themselves from financial loss or even bankruptcy in case the leveraging goes wrong. If the poor attempt to use leverage without such protection, they face much greater risks of financial loss than their richer counterparts.
The really rich never work for a salary as they understand you can’t scale that indefinitely. No matter how much you earn per hour, the number of hours you can work in any given period is limited.
The poor usually focus on their own labour, while the rich focus on growing assets which are independent of their own involvement, such as their own company. Examples are rental income, interest and dividend, which keeps pouring in without additional work. By having multiple independent sources of income, they are also better able to survive financial shocks and can take on more risk.
Contrary to its name, the rich avoid “get rich quick” schemes, as they have the financial literacy to understand it’s a scam. It’s also how the poor stay poor: they lose their money in these schemes and have to start all over again.
The “old boy’s network” is a milked cliché, but it surely helps to have heaps of social capital besides plain money. Connections with universities, employers and government will make sure you have access to many more opportunities. It also creates a network of contacts to pass on to your children to ensure the next generation stays as rich as you are. This unequal access to opportunities does make it harder for a poor person to become rich and helps a rich person stay rich.
Perkhidmatan kami:
- Konsultansi Perniagaan
- Audit Premis Perniagaan
- Kursus Pola 966 Potensi Bisnes
- Seminar Bisnes Berjaya Kaya.
Dapatkan perkhidmatan kami:
- Konsutansi Perniagaan
- Audit Premis Perniagaan
- Seminar Bisnes Berjaya Kaya
- Kursus Pola 966 Potensi Perniagaan
Walau bagaimanapun, cara kami bukan sekadar menangani isu mistik (83 atau 38) tetapi juga perihal pola-pola berkaitan, contoh bagi kes di atas yang juga masalah bisnes adalah disebebkan pola 67, 68, 71, Root 8, 72 dsbnya. Usahlah kita selesaikan cara mistik semata-mata sebaliknya cara teknik perniagaan juga diselesaikan bersama... dengan kata lain, tidaklah kita terperap dengan perihal mistik semata-mata.. yang penting kita dapat kawal energi mistik.. ada kebaikan pola 83 atau 38 jika difahami dengan baik.
Petak yang naik ke atas daripada tarikh lahir dinamakan Petak Pembayang (yang pertama dan satu-satunya didunia; ciptaan Dato Eddy sendiri) adalah untuk mengkaji perihal keturunan/ latarbelakang keluarga. Sekadar mengkaji diri kita sahaja tidak memadai kerana diri kita ini adalah warisan genetik DNA daripada keturunan dan tentunya cara kita dibesarkan dalam komuniti keluarga membentuk peribadi kita juga. Jadi, kaedah analisis tarikh lahir yang baik adalah mengkaji diri dan keturunan juga.
Pola 495 / 549 / 459 juga dikaitkan dengan pola mistik yang sama dengan pola 83. Ada perbezaan antara kaedah pola 38 dan 459.
Dato Eddy terlibat dengan dunia mistik pun baru juga sekitar 2013 lalu, sebelum ini sebagai bidang sains biologi tidak pernah merasai pengalaman mistik.
Tetapi apabila terlibat dengan dunia mistik pada 2013 bagi memahami sendiri pola 38 dan masalah-masalah mistik client2, maka dapatlah mempelajari dan melihat lebih jauh fenomena kehidupan ini secara objektif (zahir/fizik) mahupun spiritual (kebatinan/metafizik). Jadi, apabila membuat energi alternatif (ikhtiar energi rezeki/ dikasih sayang/ perubatan dsbnya) dapatlah memahami secara sains dan meta-sains.
Warisan bangsa bukan diletak sebagai bahan pameran muzium semata-mata tetapi dihidupkan bertujuan untuk membangunkan displin agama, kesopanan dan kesusilaan bagi membentuk diri dan masyarakat yang positif.
Perkhidmatan yang disediakan:
1. Kursus Energi Pola 38 - tahap 1, 2, Outdoor
2. Rawatan Energi (Jarak Jauh / Secara Langsung) - Energi Rezeki, Energi Dikasih Sayang, Energi Cemerlang Akademik, Energi Pemulihan Diri.