IT’S what everyone who’s ever wanted to start a business or already running one aspires to achieve - to grow big.
But growing a small business is riddled with challenges.
The following, though not exhaustive, are some examples that will set you on the path to growing your still minuscule venture.
SMI Association of Malaysia president Teh Kee Sin acknowledges that technology adoption is often an issue for small companies.
“It’s always a challenge. They see technology adoption more as an expense rather than an investment. It’s something that they would rather avoid.
“But adopting technology into your business should not be seen as an immediate expense and rather, a long-term investment.”
Teh admits that one of the biggest nitpicks of small companies is the inability to secure financing to “move to the next level.”
“Many small firms complain that financial institutions demand a lot of unnecessary documents and information that is difficult to be fulfilled. So they get stuck and are not able to move forward.”
Teh says there needs to be more Government involvement so that support from financial institutions can be improved.
Branding Association of Malaysia (BAM) president Datuk Eric Chong says branding is extremely important for business organisations, regardless of the size of the organisation.
“Big and medium-sized businesses usually understand the importance of branding. They would not be where they are had they not understood and practised the art of branding along the way.
“Small businesses, however, usually struggle tremendously in this area. It is a chicken and egg situation for these small guys - should they make money and maximise profits first, or invest in their brands from day one?”
Chong adds that what a lot of small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) operators fail to understand is that branding isn’t just about spending money on advertising.
“While advertising is an essential part of branding, it takes much more than just splashing money around if one wishes to brand something properly. It is just like gardening - you need to sow the seeds and nurture the plants with consistency. A beautiful garden reflects the absolute commitment of the gardener; similarly, a good brand reflects the absolute commitment of the CEO and his team.
“It is about finding the right brand positioning, creating the right image, building a great brand culture, ensuring superb customer experience, communicate effectively with the market, etc. So is branding essential for SMEs? Yes, it lays the foundation and paves the way for a small entity to, someday, become a respectable player in the market.”
Leaderonomics chief executive officer Roshan Thiran notes that for many SMEs, leaders want growth but do not want to invest their time or energy to grow their people.
“This ultimately results in their company not growing either. Every company, even SMEs, are limited by the growth of their people. So, as long as your people are not learning and growing, don’t expect your organisation to grow exponentially either.
“As the business world changes, even small companies have become more attractive to young talents. Many start-ups can attract great talents in spite of their size or funds.”
Roshan says that many youths view working at start-ups more attractive than multinational companies.
“SMEs need to leverage this by their own personal inspirational leadership. People are attracted to work in an SME not because you pay well or have a big reputation.
“Instead, it is because of the leader. A great way to attract talent to your organisation is for the leaders and the leadership team to develop their own leadership skills. If you become an inspirational leader, the likelihood of you attracting talent rises significantly.”
Peoplelogy group founder and chief executive officer Allen Lee says many small firms first complain that they have “no time” for training.
“Whenever they say they have no time, I always tell them to ‘make time lor.”
The next complaint, says Lee, is “what if I send them for training and they leave?”
“My response to them is always what if you don’t send them for training and they stay! If this is the case, how could these employees help small business to improve productivity and efficiency, cost savings and customer retention, for example? This also means that you will not have a chance to improve on your sales, cost efficiency, profitability and even your competitive edge.”
Lee believes most companies spend 60% to 70% of their money on people’s salary.
“And yet, they spend less than 1% of their total budget to develop the people. And most companies, in fact, spend more time and money on maintaining their buildings and equipment than they do on maintaining and developing people.
“If people get results, then it certainly makes good sense to invest in people. People are an asset to organisation anyway, regardless if it’s a big or small business.
Established in 1974, PKT Logistics Group Sdn Bhd initially offered only customs brokerage services - but is now providing total logistics services.
PKT group chief executive and managing director DatukMichael Tio believes that diversification was they key to how the company transformed itself into the total logistics provider it is today.
“As we started to diversify our services, our revenue grew. So the first step of growth was to continue to diversify services within the logistics industry by providing more services.
W started off as a custom agent, then subsequently expanded to freight forwarding, haulage, warehousing and so forth.”
Tio says the next step was to look for foreign partners to grow the business.
“We found Japanese and Korean partners.
The Japanese provided us with a cushion during the currency crisis and the Korean partnership gave us entry into the automotive logistics sector.”
He adds that PKT started to observe how other multinational logistics companies expanded their revenue.
“We ended up competing with them in the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) segment because 60% of the industry, or RM2bil, were controlled by them.
We had to overcome several challenges in order to compete with these companies, namely know-how, acquiring new technology, modern infrastructure and most importantly, moving up the value chain.”
MasterCard dalam kenyataan di sini berkata, Malaysia menunjukkan kemajuan dan perkembangan positif berbanding tahun-tahun terdahulu.
Jelas kenyataan itu, Malaysia dan negara-negara Asia dan Asia Pasifik lain telah dinilai berdasarkan tiga komponen utama iaitu pengurusan kewangan asas, perancangan kewangan dan pelaburan.
"Malaysia telah menunjukkan peningkatan mata bagi ketiga-tiga kategori yang dinilai,'' kata kenyataan tersebut, baru-baru ini.
Bagi penilaian perancangan kewangan, Malaysia berjaya melonjakkan kedudukannya daripada tempat ketujuh pada tahun lalu kepada tempat ketiga di rantau Asia Pasifik.
Keputusan itu secara tidak langsung telah menunjukkan rakyat Malaysia telah berjaya memupuk tabiat perancangan kewangan seperti menyimpan wang sejak usia muda dan kerap membuat penyimpanan wang tanpa menyedari kepentingan untuk mempunyai simpanan kecemasan.
© Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd
By Vera Gibbons
Most twenty-somethings don’t know much about their finances, and what you don’t know could be robbing you of your financial future.
“If you can avoid making financial mistakes in your 20’s you will be significantly better off in your 30’s and 40’s. It’s about being responsible, so as not to be financially burdened later in life,” says Alexa von Tobel, founder and CEO of LearnVest, which provides content, tools, and support to help you gain control of your personal finances.
Every twenty-something should have a financial game plan, says von Tobel, and should try to reach these five important milestones:
1) Pay Off Credit Card Debt
You’ve got, on average, $3,000 worth of credit card debt...and this is high interest debt that can wreak havoc on your credit score and affect your ability to rent an apartment or even get a job.
2) Start Saving for Retirement
The sooner, the better! “Let’s say you start working at 25, you plan to retire at 65. Let’s say you live to 95..that means 40 years of working to pay for 70 years of life. If you’re not really contributing and particularly contributing early, you are never going to be prepared for retirement,” says von Tobel.
How’s this for an incentive? Let’s say two people put aside $24,000 into their retirement savings over the years. One starts saving smaller amounts at age 25; the other plays catch up with larger deposits starting at 45. By the time they both reach 65, the person who started 20 years earlier comes out almost $40,000 richer than the late starter!
To take compound interest even further, set higher goals. Want to retire at age 65 with a million dollars? Von Tobel says if you're 25 you only need to put away $5,009 per year -- or $417 a month -- to make that goal happen. If, over time, the market returns, on average, 7% a year you'd only need to save up $200,360 total with the power of compound interest bringing you to your million dollar goal over the years.
3) Establish An Emergency Fund
The job market is too volatile to go without a safety net, especially given the average length of unemployment – now 34 weeks! Have funds automatically deposited into a savings account (You won’t miss money you don’t see!), and try to have 6-9 months worth of living expenses set aside in a basic money market account.
4) Get Health Insurance
About a quarter of young adults take a financial gamble and go without! Yes, heath insurance is expensive, but one accident - or illness - could be devastating. If you’re under age 26, ask your parents to add you to their plan as that’s generally the best deal!
5) Have a Sense of Career
You may not know what you want to do for the rest of your life, but make sure to put your college degree to work! No doubt, you millenials are up against unique financial challenges--a tough job market, rising personal debt, and greater responsibility for your financial future, but you also have more resources available than previous generations did.
Pak Habib mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada anda semua.
Berikut surah amalan bagi mengelakkan diri daripada gangguan kerasukan:-
l Surah Al Baqarah ayat 165 hingga 186
l Surah Al A'raaf ayat 146 hingga 159
l Surah Al Baqarah ayat 244 hingga 255
l Surah Al Mukminun ayat 105 hingga 118
Artikel Penuh:
© Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd
Sudah ratusan tahun ramai orang muncul di khalayak ramai mengaku Imam Mahdi dsbnya... kemunculan Imam Mahdi dengan ekonomi dunia ini begitu sangat mewah sehinggakan sape-sape nak duit minta je kat penjaga harta berapa duit nak... sekarang ini pun hutang banyak negara dunia mencecah trillion dollar.... la ni nak minta duit dengan YB pun susah! Negara kita ini banyak betul ajaran yang tidak produktif .. cuba buat lebih produktif seperti bekerjasama membangunkan ekonomi masyarakat supaya lebih kaya dan dengan itu lebih ramai mensyukuri nikmat dunia dan akhirat.,. itu lebih berkesan...

Kelahiran Kota Bharu... arah dari KB ke Sg Petani adalah arah yang baik dan tentunya arah-arah yang lain..
Pola VIP: ???
Pola kesihatan/ kecantikan: ???

Apabila seseorang itu perlu menempuhi Vacuum Star, antara perkara yang perlu diingatkan adalah;
1) Walau anda ada simpan RM1 juta atau berpendapatan RM10 ribu sebulan pun, Vacuum tetap akan berlaku. Memang benar dengan ada duit banyak boleh lawan Vacuum Star, tetapi itu tidak semestinya. Ianya bukan terletak kepada kuantiti wang anda tetapi lebih kepada cara pengurusan dan perbelanjaan. Duit sikit boleh lawan Vacuum Star.
2) Vacuum Star memang ada pada setiap orang cuma waktu usia berbeza. Apabila ia muncul dalam usia anda, ianya menanti anda buat kesilapan dalam pengurusan kewangan... selalunya apabila kita buat sesuatu dan terlepas pandang kos-kos tersembunyi. Ramai usahawan yang berada dalam Vacuum Star terpaksa tutup kedai kerana mereka tidak jangka terdapat banyak kos tersembunyi dalam menjalankan premis perniagaan dan mereka tidak buat persiapan kewangan... juga ramai orang yang bukan usahawan juga terkena penangan Vacuum Star apabila mereka membuat kesilapan dalam pembelian atau pelaburan.

- Delegasi SSM - iaitu menukar nama dan tarikh daftar syarikat.
- Berdoa / Energi di Premis Perniagaan - bersama cikgu Ady & Pak Lah.
- Sesi konsultansi bersama cikgu Ady & Pak Lah
Semoga perubahan yang dinikmati beliau mampu membantu beliau menjadi usahawan yang lebih tabah dan tenang serta bersistematik.
IN order to own a successful investment plan, there are always three key fundamentals:
First things first - you must know the purpose of investing; therefore, defining your financial objective is important.
Subsequently, you need to be aware of the expected time horizon of your investment.
Lastly, you have to understand the background of your investment and the risk-return trade-off.
Another often forgotten factor is that as an investor, you must always remember NOT to compete with another individual when it comes to the returns of investment. Do not step into an investment without evaluating your financial objective, expected time of horizon, and the level of risk you are comfortable with. In other words, remember key fundamentals mentioned above and stay disciplined in evaluating what suits you most; never attempt an investment opportunity just because it yields a better return.
Take a scenario. When you see an individual actively trades in forex and obtains good returns, it does not mean that trading in forex is a good investment option for you. Do not be driven by greed when you are preparing your investment plan. You need to calmly assess the level of risks you are comfortable to handle and avoid stepping into any form of investments without understanding how it works.
There are plenty of investment opportunities available and if your selection is driven by greed, it could wipe out your life savings. It is noteworthy to re-emphasise that different investment options come with different levels of risk and subsequently yield different potential returns.
Do not drool over another individual’s investment returns. If you are not comfortable in designing your own investment plans, speak to a financial planner for assistance. It is your hard-earned money at stake, and I am sure you do not want it to “evaporate”. It pays to be uncompetitive as an investor.
Untuk "pelaburan", kursus berkaitan;
1. Pola 636 Potensi Pelaburan - Tahap 1, 2, 3 dan Investomillionaires
2. Kaedah Graf Hayat.

Begitu juga katanya terdapatnya air kumbahan (najis) halal diminum... telah dijadikan air mineral yang telah ditapis sebersih-bersihnya hingga ianya mematuhi syarak.
Memang dari segi syarak halal tapi dari segi tauhid/ perspektif/ sensitiviti masyarakat... lihat iklan ini beli mi goreng HALAL dapat kondom dan gambar ghairah... memang mi goreng tu halal.. tapi bagi ramai orang yang halal tu mi goreng ke atau iklan tu... kalaulah logo JAKIM kat situ mau tak haru jadinya!Bayangkan kalau model itu makcik Kiah jiran sebelah kita atau adik perempuan kita ... apakah anda membenarkannya?
Sebab tu pihak berkuasa seperti JAKIM sangat-sangat ambil berat bukan sekadar ikut syarak tetapi perspektif sensitiviti masyarakat.,, jadi usahlah kita berbalah tentang perkara ini... dapatkan penjelasan dari pihak berwajib sebelum buat komen tentang sensitiviti sama ada dari aspek agama mahupun kini perihal sejarah Malaysia, makanan, haiwan dan sebagainya... memang negara Malaysia ini tegas sangat tapi itu untuk melindungi masyarakat juga melindungi NEGARA secara keseluruhan... rakyat Malaysia patut bersyukur kerana pandangan dan pemikiran kita sentiasa ada pihak melindungi..

Jadikan negara Malaysia ini aman damai tak payah ikut negara lain yang begitu kacau bilau... negara kita ada undang-undang dan kedaulatan yang lain dari lain... Negara Malaysia adalah tempat berteduh untuk ramai orang luar - orang melayu ada yang berketurunan Cina yang berhijrah dari selatan negara China ke Tanah Melayu semasa zaman sebelum Parameswara, yang Jawa datang ke Tanah Melayu, yang pekerja India dari negara India..yang bugis yang Siam dll.... yang aslinya adalah kaum orang asli... jadi kalau menumpang tu buatlah baik-baik di tempat ini ikut peraturan untuk melindungi negara, memang undang-undang Malaysia tegas tapi untuk melindungi negara secara keseluruhan... jika kita ada fahaman berbeza kenalah hormati dan bertindak secara berhemah...
Semasa letupan bangunan kerajaan Persekutuan di Oklahoma 1994 dulu, rumah kami rakyat Malaysia dibaling batu dan Pusat Islam dirosakkan malah keratan akhbar menyatakan pengganas Islam.. tapi sebaliknya rupanya pengebom itu rakyat Amerika sendiri juga tiada kaitan dengan Islam... jadi pengajarannnya sebelum bertindak/ komen dapatkan dulu fakta...
Jadikanlah pengajaran dari negara luar untuk bina negara yang lebih harmoni dan sama-sama kaya dan sama-sama bahagia. Perbezaan bukan untuk dibalah-balahkan tetapi untuk DIIMBANGI...
Kita ni bersaudara, adik-beradik, kita berjiran... komen lah dan berbincang lah secara berhemah ... hakikatnya sama ada parti merah, kuning, biru atau hijau, terdapatnya melayu keturunan cina, melayu keturunan yahudi, melayu keturunan jawa, melayu pakistan dan lain-lain di setiap parti itu kenapa nak berbalah... sama juga dengan kaum-kaum lain pun dah rojak-rojak... di negara luar lain, kalau orang putih memang keturunan orang putih lah selama-lamanya (melainkan dah dicampur juga macam negara kita ini)...

Untuk permulaan, banyakkan ibadat kepada Yang Maha Kuasa dan meminta kepada Nya berulang kali tanpa rasa jemu atau putus asa - biarlah hasilnya belum nampak yang penting bersungguh. Pada masa yang sama, perlu tambah ilmu dan kemudian betulkan strategi seperti arah, potensi dan sebagainya. Ditambah pula dengan ikhtiar "booster" seperti berdoa kekayaan/ jalur emas, minyak pyrite, mandian garam dan sebagainya. Pada masa yang sama juga, betulkan juga minda (mindset), cara, sikap dan sebagainya... ada perkara baru yang perlu dibuat dan ada perkara lama yang terpaksa diubah atau dibuang... memang sukar nak "berubat" dalam hidup ini, tetapi itulah hakikatnya hidup ini yang sememangnya banyak cabaran... jangan berputus asa.... Kaedah Pernomboran versi cikgu Ady adalah untuk membina dan menjana tenaga dalaman diri sendiri supaya lebih kuat menghadapi dan mengatasi konflik diri dan tempoh masa tekanan.
By Johan Jaaffar
BIGGER AND BETTER: Kyle MacDonald traded a piece of stationery and eventually owned a house WHAT can you do with a paperclip? Just one red paperclip. Use it to clip some papers of course. Or straighten it to open a lock. Or just throw it away. Not Kyle MacDonald. Through a series of online trades, over a period of one year, he bartered his way to own a house.
He first traded his red paperclip with a fish-shaped paper in July 14, 2005. Fourteen transactions later, on July 5, 2006, he got a two-storey farm house in Kipling, Saskatchewan.
MacDonald, the Canadian blogger, will enter history books as someone whose ingenuity, tenacity and clever idea has changed the way we solve problems. The story of one red paperclip is now taught in business schools and discussed as a case study in motivational talks.
The moral of the story is, there is no limit to imagination and creativity. And more importantly, ingenuity. MacDonald did something we all have taken for granted.
Little things have value. In fact he was inspired by the childhood game, "Bigger, Better". Just read his wonderful story in One Red Paperclip: The Story of How One Man Changed His Life One Swap At A Time. He inspired us, too.
We are too used to the idea that you need a proper job, work hard, save, and borrow from a bank to buy a house. MacDonald was 25 at the time, with no permanent job, when he started his adventure. The idea was to trade something for "bigger" and "better".
He changed the rules of how things get done.
We are perhaps too familiar with incredible stories of people becoming rich for doing something extraordinary. The founders of Microsoft, Google, Facebook to name a few, stumbled into something incredibly simple yet impacted the lives of millions.
They started their business in garages and dormitories equipped with ingenuity and lots of hard work. They made it big. We have heard about rags-to-riches stories many times before.
We learned how with problems, challenges and adversity come ideas and solutions.
We admire innovators and creators of things that redefined humanity and making themselves extremely rich by doing so. But trading a paperclip for a house is a different ball game altogether.
Tina Seelig of Stanford University mentioned the paperclip story in her book What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20: A Crash Course on Making Your Place in the World.
The book tells stories of people with ideas -- some of which are outrageously simple -- defying expectations and challenging assumptions.
She mixes real-life stories and experiences with classroom innovations and boardroom decisions.
It is part motivational book, part management mantra, but mostly a lesson in disregarding the impossible, on how to recover from failures and looking at problems as opportunities in disguise. What would you do with US$5 (RM16.28)? Like the paperclip, it is nothing much.
That assignment changed the ways her students think, solve problems and manage their finances.
Leveraging on the limited resources, Seelig found out that students came out with ideas so original and so inventive.
You can never know what the human minds can do in such circumstances.
The whole idea of the "Five-Dollar Challenge" according to her, is about inculcating and nurturing an "entrepreneurial mind-set".
At the same time she realised that her students must not measure "value" in terms of financial rewards only. For the next assignment, she changed the US$5 with 10 paperclips. Remember, MacDonald started with one.
Students must not be trapped in the traditional education system, she argues. What you learn in schools are different from the real world.
You can't apply textbook solutions to the real problems outside.
You have to innovate, be creative and think out of the box.
According to Seelig, "bridging the gap to tackle real-world challenges can be extremely difficult, but it's doable with the right tools and mind-set."
We ought to learn something from the stories in this book, that of MacDonald's and many others, who start with nothing and by sheer hard work and determination achieved great things in life.
But there is another dimension to that -- how they were motivated and inspired to achieve that.
One simple idea can change the world. Greatness are made of these -- little things that turned bigger and better. And the men and women behind them -- whose ideas passed the test of time.
The next time you see a paperclip lying on the table, remember this, you might end up owning a Ferrari many online transactions later.
New Straits Times

Tengok graf tu bulan Mac rendah juga berkaitan jenayah - serangan Lahad Datu, lepas tu Jun rendah - jenayah berat, lepas ni September juga rendah.. macam nak perang je...
Lindungi diri anda dengan memakai jaket besi ke pejabat... atau boleh ikhtiar "energi pelindung" seperti energi 38 dsbnya.

Ada beberapa sebab dan tentunya ada beberapa strategi dan cara mengatasinya...
jika Tan Sri ini boleh lakukannya, kenapa anda tidak boleh?
Hadir kursus/ sesi konsultansi berkaitan Pola 966 Perniagaan bersama kami di sini.

Ada sebab dan tentunya ada strategi cara mengatasinya....
Apakah bisnes anda punyai Business Contigency Plan? Business Strategic Planning? Market Intelligence? dll...
Kalau tak ada memang patut dan padan syarikat anda bermasalah! Buat bisnes bukan sekadar ambil stok, iklan kat fanpage dan jual barang... itu bukan tahap bisnes! Tapi ramai yang mengaku dah jadi business.. Fahami erti Business, Sales, Marketing, Entreprenuership dengan lebih mendalam... dan tentunya STRATEGI! Nak jadi usahawan perlu mahir pelbagai strategi pemasaran, strategi kewangan, strategi pelaburan dsbnya.
Walaupun tarikh daftar kurang baik tetapi ada cara untuk meningkatkan prestasi... hadir kursus/ konsultansi untuk bina strategi pembangunan produktiviti syarikat ataupun kehidupan... kemahiran kami dalam Productivity Improvement Strategy (PIS).
Berdoa Kekayaan 1 Ogos 2013: 9.30 mlam - 11.30 malam.
... semalam semasa berdoa kekayaan, 1 malam sy tak dpt tidur, anggota badan sebelah kiri hati, tangan, tapak tangan kencang berdenyut2 seolah2 ada arus renjatan elektrik, nafas sesak... dan berpeluh tpi masa tu angin dan hujan turun lebat, sy minum air byk kli, dlm tapak tangan kiri berdenyut d bhgian isi, sy sentuh kad emas 2796, baru rasa kurang sikit sesak nafas, dan kini masih brdenyut bhgian kiri... sy sentuh barang kemas semuanya jadi panas cikgu..
Assalamualaikum cikgu Ady, terima kasih banyak cikgu dengan upload energy baru ini hati sy rasa ceria dan gembira, dalam masa yg sama rezeki duit dan kerjaya ada hari ini, pihak pengurus bank bagi tindakbalas yg baik mengatakan akan memberi imbuhan yg lebih bai utk team kami kerana bbrpa tahun sebelum ini sale sentisa tinggi, penghargaan yg tak dijangka buat sy, alhamdulillah cikgu Ady..
Salam cikgu eddy. Sy nak kongsi apa yg sy rasa semlam. Waktu lebih kurang 9.30 - 10 mlm. Saya lipat baju waktu tu sambil berdoa supaya diberi kekayaan. Terasa sgt penat seolah2 jantung sangat lemah. Sy merasakan seperti tiada tenaga walaupun melipat baju. Tapi selepas pukul 10.30 sy mula bertenaga sehingga berdoa sgt sunggguh2 gar dikurniakan kekayaan. Adakah itu kesan daripada uploadnya energy dari team cikgu eddy.
tq maklumbalas... daripada maklumbalas ini pihak kami akan perhalusi cara yang lebih baik lagi untuk program Transfer Energy pada masa akan datang. Maklumbalas ini menunjukkan ikhtiar kaedah transfer energy versi kami sebagai satu ikhtiar tambahan secara jarak jauh.
1) melibatkan pengajian sebanyak 9 hari - lebih panjang dan lebih mendalam.
2) bilangan peserta yang dihadkan untuk lebih fokus.
3) Peranan Mentor Perniagaan diwujudkan untuk membantu peserta dibawah kelolaan syarikat Jejak Kaya Enam Enam.
4) Bimbingan cikgu Ady.
5) Gabungan teknologi (software) dan energi untuk kejayaan
6) Pengajian menyeluruh dan lebih meluas tentang potensi pola 966 perniagaan berbanding kelas pola 966 yang biasa.
7) kelas yang lebih menyerupai coaching/ mentoring berbanding kelas ceramah biasa.
Terbuka untuk individu yang belum / baru mahu pelajari strategi kaedah pernomboran khusus untuk usahawan sedia ada/ bakal usahawan, mahupun bekas peserta kursus yang lama yang mahu tambah kemahiran/ pengetahuan.
Nantikan pengumuman lanjut.

Alkisah seorang peserta pernomboran yang sering "nampak" seekor ular selalunya apabila "energi" tidak baik datang.... oleh kerana beliau ada kad emas, jadi menggunakan kaedah "transfer energi" melalui WhatsApp, maka energi dipindahkan ke kad beliau dan cikgu Ady minta beliau letak kad itu dibawah bantal.
Ini adalah kaedah ikhtiar terbaru menggunakan teknologi sama ada WhatsApp ataupun SMS juga boleh...satu-satunya dan pertama di dunia... memang unik dan pelik tak masuk logik akal, tapi ini adalah ikhtiar secara jarak jauh yang lebih saintifik.

Untuk bahan-bahan yang dihantar gambar untuk ikhtiar energi, bagi lebih berkesan, pegang semula bahan tersebut sambil bernafas tenang dan "tarik" energi dari bahan tersebut (dalam minda anda semasa tarik nafas).. seolah energy yang telah ditransfer anda keluarkan... mudah-mudahan.