Kelas KDT (kelas dalam aplikasi Telegram) Pola Mistik Dan Kesultanan adalah batch pertama. Membentangkan perihal pola misteri/ paranormal. Seorang peserta kelas memaklumkan kisah yang benar2 terjadi kepada dirinya. Jadi, fenomena tersebut wujud dan berkait dengan pola misteri/ paranormal sedemikian. Oleh kerana kelas KDT Pola Mistik ini lebih kepada memperkenalkan pola2 dan memperkenalkan sedikit kaedah/ strategi untuk menguruskannya, maka satu lagi KDT akan dibuat bagi mendalami perihal pemulihan/ pengurusan pola2 sedemikian. Kelas KDT ini telah tersedia untuk join pada bila2 masa kerana ianya berbentuk Grup Telegram. Daftar di nombor yang tertera. |
Graf Prestasi Bulanan negara USA untuk tahun 2020 (graf prestasi bulanan ciptaan Dato Eddy Rosyadie) menunjukkan mata dalaman rendah 3 bulan berturut2 (Mac-Mei 2020) serta mata luaran rendah (Mac) dan mata luaran 5 (halangan) untuk Mei-Jun 2020. Dengan kajian secara mikro sebegini dapat dijadikan panduan bagi merancang bulan2 ke hadapan dan persediaan sebelum memasuki bulan2 tersebut. |
Tahun ini 2020 Malaysia di dalam kitaran tahun 7 (31+8+2020=7) iaitu tahun ujian, kehilangan dan kerugian. Tahun lepas 2019, Malaysia di dalam tahun Vacuum Star (dari Graf Hayat). Dua tahun berturut2 sebegini memberi impak kepada ekonomi, lebih2 lagi tahun kitaran 7 yang punyai fungsi lebih kuat berbanding dengan Vacuum Star (duit disedut). |
Sifat menyimpan wang dari awal usia muda 20an dengan strategi2 yang betul seperti pelaburan dalam unit amanah dsbnya boleh menjana kekayaan dalam 20 tahun iaitu pada umur 40an. Memang perlu membuat simpanan yang berterusan dengan disiplin yang baik serta strategi pelaburan yang betul untuk mempercepatkan hasilnya. Namun, tidak terlambat juga kalau sudah berumur 30an atau 50an untuk menyimpan dan melabur simpanan itu. |
Kenali potensi diri untuk membuat perniagaan/ jualan produk yang bersesuaian dengan diri anda. Begitu juga dengan arah kejayaan memainkan peranan penting dalam menjadikan kejayaan lebih bermakna. Potensi diri, arah kejayaan, tempoh masa, keserasian jenama semuanya itu memerlukan kajian dan penelitian bersama Dato Eddy Rosyadie untuk menentukan kejayaan. Khidmat Dato Eddy Rosyadie 017 769 7946 016 624 9666 - Sesi konsultansi (bertemu / online) Kenali Potensi Diri dan Perniagaan. - Kelas Arah Mata Angin (bertemu / online) |
Walau bagaimanapun, ada cara dan strategi untuk mengelak angka sebegini atau menguruskan angka2 sebegini. Contohnya, pelajar2 di Tingkatan 5 boleh saja survive dengan baik.
7 Financial Lessons the Crisis Will Teach Us
And how we can use those lessons to be smarter moving forward
Art Rainer
May 6, 2020
The text messages, DMs, and emails rapidly arrived, all of them expressing a similar concern: My finances are in trouble. In seemingly just a few weeks’ time, our world was turned upside down. A public health emergency raced around the globe, wreaking havoc on nations, cities and neighborhoods. The United States has not been immune: Markets tanked, jobs vanished and, most importantly, lives have been lost.
During these times, many have found themselves sitting at home, wondering what could have been done differently and how to let that knowledge better their future decision-making. Financially, this crisis has certainly provided its fair share of lessons learned, ones that we would’ve rather not learned the hard way. The point shouldn't be to dwell on regretful mistakes but to move forward wiser and more determined than ever before. So what lessons have we learned so far?
1. Overconfidence leads to poor financial decision-making
It’s astounding the difference a few weeks can make. Not too long ago, the market was reaching new heights while unemployment was hitting rock-bottom lows. Everything seemed good. And many were making financial decisions as if nothing could ever change — spending more, accumulating debt, selecting riskier investments and saving less. But everything did change, and it exposed the fragile financial house that had been built. Overconfidence leads to poor financial decision-making and being too aggressive in some areas while ignoring others. We must be wiser.
2. Everyone needs an emergency fund
Financial experts have stressed the importance of emergency funds for some time. Why? Because a financial emergency is not a matter of “if” but “when.” Having an adequate emergency fund can get you through times when income is low or nonexistent. Those who had money set aside for an emergency are better able to weather this current storm. How much should you save? I recommend three to six months worth of living expenses, depending on how many are reliant on your income. A financial emergency will happen, and we must be prepared.
3. Developing multiple streams of income is more important than we realized
In my book Find More Money, I walk readers through how to get a side gig and generate income outside of their full-time job. There are many reasons why people get side gigs: to pay down debt, save for the future or even to be able to give away more. What the crisis has taught us is that multiple streams of income can not only help us reach our financial goals when times are good, but they can also help us make it through times when the economy tanks and layoffs are common. The additional income streams provide a chance to generate some income even if a job is lost. Moving forward, developing another stream of income is worth considering.
4. Debt stinks
For many of us, credit card balances and car loans reflect a lifestyle that we can’t actually afford. We try to “keep up with the Joneses,” but statistically speaking, they probably can’t afford their lifestyle either. So, we’re chasing a façade. And what do we find at the end of the chase? A massive burden. And even though you hate the burden, you still must pay your bills. During tight financial times, the burden feels even heavier. We have less money to pay the bills, and the accumulation of late fees and interest make the debt even greater. Debt really does stink.
5. Saving for retirement is not for the faint of heart
Earlier I mentioned the danger of overconfidence. During bull markets, it is overconfidence that leads to bad financial decision-making. During bear markets, it is fear. When the market dips, your emotions will beg you to abandon your investment strategy and sell it all. But this is a big mistake. We know what leads to successful retirement investing: discipline and a long-term mindset. We must let our brain override our emotions.
6. Financial margin is key
Emergency funds, debt-free living and retirement savings are all worth pursuing. However, in order to chase after these things, we need financial margin. Living paycheck-to-paycheck won’t get us there. We must learn to maintain our existing standard of living while our income increases. We can’t let the number on our paycheck determine the amount we spend.
7. Generosity changes lives
Where there is great darkness, light shines even brighter. We’ve seen the impact that even seemingly small acts of generosity can have on our neighbors and community. What we do with the resources we have matters. It matters for them, and it matters for us. Although we frequently regret past purchases, we rarely regret past generosity. Generosity should be a financial priority for us all.
We’ve been knocked down and are hurting, but we can’t be content lying on the mat. We must get up, ready to fight another day, equipped with the lessons we’ve learned.
Carta Year Element Strategy Tahun 2020 dicipta oleh Dato Eddy Rosyadie dan dilakarkan pada tahun 2019 lalu menunjukkan elemen METAL antaranya FINANCE (kewangan/ ekonomi) berada dalam fasa CAUTION selama 4 bulan berturut2 (Jan - April 2020). Berita April 2020 ini menunjukkan fenomena tersebut. Jelas ketika pandemik (shutdown, lockdown, pergerakan kawalan) telah menjejaskan industri METAL seperti berikut; - Logistics (pengangkutan). Penerbangan dibatalkan dan pengangkutan awam seperti teksi dan bas sekolah terjejas. Malah Pos Laju juga terima 600,000 bungkusan untuk dihantar. - Finance (kewangan/ ekonomi) - institusi kewangan seperti bank dan syarikat insurans terjejas perniagaan. - Security (keselamatan) - dengan lockdown/ perintah pergerakan, tentera, polis dan pasukan keselamatan yang lain mengalami peningkatan masa dan skop kerja. - Engineering (kejuruteraan) - sektor pengilangan dan pembuatan berasaskan besi dan juga kejuruteraan juga terjejas. |
Untuk ketahui pola2 potensi diri ada 4 cara; 1. Sesi belajar ikuti kelas a. KDT (kelas Dalam Aplikasi Telegram) b. Sesi Belajar Online / Bertemu dengan Dato Eddy Rosyadie. 2. Sesi konsultansi peribadi (online/ bertemu) bersama Dato Eddy Rosyadie: a. Sesi 1 jam - ketahui elemen diri (untuk kerjaya/ bisnes_ dan pola2 potensi. b. Sesi 2 jam - ketahui elemen diri (untuk kerjaya/ bisnes) dan pola2 potensi, juga mengenali arah kejayaan, tempoh masa dan keserasian kerjaya/ bisnes. 3. Dapatkan laporan potensi diri dan perniagaan. 15 mukasurat. Elemen diri, pola2 potensi, ciri2 perniagaan, kitaran tahun terkini, tempoh dekad terkini, graf prestasi bulanan dan graf prestasi harian untuk 1 tahun serta perihal graf energi hayat, zon kerjaya dan zon rezeki. 4. Dapatkan laporan potensi diri dan perniagaan serta sesi konsultansi peribadi 1 jam/ 2 jam. Hubungi Dato Eddy Rosyadie: 017 769 7946 016 624 9666 |
Anda ada pola 769 dalam petak statik? Jika tiada, tak mengapa, ada tahun tertentu pola tersebut muncul dan apakah strategi anda ketika itu untuk meraih kekayaan atau kewangan besar?
1. Kira nama anda (tanpa bin/ binti). A=1, B=2 dan seterusnya ikut jadual.
2. Kirakan jumlah besar (total) tarikh lahir anda. Tarikh + bulan + tahun lahir = X
3. Anda anak yang ke berapa?
4. Anda darah jenis apa? A=1. B=2, AB = 3, O=6.
Ada yang dapat jawapan sebagai 7696? atau 6666? atau 7616? Letak jawapan anda dibawah ini dan Klik untuk dihantar.
Tiada maksud apa pun tentang pola pernomboran ini? Saja permainan.
3 Mei 2020. Program Ikhtiar Energi untuk Grup Energi Mei 2020. Terkhilaf kerana terlepaskan dos energi hari tersebut yang tinggi sangat menyebabkan ada peserta yang terkena dos energi yang tinggi itu. Warna (energi) yang hadir adalah warna BIRU dan ada peserta yang dapat "melihatnya" juga. Manakala seorang peserta dapat tempahan produk yang banyak. |
Antara contoh Mei-Jun sesuatu tahun menggambarkan apa yang berlaku pada tahun seterusnya. Berita Mei 2019 ini menunjukkan kisah Bazar Ramadan KL yang mulanya kurang sambutan didakwa hambar, tiada sokongan dsbnya. Tahun ini Mei 2020 tiada langsung Bazar Ramadan KL dek pandemik. Dari pemerhatian Dato Eddy Rosyadie sejak 2009 lagi menunjukkan Mei-Jun menggambarkan situasi yang bakal kita lalui pada tahun hadapannya. Jika Mei-Jun tahun ini kita berada dalam keadaan positif maka tahun hadapan kita secara amnya positif. Jika Mei-Jun tahun ini kitara berada dalam keadaan negatif (serabut, kurang kewangan, masalah dsbnya) secara amnya kita akan berada dalam situasi negatif pada tahun hadapan. Oleh yang demikian, amat penting bagi kita berada dalam keadaan yang positif sepanjang Mei-Jun (dan tentunya berterusan positif): 1. Mulakan perancangan dan mulakan usaha untuk membangunkan potensi diri/ perniagaan. 2. Menjana energi positif (secara sendiri atau bersama program Dato Eddy). 3. Membuat penambahbaikian atau pembetulan kepada potensi diri/ perniagaan/ kerjaya semasa Mei-Jun. 4. Menyelidik dan mendalami potensi diri/ perniagaan/ kerjaya semasa Mei-Jun. |
Tahun 2020 tahun berpola 636 pelaburan satunya bursa saham. Artikel ini membentangkan kenapa bursa saham tidak ikut trend kejatuhan pandemik sebaliknya masih aktif dan naik. Begitulah fenomena pola 636 pelaburan. Yang mana satukah kaunter pelaburan yang sesuai dengan anda? Juga strategi melabur di bursa pada hari yang sesuai untuk beli dan jual? Gunakan kaedah pernomboran metafizik versi Dato Eddy Rosyadie sebagai panduan. Hubungi Dato Eddy (017 769 7946 / 016 624 9666). |
Energi negatif pandemik menular kepada perihal2 peribadi dan diri. Sebelum2 ini energi negatif mengganas di situasi sekeliling seperti kadar jenayah bandar. Tetapi kurungan (lockdown/ perintah kawalan pergerakan) telah mengurangkan kadar jenayah di luar sana. Namun peningkatan dari kes atau simptom yang berlaku pada peribadi diri. Ini menunjukkan peribadi diri kita ini semakin lemah di kala pandemik sebaiknya ditingkatkan energi positif diri mengatasi energi negatif yang kini mengkhususkan kepada peribadi diri. |
Carta Year Element Strategy dicipta oleh Dato Eddy Rosyadie dan dilakarkan pada 2019 lalu menunjukkan elemen METAL satunya logistiks/kenderaan berada dalam fasa CAUTION utk Mac- April 2020. Berita Mei 2020 ini menunjukkan fenomena tersebut. Carta ini digunapakai bukan untuk kegunaan domestik (dalam negara) malahan untuk kegunaan luar negara juga. Kerana carta ini dilakarkan berdasarkan kepada tahun 2020 iaitu secara global. |
Di kala pandemik ini, segelintir individu mampu meraih keuntungan berlipat ganda. Satu sebabnya adalah kerana mereka punyai saham syarikat. Tahun 2020 adalah pola 636 pelaburan antaranya saham. Kerana itu pelaburan memainkan peranan penting dalam kewangan kita; sama ada lot saham atau unit amanah/ unit trust. |
Carta Year Element Strategy 2020 dicipta oleh Dato Eddy Rosyadie dan dilakarkan pada 2019 lalu menunjukkan elemen WATER satunya perhotelan berada dalam fasa CAUTION pada May-Jun 2020. Berita Mei ini menunjukkan fenomena tersebut. Sejak minggu akhir bulan April 2020, beberapa berita diterbitkan tentang penutupan beberapa hotel2 tempatan mahupun luar negara. Kaedah Year Element Strategy ini dicipta dan dibangunkan oleh Dato Eddy Rosyadie untuk mengenalpasti industri/ bidang apa yang terjejas (CAUTION) atau peluang (OPPORTUNITY) di setiap peringkat/ bulan-bulan sepanjang tahun. Untuk memudahkan para peniaga/ industri membuat persediaan dan perancangan sewajarnya. |
Jadi untuk memeriksa PRESTASI perniagaan anda secara kaedah pernomboran bersama Dato Eddy Rosyadie secara berkala (setiap setahun sekali) bagi menyediakan pelan perancangan dan persediaan bagi meneruskan perniagaan dengan lancar.
Doing so quickly is essential to getting your business on track
Rick Terrien
April 30, 2020
There’s a widely used acronym that you may have heard of: KISS — keep it simple, stupid. But it’s an old saying, and it needs updating. How about, “Keep it simple, smarty”? Simple is the new smart, and it is, in fact, exactly what most people need to focus on when starting a business
Let’s talk about some key ways you can set up your ageless startup’s mission, values and goals in a way that provides simplicity and clarity for both you and your customers.
Determine Your Mission
At the heart of every new enterprise is the organization’s mission. A mission statement is a short, succinct statement about how you’ll position your organization to interact with the world. What is your business purpose, its meaning and the basis of how you want your new enterprise to serve the field in which it operates?
A mission statement isn’t just an outwardly focused marketing statement, though it is that to some degree. A mission statement is also a very important internal tool for running your business. When you come to a fork in the road, such as deciding whether to take on a new customer or provide a service to another company (for the money or for its relevance to your mission statement), you have the guidance in hand to make that decision. You’ve put up the guard rails to help your future self live up to the potential of the opportunity. You know what your mission is, so you can create partnerships that reflect your values.
A mission statement should motivate you, inspire you and be your key tool for presenting your opportunity to the world. Large businesses often write mission statements to please a wide range of stakeholders and end up pleasing no one. Because you’re an artisan entrepreneur focused on niche markets, you can hone your words to speak to specific problems that inspire action in your own heart and mind and in the responses from customers you want to serve.
A mission statement should specifically cite the purpose of the organization, however inelegant and confusing it might be to others not in your target market. For instance, most people would not care about or even understand the mission statement I use for my current startup. It leaves out almost everyone. My current mission statement is, “I want to make this region the artisan food manufacturing capital of North America.” The people who matter to this project will know exactly what the goal of my current work is and appreciate its importance.
Lastly, it’s important to remember that mission statements aren’t written in stone. Adapt them carefully as your circumstances and markets change. Your mission statement will be your guiding star as you sail into the future. Choose it carefully and rely on it.
Identify Your Values
The new best practice in business is to emphasize your personal goals, values and ambitions for changing the world in your business plans. By doing so, you’ll attract the customers you need and send those with discordant value systems off to where they belong.
These are the values you need to use to steer your enterprise. Keep these simple. Be direct. Don’t use extra words. The values you build into your new enterprise are values you must live by yourself. A sample values statement might be, “We’ll treat every customer as though they’re our family, with respect and understanding.”
Keeping your value statement simple and direct also allows you to be true to yourself and true to your business mission. You’re working to share the values you’re passionate about. Be clear, and keep it simple. The purpose of a values statement isn’t to impress. It’s to educate people about what’s important to you and your business.
Think about what makes you angry with business practices you encounter. What frustrates you about the way people are dealing with subjects you care deeply about? How would you approach the issue differently? Business practices are driven by the value systems behind them. Let this guide you.
Set Your Goals
With your mission and values in place, you can establish goals for the journey. How will you combine your passion, mission statement and values statement to get the results you want? You establish metrics you can measure. What steps can you put in place to meet your mission and the values behind it?
Following KISS principles, you’ll want to identify realistic goals that have meaning and consequence. As solo entrepreneurs, we need to include goals that benefit ourselves and our businesses. Your business goals should be simple, clear, and transparent. Your KISS approach calls for answers that are easy to understand for all who see them. A KISS version of business goals might look like these:
We will grow and maintain a sustainable, profitable organization.
We will add one new client per month for the next 12 months.
We will answer all new inquiries within 24 hours.
Goals help you complete your mission and put your values into action. Goals make your new enterprise work. What problems lay in the way of completing your mission and the values that drive it? How would you get around those obstacles? How could you create a better system that would avoid or solve those problems? Those are your goals.
How do you know which goals will be most effective to help you carry out your mission? Reverse the design of your products and services. Reverse the design of your enterprise. For the specific problem at hand, start with your answer.
Build your goals with this result in mind. How have you made the solution simpler? How have you made the process easier? If you want sustainable work, think simple.
Mission statements, values statements and goals should be written in service of honoring your passion. Get that right, and you’ve got a high-value ageless startup.