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By Tara MacIsaac, Epoch Times | May 19, 2014
Marcel Vogel was a senior scientist at IBM for 27 years, during which time he patented over 100 inventions. Part way through his career, he became interested in a more organic application of his scientific knowledge. At the end of this investigation was the startling discoveries that plants could not only read people’s minds, but they could do it over great distances, and the amount of attention the person paid to the plant influenced the plant’s ability to perceive the person’s thoughts.
He read the book by Cleve Backster, “The Secret Life of Plants,” which started the trend in the 1960s of people talking to their houseplants.
Backster was a former CIA lie-detector specialist who developed polygraph techniques still in general use today by the U.S. military and government agencies. Backster discovered by using lie-detectors that plants respond to human actions and thoughts with appropriate signals of happiness or fear.
When Vogel read of Backster’s work, he thought the experiment must be flawed, it couldn’t be true. He tested it. His former research associate Dan Willis explained Vogel’s experiments on his website
Vogel formed a link between plants and a Wheatstone Bridge, which is a circuit that can test electrical currents. When Vogel cleared his mind and breathed slowly, the plants showed no reaction. When he pulsed his breath through his nostrils and held a thought in his mind, the plants responded dramatically.
Furthermore, said Willis: “The responsiveness of the plants to thought was also the same whether 8 inches away, 8 feet, or 8,000 miles, as he proved from Prague, Czechoslovakia, to his laboratory in San Jose where he was able to affect the plant hooked up to the recorder.”
When two plants were experimented on at once to see what reaction one would have to the other being injured (cut, burned, or torn), Vogel noticed that the plant’s reaction would vary according to how much attention he was paying to that plant. He realized the scientist’s thoughts can affect such experimentation.
Willis wrote: “This is one reason why certain scientific investigations in the area of subtle energies cannot be readily replicated. It is not always a matter of scientific protocol, but a matter of relationship.
“Unfortunately, many scientists would consider this to be some kind of inessential and perhaps bothersome epiphenomena. Although such individuals are scientists, to Marcel, they were technicians attempting to prove what they already thought was true.”
By Tara MacIsaac, Epoch Times | January 21, 2014
The energy emitted by people who have reached an advanced level in meditation practice has been shown by multiple studies to exceed normal human levels by hundreds or thousands of times.
Here’s a look at a few such studies.
1. Gamma Waves Off the Charts
Neuroscientist Richard Davidson’s 2004 study on the energy emitted by Tibetan meditating monks is chronicled by Stanford University.
Davidson tested the Dalai Lama’s most advanced monks, each with 15 to 40 years of meditation practice. He measured the gamma waves emitted by their brains with electroencephalograph (EEG) testing and brain scanning. A control group of 10 students with no previous meditation experience was also tested after a week of training.
Gamma waves are described as “some of the highest-frequency and most important electrical brain waves.” The production of gamma waves requires thousands of nerve cells to act at extremely high speeds in unison.
Davidson found some of the monks produced gamma wave activity more powerful and of higher amplitude than any documented case in history. The movement of the waves was also far better organized than the non-meditating test volunteers.
It was also shown that meditation could result in the redistribution of gray matter in the brain and prevent its loss. The loss of gray matter has an impact on many mental functions, such as the control of emotions, impulses, thoughts, and movements. This is because the caudate nucleus, which controls these functions and more, is situated within the gray matter.
2. Qigong Masters Emit Infrasonic Waves 100–1,000 Times Above Normal Levels
In 1998, Professor Lu Yanfang and dozens of American scientists conducted research on qigong masters in China.
Qigong is an ancient practice that involves cultivating energy, not only by doing meditative exercises, but also by improving mind and heart nature, as the mind and body are said to be one. It is known to have healing effects.
In her research, she had found that Qigong masters were able to emit powerful bursts of infrasonic waves, 100 to 1000 times as strong as average individuals.
After even just a few weeks of training, beginners in the practice had five times the infrasonic energy they had produced before the training.
A similar study at the Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, published in 1988, found the qi emitted by qigong masters could be measured in part as infrasonic waves 100 times stronger than that of an ordinary person. Both studies are detailed by the China Healthways Institute.
3. Monks Emit Heat Where Others Could Freeze to Death
An experiment conducted on Tibetan monks in northern India is described in a 2002 Harvard University Gazette article.
The monks, thinly clad, were put in a room where the temperature was 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius). They entered a state of deep meditation. Sheets soaked in cold water were draped over their shoulders.
Under these conditions, an ordinary person would shiver uncontrollably and the drop in body temperature could even result in death, explains the article.
The monks, however, remained warm and dried the sheets with their bodies. Once the sheets were dried, more cold, wet sheets were draped over them. Each monk dried three sheets over the course of several hours.
Herbert Benson, who had studied the meditation technique for 20 years, told the Gazette: “Buddhists feel the reality we live in is not the ultimate one. There’s another reality we can tap into that’s unaffected by our emotions, by our everyday world. Buddhists believe this state of mind can be achieved by doing good for others and by meditation.”
He said the heat emanated from their bodies was just a by-product of the meditation.
Many such experiments have been performed on people who practice meditation and it has been found that some of them are able to emanate great amounts of various kinds of energy that can be measured. They are also able to control metabolism and other bodily processes.
4. Amazing Healing Effects
Many Practitioners of Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, have reportedly been cured of chronic and serious illnesses. Falun Dafa is a meditation discipline that cultivates the mind as well as the body. Its three main principles are truthfulness, compassion, tolerance.
Medical writer Lara C. Pullen interviewed some Falun Dafa practitioners in 2000 for an article published in CBS Health Watch.
Sen Yang, then 39, of Chicago was diagnosed with chronic hepatitis. He told Pullen: “A doctor told me directly, ‘There is no way to really cure your disease. You will have it for the rest of your life.’”
After practicing Falun Dafa for a while, he had a physical exam and all 32 test results came back normal, including the ones that targeted his illness.
“At the beginning my physical condition changed very fast. When walking, I felt [that] my body was so light that I could almost float up,” he said.
Falun Dafa practitioners explained that the practice is not meant to heal illnesses, but it is a natural effect of improving one’s mind and of doing the meditative exercises, which strengthen energy in the body among other effects.
Zhi Ping Kolouch, a 43-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner, told Pullen: “If a person is miserable inside their heart, then they will get sick.”
Namun, tarikh nikah bukannya boleh ditukar seperti tarikh daftar syarikat... jadi antara ikhtiarnya adalah berdoa dan berniat pada hari yang baik.. satu ikhtiar daripada membiarkan hidup berkahwin yang merana.
Tarikh ikhtiar seterusnya dan terdekat ini adalah pada 30 Mei 2014, kebetulan jatuh hari Jumaat hari berkat.. mudah-mudahan ikhtiar berjaya. Walaupun perkahwinan merana mahupun hampir berpisah, tetapi sekurangnya energi yang baik membantu untuk perjalanan hidup yang lebih baik selepas ini... kita ikhtiarkan bersama.
Alkisahnya ramai yang mengadu "diganggu" dengan perihal mistik dan misteri.. umum mengatakan ianya saka namun bagi cikgu Ady, tidak semestinya saka tetapi ada individu yang dilahirkan ditugaskan untuk menyerap energi kotor orang lain, menyebabkan dirinya memiliki energi tidak baik dan seterusnya energi kotor itu menggangu dirinya sendiri... yang ternampak bayangan hantu atau "ditindih" itu bukannya anda punya energi tetapi orang lain punya yang anda serap...
Itu satu kebolehan dan anugerah kelahiran, TERUTAMANYA JIKA KETURUNAN ADA PERAWAT (seperti bidan, bomoh, doktor dsbnya).
Apakah anda berpola 459? Sama ada di petak atas (pembayang) atau petak bawah (statik), kedua-duanya boleh jadi...yang kesiannya dahlah serap energi orang lain dan tanggunglah keburukan energi orang lain tu, dah jadi macam tempat tong sampah.. tu yang hidup tunggang langgang, suami pun bosan, rumahtangga berantakkan, kerja tak fokus tak menentu, dan macam-macam lagi, ye lah hidup dalam tong sampah.. jika anda "buang" pun ianya akan ada juga sampai anda mati pun masih "melekat"... cara mengatasinya adalah mudah... antaranya ikhtiar untuk meningkatkan kualiti pola 459 anda tersebut supaya anda "dilindungi" dengan berkesan, sekurangnya ada ikhtiar... cara-cara lain akan diberitahu....
Kadang-kala orang pola 459 ok sahaja tiada apa-apa peristiwa semasa bujang... namun ianya boleh berlaku apabila sudah berkahwin dan ada pasangan/ anak (iaitu berkeluarga) kerana mereka itu rapat dengan kehidupan anda.
Jom, Program Aura 38 Energi Elemen Air pada 7 dan 8 Jun di Gunung Ledang.
Punyalah berdoa dengan Tuhan tapi bila Tuhan nak bagi kaya dengan kewangan "Great Financier" tapi kita masih tak buat apa-apa untuk dunia kewangan... macam mana nak kata Tuhan tu adil? Sendiri salahlah kan..
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Anda dapat Energi Level sebegitu kerana faktor keturunan - satu sebabnya jika ibu mengandung stress, maka dapatlah bentuk Energi Level yang teruk - sebab itulah, wahai kaum wanita, usahlah stress ketika mengandung kerana anda menyebabkan anak anda dapat Energi Level yang stress!
Apabila Energy Level rendah, maka macam-macam menyeksakan diri anda - masalah rumahtangga lah, masalah kewangan lah, dulu mak mertua sayang kini mak mertua benci, dulu kaya tetiba jatuh miskin, bos pun mula marah-marah, kucing pun marah-marah kat kita... apabila graf rendah... berdoa pun tak makbul-makbul..
Sifu kepada cikgu Ady pula kata kalau nak tambah Energy Level tu kena buat kebaikan seperti sedekah.. beliau seorang Cina Kristian tapi dengan jenaka beritahu kalau energi level dah rendah elok banyakkan baca Yasin katanya! Rasanya betul juga pesanannya tu... sebab itu, cikgu Ady perkenalkan pelbagai bentuk dan kaedah energi seperti Upload Energi, Energi Baitullah, Energi Berdoa Kekayaan, Energi Kesultanan termasuk program Energi Pasir Emas di Pantai Mersing dan Mandi Bunga di Gunung Ledang, transfer energi, rawatan energi, minyak wangi Pyrite... adalah untuk membantu peserta untuk tingkatkan Energy Level anda... Majoriti peserta tak perasan bahawa energi mereka telah dibaiki sebab energi level ini bukanlah sesuatu yang segera instant boleh nampak seperti cahaya lampu di bilik kita.... cuba lihat graf hayat di atas, apakah boleh kita ubah energi dengan segera instant? Tetapi dengan ikhtiar dan sememangnya Yang Maha Kuasa beri kita ruang untuk ikhtiar, maka kita ikhtiarkan supaya Energi Level kita berubah lebih baik, bukan untuk minggu ini tetapi untuk 50 tahun akan datang.
Sehingga kini, masih belum ada ubat yang boleh diminum atau dimakan supaya Energi Level anda berubah baik untuk 50 tahun akan datang... sekadar minum Red Bull atau Livita ataupun 100 Plus bolehlah tingkat energi untuk sehari.
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Alhamdulillah.. saya hari ni ramai customer jumpa.... rezeki Allah yg tak terhingga ari ni...
By Nancy Mann Jackson
Everyone makes mistakes with money. We don’t save enough, or we spend too much on something frivolous. We sell shares in a stock too soon or not soon enough. “But there are also financial concerns that are unique to different stages of life,” says Joel Ohman, CFP and founder of Avoiding them as you go along can save you a lot of stress (and money!) both now and in your next stage of life.
As you maneuver through life’s ups and downs, here are the slipups to watch out for in each decade.
In Your 20s: Spending more than you earn and not saving for retirement.
“It's tempting to travel the world or buy a big car so you can feel like an adult,” says Jeff Reeves of and author of “The Frugal Investor’s Guide to Finding Great Stocks.” “But most people in their 20s don't earn enough right out of school to afford those things. And if you can't pay for that stuff up front, you wind up taking on big debts that hold you back for a long time."
Instead, create a budget, or spending plan, based solely on your current income (excluding what you’re putting into your 401(k) or IRA) and stick to it. Get used to saving for the things you want with the money you earn and avoid using credit cards except to build credit — and only if you can pay the balance off within the month.
If you’re in your twenties, retirement can seem so far away. But the earlier you start socking away retirement savings, the more you’ll earn with compounding interest and the more comfortable your retirement will be. See if your company has a 401(k) match (read: free money!) and make sure to contribute at least that much, says Wendy Weaver, CFP, portfolio manager at FBB Capital Partners. Have the contributions taken out automatically and you may hardly miss it. (And, if you do, you can always adjust your contribution.)
In Your 30s: Combining your finances and delaying insurance.
During this decade, many women make the mistake of combining all of their income, investments and financial accounts with those of their spouse or partner. If those relationships eventually come to an end, they often end up less financially secure than they would have been if they had kept some of their finances separate, Weaver says. (That’s a view supported by our contributor, and family law attorney,Margaret Klaw.)
Instead, suggests Weaver: “Keep your own checking account and deposit your income in it. Then you can share expenses out of a joint account into which you both contribute proportionally.” She also recommends keeping any investment you bring into a relationship in your own name.
A second mistake those in their thirties often make is neglecting to protect themselves with insurance. They often pass up the chance to buy life insurance at a low rate and delay the purchase of disability insurance or umbrella liability insurance, says Weaver.
“If you are in good health, buying term life insurance in your thirties is dirt cheap and you can lock in low rates for 20 or 30 years,” Reeves says. “If you have kids, this is a no brainer because it guarantees a big safety net but low premium payments until your children are on their own.”
The same advice goes for disability insurance. According to the Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education (LIFE), three in ten workers will suffer a disability lasting three months or longer at some time in their career — and 90 percent of disabilities occur outside of work (so they’re not covered by Workers’ Compensation).
“Your potential to earn a paycheck over your prime working years should be protected, and the younger you sign up for these kinds of insurance policies, the lower your rate is,” says Reeves.
In Your 40s: Funding college accounts over retirement accounts and not saving enough.
Many people in their forties are still busy spending money on the things they want right now — vacations, cars, and new houses — and delaying building up their retirement savings. “As the old saying goes, compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe,” Reeves says. Saving $500 per month for 25 years at a 5 percent rate of return will net you almost $300,000. The more you can save — and more importantly, the sooner you save it — makes all the difference. Besides, it's easier to come up with a little bit each month than a lot all at once after you realize you're almost 60 without any retirement savings socked away.”
And if you have children, it’s a good idea to set up a plan to help pay for their college related expenses but not at the expense of funding retirement. Too many parents sacrifice their retirement savings in favor of college, says Weaver. Put your retirement needs first, and “do what you can to save for both.”
In Your 50s: Co-signing on a loan and getting too defensive with savings.
Once upon a time, when people turned about 55, most were worried about simply protecting what they had already saved, Reeves says. Now that many people are living well into their eighties and nineties, they need much more in retirement than they once did. That means simply preserving capital is not a sustainable financial strategy for people in this age group.
“Make sure you keep putting your money to work and make it grow, even in your fifties,” Reeves says. While investing $300,000 in the stock market is risky, she says, “It's also risky for a 55-year-old woman with $300,000 saved up to do nothing and put that money under her mattress.” Even if she could pay for food, medicine and rent on a meager $15,000 a year, her bank account would run dry after just 20 years. “So make sure you keep growing your nest egg well into your 50s and beyond.”
If you have children, it can be tempting to be a co-signer to help them with big purchases they want like a car or home. But co-signing on a loan is never a good idea if your intention is simply to lend your name and credit history but not to make the payments, warns Weaver. “Only co-sign something you intend to pay.”
In Your 60s and Beyond: Underestimating the cost of future medical expenses and overlooking your income.
Many people focus on building their retirement funds until they retire, and then stop proactively building and simply start living off those funds. But vigilant retirees can continue to maximize their retirement funds and use them to continue earning income.
“The best retirement portfolios are not just giant pots of cash you draw down every time the bills are due,” Reeves says. “Rather, portfolios of income investments like dividend stocks, CDs or bonds offer monthly or quarterly distributions that can act as a paycheck of sorts in retirement as they deliver interest payments to investors. These kinds of income investments stretch your money and make it last longer, rather than force you to slowly bleed your piggy bank dry.”
To do that, Reeves recommends focusing on investments that offer regular payments such as stable stocks that pay dividends, corporate investment-grade bonds and U.S. Treasury notes. “These kinds of investments are very low risk and offer a reliable ‘paycheck’ each month, and you don’t have to sell a single share of your investments to get that cash,” Reeves says. “You may not be able to cover all your living expenses, but ensuring your investments deliver a steady income stream can help you better manage your budget and stretch your money farther.”
While they may have planned for regular monthly income during retirement, many women also don’t consider the potential costs of future health care they may need, Ohman says. His recommendation: Incorporate future medical needs into your retirement savings plan and consider purchasing long-term care insurance. Also, keep up with important deadlines and benefits for Social Security and Medicare, as “missing deadlines can cost you,” adds Weaver.
by Kristyn Pomranz
Forget the phrase “Happy wife, happy life”: A recent study by the University of Chicago reports what many wives have suspected for years: that the happiness of a marriage is determined by the husband’s health and attitude—not the wife’s. The study examined married and cohabitating couples, ages 63 to 90, with an average relationship of 39 years.
The researchers found that when husbands were in poor health, wives reported more conflict, but when the roles were reversed and the wives were the ones in poor health, it had no impact on husbands’ quality of marriage. Similarly, when husbands showed more positivity, the marriages saw less conflict; but when the wives showed more positivity, the marriages saw no change. Basically, it was only the husbands’ happiness that affected the overall health of a marriage.
So what gives? Do wives just keep it all running smooth and are happy no matter what the circumstances? Do husbands need more emotionally and really rule the roost?
Why Men's Moods Matter
There may actually be some validity to husbands’ emotional weight. “Men are very often more sensitive than women, despite stereotypes you’ve heard,” says relationship expert April Masini. “It’s a lot easier for men to become depressed or unhappy than women in the same circumstances. Men are sensitive, and when they’re unhappy, the marriage dynamic flags.”
Indeed, when the goin’ gets tough, women get tougher – especially over time. In astudy by Yale professor of psychology Dr. Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, it was found that rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide decrease as women age. The study notes, “Older women were more likely than older men to tap their mental, emotional, and relational strengths to deal with adversity, which in turn left them less vulnerable to depression and anxiety in the face of difficulty.”
Since wives seem to be better equipped to handle problems, it makes sense that men’s happiness may be more crucial to relationship quality. But that doesn’t mean that they are in control of the marriage. Nancy Fagan, a divorce mediator who works with couples ages 50 to 70, says, “Eighty-five percent of relationships are ended by the woman. Women initiate divorce because they tire of men not putting effort into a relationship. Meanwhile, when men come in they always ask, ‘What can I do to win her back and stop this divorce?’”
The Keys to a Happy Marriage
But most marriages don’t need to reach the point of dissolution. At the end of the day, relationships have to be 50-50 in order to be successful. “Men value competency and problem solving. Women value intimacy and emotional connection,” says Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D., psychotherapist and author of "Money, Sex and Kids: Stop Fighting About The Three Things That Can Ruin Your Marriage." “The truth is that learning successful problem solving can end fighting and therefore lead to more intimacy.”
As you age together, there are plenty of approaches you can take to maintain the love that brought you together at the start. Consider these tips from Gregory A. Kuhlman, Ph.D. and Patricia Schell Kuhlman, LCSW, founders of Marriage Success Training:
- Build (or re-build) positivity in your relationship. Research has revealed that happy couples have at least five positive interactions for every negative one. Couples who slip below five-to-one have a hard time restoring the balance and tend to interpret neutral interactions negatively. Repair after your fights. Don't allow prolonged periods of resentment to persist.
- Keep returning to the things that you enjoy doing together and that brought you together in the first place, but also use novel experience to spice things up.
- Make time for your relationship -- no matter what. Couples need to spend 12 to 15 (non-sleep, non-TV) hours per week together on average to keep their bond strong.
- Celebrate your relationship. Develop rituals to commemorate your anniversaries and other memorable relationship milestones. Build a relationship mythology by telling your stories, such as that of how you met.