Kaedah Metafizik Pernomboran Dinamik merupakan satu ikhtiar untuk mencari potensi diri berdasarkan kepada kajian yang dilakukan. Ramai orang pada usia 30-40 tahun punyai potensi yang belum terserlah dan sememangnya untuk pelajar sekolah tentulah belum terserlah tetapi dengan mengetahui potensi diri maka sesuatu tindakan yang lebih produktif dapat dilakukan lebih berkesan.
Perkhidmatan yang disediakan:
- Konsultansi Peribadi (Kerjaya, Potensi Diri)
- Kursus Potensi Kerjaya dan Perniagaan Secara Kaedah Pernomboran Dinamik.
Selebriti cef, penyanyi, personaliti televisyen, pelakon dan penceramah motivasi, Datuk Fazley Yaakob pernah bekerja sebagai pencuci tandas dan pencuci pinggan di sebuah restoran India demi menambah duit poket untuk membayar pengajiannya ketika menuntut di New Zealand.
Mengimbas pengalaman tersebut, Fazley, 39, berkata sambil bekerja, kadangkala dia 'mencuri' peluang membuat pemerhatian sendiri dan dalam diam-diam dia mempelajari mengenai masakan makanan tradisional India.
"Selama ini ramai ingat asas saya adalah Perancis tetapi sebenarnya ramai tidak tahu, asas saya dalam bidang kulinari adalah masakan India. Perancis adalah teknik pembelajaran saya dalam kulinari.
"Ketika usia 18 tahun semasa itu saya belajar di New Zealand, saya pernah bekerja separuh masa sebagai pencuci tandas di sebuah restoran India. Beberapa bulan selepas itu saya dinaikan pangkat jadi pencuci pinggan, gaji ketika itu 10 dolar sejam dan sehari saya bekerja selama lapan jam.
"Kemudian saya dapat jadi pencuci di bahagian depan iaitu tugas saya seperti membersihkan meja-meja dan mengemop lantai Dan akhir sekali, saya ditugaskan menebar roti canai. Jadi sepanjang bekerja sambil-sambil itu saya belajar sendiri mengenal rempah-rempah. Kadang-kadang kalau cef tiada saya yang kena masak. Sehingga sekarang, kalau nak suruh saya masak kari atau tebar roti canai, saya masih ingat lagi caranya," katanya sambil tersenyum.
Fazley berkongsi cerita tersebut ketika ditemui pada majlis pelancaran portal E-Dagang Jaya Grocer dan pelantikannya sebagai duta pasaraya itu, bertempat di pusat membeli The Starling, pada Rabu.
Sementara itu, mengulas mengenai pemilihannya sebagai duta pasaraya tersebut, Fazley menganggap ia sebagai tanggungjawab baharu kerana secara tidak langsung dia mewakili pelbagai jenama dan produk yang dijual di pasaraya berkenaan.
"Apabila diberi kepercayaan untuk mempromosikan pasaraya ini, tanggungjawab saya bukan saja sebagai cef tetapi jurucakap produk untuk peringkat antarabangsa. Tambahan, sebelum saya jadi duta, sebenarnya hampir 99 peratus bahan masakan yang saya gunakan untuk memasak di restoran saya, saya menggunakan produk yang dijual di sini," katanya.
Dalam pada itu, Fazley memberitahu pada masa akan datang dia berhasrat mahu memperkenalkan masakan tradisional Melayu yang lain seperti sambal tempoyak, cencaluk, budu di peringkat antarabangsa.
"Sebenarnya makanan ini juga sudah wujud di Perancis, cuma bangsa lain di luar mereka jarang menikmati makan yang dikategorikan sebagai makanan yang diperam ini. Jadi saya mahu memberitahu kepada mereka bahwa, makanan Malaysia lebih dari sekadar nasi lemak.
"Makanan Malaysia terutama masakan Melayu kampung sangat unik dan berbeza dan itu yang saya selalu tunjukkan setiap kali saya melakukan jelajah masakan di luar negara. Setiap kali saya melakukan demo masakan di luar negara, orang di sana rata-ratanya suka makan masakan masak lemak cili api dan rendang campur," tuturnya yang baru baru ini menerima anugerah Alumni Paling Cemerlang Le Cordon Bleu.
Perkembangan lain, dia bakal muncul menerusi rancangan masakan Asian Food Channel tidak lama lagi. Minggu depan Fazley akan berangkat ke Chennai untuk menjalani penggambaran program travelouge dan memasak masakan tradisional India.
Biarpun sibuk dengan kerjaya di bidang kulinari dan perusahaan restorannya, Fazley berkata dia tetap tidak meninggalkan kerjaya seni. Selepas single Ketiadaan mendapat sambutan yang mengalakkan, Fazley dalam perancangan untuk muncul dengan single terbaharu dalam bahasa Mandarin.
By Chengwei Liu, University of Warwick From The Conversation
22 September 2017
Bill Gates is a lot luckier than you might realise. He may be a very talented man who worked his way up from college dropout to the top spot on the list of the world’s richest people. But his extreme success perhaps tells us more about the importance of circumstances beyond his control than it does about how skill and perseverance are rewarded.
We often fall for the idea that the exceptional performers are the most skilled or talented. But this is flawed. Exceptional performances tend to occur in exceptional circumstances. Top performers are often the luckiest people, who have benefited from being at the right place and right time. They are what we call outliers, whose performances may be examples set apart from the system that everyone else works within.
Many treat Gates, and other highly successful people like him, as deserving of huge attention and reward, as people from whom we could learn a lot about how to succeed. But assuming life’s “winners” got there from performance alone is likely to lead to disappointment. Even if you could imitate everything Gates did, you would not be able to replicate his initial good fortune.
For example, Gates’s upper-class background and private education enabled him to gain extra programming experience when less than 0.01% of his generation then had access to computers. His mother’s social connection with IBM’s chairman enabled him to gain a contract from the then-leading PC company that was crucial for establishing his software empire.
This is important because most customers who used IBM computers were forced to learn how to use Microsoft’s software that came along with it. This created an inertia in Microsoft’s favour. The next software these customers chose was more likely to be Microsoft’s, not because their software was necessarily the best, but because most people were too busy to learn how to use anything else.
Microsoft’s success and market share may differ from the rest by several orders of magnitude but the difference was really enabled by Gate’s early fortune, reinforced by a strong success-breeds-success dynamic. Of course, Gates’s talent and effort played important roles in the extreme success of Microsoft. But that’s not enough for creating such an outlier. Talent and effort are likely to be less important than circumstances in the sense that he could not have been so successful without the latter.
A magic number?
One might argue that many exceptional performers still gained their exceptional skill through hard work, exceptional motivation or “grit”, so they do not deserve to receive lower reward and praise. Some have even suggested that there is a magic number for greatness, a ten-year or 10,000-hour rule. Many professionals and experts did acquire their exceptional skill through persistent, deliberate practices. In fact, Gates’ 10,000 hours learning computer programming as a teenager has been highlighted as one of the reasons for his success.
But detailed analyses of the case studies of experts often suggest that certain situational factors beyond the control of these exceptional performers also play an important role. For example, three national champions in table tennis came from the same street in a small suburb of one town in England.
This wasn’t a coincidence or because there was nothing else to do but practise ping pong. It turns out that a famous table tennis coach, Peter Charters, happened to retire in this particular suburb. Many kids who lived on the same street as the retired coach were attracted to this sport because of him and three of them, after following the “10,000-hour rule”, performed exceptionally well, including winning the national championship.
Their talent and efforts were, of course, essential for realising their exceptional performances. But without their early luck (having a reliable, high-quality coach and supportive families), simply practicing 10,000 hours without adequate feedback wouldn’t likely lead a randomly picked child to become a national champion.
We could also imagine a child with superior talent in table tennis suffering from early bad luck, such as not having a capable coach or being in a country where being an athlete was not considered to be a promising career. Then they might never have a chance to realise their potential. The implication is that the more exceptional a performance is, the fewer meaningful, applicable lessons we can actually learn from the “winner”.
When it comes to moderate performance, it seems much more likely that our intuition about success is correct. Conventional wisdom, such as “the harder I work the luckier I get” or “chance favours the prepared mind”, makes perfect sense when talking about someone moving from poor to good performance. Going from good to great, however, is a different story.
Being in the right place (succeeding in a context where early outcome has an enduring impact) at the right time (having early luck) can be so important that it overwhelms merits. With this in mind there’s a good case that we shouldn’t just reward or imitate life’s winners and expect to have similar success. But there is a case that the winners should consider imitating the likes of Gates (who became a philanthropist) or Warren Buffett (who argues that richer Americans should pay higher taxes) who have chosen to use their wealth and success to do good things. The winners who appreciate their luck and do not take it all deserve more of our respect.
Chengwei Liu is an associate professor of strategy and behavioural science at the Warwick Business School, University of Warwick.
Oleh kerana itu, kaedah metafizik pernomboran versi Dato Eddy bukan sekadar mengkaji potensi diri seseorang tetapi potensi lokasi/ arah serta masa (timing)... kerana itu kaedah metafizik versi Dato Eddy adalah Metafizik Pernomboran DINAMIK, iaitu bersifat "dinamik" kerana mengkaji perihal arah dan masa. Kebanyakkan kaedah metafizik di pasaran adalah bersifat Statik iaitu tidak mengkaji perihal arah dan masa.
Oleh itu, jika anda pernah mempelajari kaedah metafizik/ pernomboran di pasaran, lanjutkanlah pengajian anda bersama Dato Eddy pula untuk perihal DINAMIK arah dan masa... antara kaedah dinamik versi Dato Eddy adalah Software Integrasi iaitu kiraan tarikh lahir yang dibuat analisis masa dan arah untuk 10 tahun, tahunan, mingguan, harian dan jam.... sebegitu detail!
Perkhidmatan disediakan:
- Konsultansi Peribadi
- Konsultansi Perniagaan
- Software Integrasi (Pola, Masa, Arah DINAMIK)
- Kursus Arah dan Pasaran untuk Perniagaan/ Jualan.
- Kursus "Apakah Saya berada di Tempoh Masa yang Betul?"
Apabila dilihat tarikh tersebut terdapat pola 363, 699, 645, Akar No 6 iaitu perihal kekayaan... menunjukkan bahawa selama ini formula tarikh yang baik untuk dibuat ikhtiar energi rezeki yang diperkenalkan Dato Eddy semenjak 2010 lagi.
Mereka yang baru mahu bermula dengan energi kekayaan masih boleh berterusan dengan kami, atau yang mahu tingkatkan diri lebih baik dari sebelumnya juga boleh berterusan... cuma ada beberapa individu yang sentiasa mahukan lebih lagi kejayaan, jadi mereka ini diberikan ruang energi yang lebih besar lagi... jom, usah berhenti di satu tahap sebaliknya berterusan tingkatkan potensi diri.