Tajuk KDT: Pola 67 Sedekah Menjadi Jutawan Tarikh KDT: Rabu 15 April 2020 Masa: 9 malam - 10 malam Yuran: RM30 seorang. Daftar mengikut arahan tertera atau klik link ini: https://daftarkdt67.wasap.my/ Pola 67 dikaitkan dengan "pemurah, suka beri duit kepada orang" dsbnya menyebabkan seseorang yang ada pola 67 jadi banyak berhutang, muflis seumpamanya. Bagaimana untuk mengatasi masalah ini? Dan bagaimana untuk menukar potensi ini kepada kebaikan kewangan? |
Ini adalah Graf Prestasi Bulanan 2020 (ciptaan Dato Eddy Rosyadie) untuk Malaysia. Pada bulan April 2020 telah dilanjutkan PKP (MCO) kepada Fasa 2 dan Fasa 3. Kerana tengah mata angin 8 tekanan. Melihat pula bulan Mei 2020 adalah tengah mata angin 5 halangan. Apakah Malaysia bakal melanjutkan dan melaksanakan PKP Fasa 4 dan Fasa 5 dalam bulan Mei 2020? |
Kajian para saintis tentang fenomena Schumman Resonance yang berlaku di muka bumi ini. Pada Januari 2017, tahap nya melebihi sekali ganda daripada yang ditetapkan. Yang diterjemhkan sebagai pertambahan tekanan (tension) dan kebimbangan (anxiety). Bagi metafizik energi, fenomena sebegini adalah energi negatif. Amatlah sukar untuk kita sendirian berjuang mengatasi energi negatif tahap dunia secara berterusan. Tetapi itu yang perlu kita lalukan setiap hari dengan bermeditasi atau berzikir seumpamanya. Bina atau jana energi positif. Boleh juga gunakan khidmat Dato Eddy untuk menjana energi positif di dalam program Ikthiar Energi. |
Program Ikhtiar energi 10 April 2020. Kali ini semasa Dato Eddy menjana energi pada waktu Dhuha terbayang barangan emas. Pertama kali bayangan barangan emas selalunya warna sahaja. Mungkin tahun ini pola 636 pola pelaburan iaitu emas. Dan bayangan barangan emas itu ditransfer kepada peserta Grup Energi April 2020 dan peserta yang join program tersebut. Namun transfer kali ini memberi kesan kepada peserta2 yang mengadu badan rasa hangat, rasa penat mungkin "dos" yang agak tinggi. |
“My life is full of problems. When I resolve one thing, I found myself in another difficulty. Ohh God!! Why it’s always me?” This is how we keep saying about obstacles in life.
We grow up playing around favourable and unfavourable conditions in life. Unless everything is going as per our expectations, we are happy. However, when the people and event does not go as desired or when we struggle with circumstances, we tend to see them as a problem.
“When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back.” ~ Paulo Coelho
Everything happens for a reason here. We cannot control everything around us but we can decide how those things affect us.
Let us see how we can better understand the situations called problems in life:
First of all: Having Problem is not a Problem:
Problems and Obstacles are sign of life. You cannot avoid them while alive. What we can do is that we can change our perspective to deal with them. As Theodore Rubin said, “The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem.”
Whenever life offers you any difficulties or problems, remind yourself a formula:
“Problem => Form of Challenge => Opportunity to Grow”
Problems are a Form of Challenge:
Anyone can stay calm and happy when situations favours around us. It takes courage to keep going in the dark.
Take an example of any problem in your life. Are you struggling to get a job? Does any of your relationship is not working as expected? Are you facing financial crises? Are you having difficulties in your business or work or family life?
Each of these problem tests your courage. See them, as they are form of challenge. How you face these challenges is what determines our inner strength.
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
Do you know that our selection of words and terms make huge difference in our mindset. Once we replace the word “problem” with “challenge”, we can face the situation with more courage.
See Challenge as an Opportunity to grow:
Each challenge is an Opportunity to grow. Stop avoiding them. They will serve as a ladder toward a better future. Kobe Bryant once said that, “Everything negative – pressure, challenges – is all an opportunity for me to rise.” This is true for everyone.
You have the power. Accept the life challenges. Review them and see what the root causes are. Once you identify the week point, you can work on that. You can get the best out of you.
“I want to challenge you today to get out of your comfort zone. You have so much incredible potential on the inside. God has put gifts and talents in you that you probably don’t know anything about.” ~ Joel Osteen
If you are not doing well in job, see what skills you are lacking. If you stuck with a relationship, catch the missing factor. There is nothing a man cannot do if he willing to do.
Stand out of Crowd:
There may be millions of people going through the similar conditions as you. What most of them try to do? They simply react to situations and try to avoid the challenges.
However, that is not what wise people do. They do things differently. Instead of React, they rethink and act. They meet every challenge by opening their arms. Take the path less travelled; you will find yourself standing out of crowd.
“There are no great people in this world, only great challenges which ordinary people rise to meet.” ~ William Frederick Halsey, Jr.
Before Life Challenges you, why do not you Challenge Life?
Often we want to stay safe in the existing jobs, relationships or business. However, this safe or comfort zone makes us week with the time. Life will push you out of your safe zone. This is the nature of life and we have to get going with this.
“I’ve learned in my life that it’s important to be able to step outside your comfort zone and be challenged with something you’re not familiar or accustomed to. That challenge will allow you to see what you can do.” ~ J. R. Martinez
I will rather say you to take a step ahead. Before life challenges you, why do not you challenge life by frequently taking next step? See what you can do extra for your business/job/family. That way you will be able to enjoy the changes in life and no situation/challenge can hurt you.
“Challenges will never come to end. Why do not start enjoying them.” ~ Deepak Rajpal
Menjana energi diri biasanya tidak beri kesan apa-apa kepada kita kerana energi diri wujud dalam bentuk yang dah terbiasa dengan badan kita. Kita tidak perasan pun energi yang dijana itu. Namun, ada kalanya energi beri kesan dengan menaikkan suhu badan / panas kerana faktor energi. Badan panas tetapi sihat adalah baik kerana kewujudan energi berikan kesihatan. Sebenarnya, energi yang dijana adalah energi rezeki tetapi dengan kesan seperti badan cergas atau panas itu adalah membawakan kepada kemampuan kita untuk bekerja/ berniaga dengan lebih produktif untuk mencari rezeki. |
Ikhtiar energi yang dijalankan pada 7 April 2020. Semasa Dato Eddy menjana energi hadir warna ungu. Selepas pengumuman rupanya ramai peserta yang terkesan dengan warna ungu tersebut. Ikhtiar energi menjana energi diri dan energi berlaku dalam frekuensi atau gelombang yang visual iaitu dalam bentuk warna. Semoga ikthiar energi memberikan energi yang berguna. |
Bagaimana dengan prestasi bulanan anda dan prestasi bulanan perniagaan anda untuk bulan2 sekarang dan yang akan datang? Sebaiknya buat analisis untuk prestasi anda dan perniagaan anda setiap tahun. Dapatkan analisis prestasi daripada Dato Eddy Rosyadie (017 769 7946 / 016 6624 9666)
1. Daripada elemen dirinya bidang kesihatan adalah PILIHAN 2 iaitu yang sesuai dengan dirinya.
2. Daripada petak PENDUA (ciptaan Dato Eddy Rosyadie) menunjukkan adanya pola kesihatan/ perubatan. Kini, petak PENDUA dijadikan kiraan untuk dekad bagi 21-30 tahun. Dalam dekad ini, adalah meneliti jurusan bidang apa yang diambilnya semasa di institusi pengajian tinggi dan seterusnya bidang apa yang akan diceburinya selepas itu. Jadi, petak PENDUA juga adalah sebagai kriteria untuk pemilihan jurusan bagi anak2.
Persediaan ke hadapan. Menghadapi musibah bulan Mac dan April 2020 yang dilanda wabak covid19. Menggunakan Graf Prestasi Bulanan 2020 (ciptaan Dato Eddy Rosyadie), individu ini punyai graf yang rendah untuk Mac dan April 2020 dua bulan berturut. Namun persediaan awal telah beliau dapat lakukan. Bagaimana dengan Graf Prestasi Bulanan anda dan syarikat anda pula? Untuk tahun 2020, 2021, 2022 dan seterusnya. Khidmat Dato Eddy Rosyadie: 017 769 7946 / 016 624 9666 - Graf Prestasi Bulanan. |
Bagaimana pula dengan star2 atau fenomena2 kehidupan anda setiap bulan? Daripada graf hayat ini boleh dijadikan panduan untuk membuat perancangan ke hadapan. Pihak kami ada mengeluarkan graf hayat bulanan yang telah tersedia untuk anda dalam bentuk Diari Metafizik (pdf/ bercetak) atau Software Integrasi (softcopy EXCEL). Malah untuk perniagaan anda pun boleh dibuat graf hayat bulanan tersebut.
Di kala penularan wabak Covid19 yang melanda bumi menyebabkan hampir 3 bilion orang berkurung dalam rumah menjadikan kurang aktiviti di muka bumi. Jadi getaran bumi menjadi kurang. Menurut pakar seisemologi, gegaran atau getaran gempa bumi berkurang sehingga 50 peratus. Seolah bumi ini kaku "standing still". Getaran merupakan energi dan getaran yang kurang ini adalah energi rendah yang menyebabkan manusia terkesan punyai energi diri yang energi rendah dan negatif. Maka berterusanlah kita menjana energi diri yang positif secara sendirian ataupun join program ikhtiar energi. |
Carta Year Element Strategy Tahun 2020 ini dicipta oleh Dato Eddy Rosyadie dan dilakarkan pada 2019 lalu menunjukkan elemen WATER satunya industri hotel berada dalam fasa CAUTION untuk May-Jun 2020. Berita April 2020 ini menunjukkan fenomena tersebut. Bagaimana pula dengan industri/ syarikat anda pada bulan2 seterusnya? Adakah berada dalam fasa Caution atau Opportunity? Dapatkan Carta Year Element Strategy dari Dato Eddy (017 769 7946) |
Dapatkan penjelasan pola2 potensi anda/ anak anda bersama Dato Eddy Rosyadie (017 769 7946)
Nearly anything is possible but almost nothing is easy.
Motivation is a daily struggle for entrepreneurs, so I’ve put together these motivation-boosting tips from 10 of today’s successful entrepreneurs.
1. Fear of failure.
In an article that he wrote for Bloomberg, Mark Cuban stated that he uses the fear of failure for self-motivation.
“No matter what business you’re in, you’re always at risk -- particularly in technology, where it changes so rapidly you’ve got to put in the effort to keep up,” writes the Shark Tank panel member. “There’s always the opportunity for some 18-year-old to come out of nowhere and crush you—that motivates the hell out of me.”
“Every one of my companies, whether something I started or something I invested in, is a scoreboard. How am I doing? A lot of investors or advisers play it as a numbers game.”
“If they invest in 20 companies, as long as one success covers 19 losses, they did OK. I look at every loss as a huge failure. I had an investment go bad recently. I lost $1.5 million on it. It pisses me off to no end."
Failed at something? Ask these Mark Cuban questions.
"You can also use it as motivation. What did I do wrong? Who did I trust that I shouldn’t trust? What can I learn from this situation so I can avoid it next time?”
2. Do what you’re passionate for.
This is the key. However, as Chalmers Brown, co-founder and CTO of Due writes, “We want to not only make a lot of money but enjoy what we do as well. We are willing to take on the risk of unstable pay in exchange for following our dreams.”
“Unfortunately, your dream job may not always be the best decision financially. Sometimes your hobbies are best kept as projects in your spare time for fun (which is great!). If you do want to try to turn your passion into a full-time job, these tips can help you get started the right way.”
Brown gives the tips below:
Improve something that you’re already doing.
Figuring out where market.
Sharing your passion with others.
Stay happy and motivated by assigning tasks that you’re not a fan of to someone else.
3. Keep affirmations where you can see them.
“It’s so easy as an entrepreneur to get sucked into feeling exhausted or frustrated, and often the blame is yours alone,” writes Murray Newlands, founder of online invoicing company Sighted. “But a negative mindset sucks up mental bandwidth and energy that you need to stay focused and successful.
"It is crucial to maintain an optimistic attitude in the face of setbacks. Whenever you see a quote or a picture that helps you stay positive, place it front and center so you can remember what this journey is all about.”
4. Leverage the power of rejection.
“On June 26, 2008, our friend Michael Seibel introduced us to seven prominent investors in Silicon Valley. We were attempting to raise $150,000 at a $1.5M valuation. That means for $150,000 you could have bought 10 percent of Airbnb."
"Below you will see five rejections. The other two did not reply,” writes Airbnb Co-Founder Brian Chesky on Medium. “The investors that rejected us were smart people, and I am sure we didn’t look very impressive at the time.”
Today Airbnb is valued at just under $30 billion.
5. Surround yourself with highly successful and motivated people.
"No one does it alone," said Mark Zuckerberg during a Q&A in 2016. "When you look at most big things that get done in the world, they're not done by one person, so you're going to need to build a team."
When building your All-Star team, seek out people who excel in the areas where you’re not strong or have less experience. "You're going to need people that have complementary skills," Zuckerberg emphasized. "No matter how talented you are, there are just going to be things that you don't bring to the table."
6. Never feel sorry yourself.
“All of my best successes came on the heels of a failure, so I’ve learned to look at each belly flop as the beginning of something good,” said Barbara Corcoran, founder of The Corcoran Group and Shark on Shark Tank.
“If you just hang in there, you’ll find that something is right around the corner. It’s that belief that keeps me motivated. I’ve learned not to feel sorry for myself, ever. Just five minutes of feeling sorry for yourself takes your power away and makes you unable to see the next opportunity.”
7. Look for inspiration.
Inspiration is a driving force that you can use to motivate you. Lyft Co-Founder Jordan Zimmerman said that, “Right now, my daughter is a huge inspiration. Thinking about the future of our cities, the world and what environment she’s going to grow up in.”
“Also, the driver and passenger stories we hear every day. In a past team meeting, we had a mother come in and tell the story herself. She is a Lyft driver living in New York and her daughter is in Los Angeles.
"The daughter was going through a rough living situation with a roommate and had to leave and move into a new place. The mother called a Lyft for her daughter, had a quick conversation with the driver and the driver took care of her daughter in this tough situation.”
“These stories inspire us to think how we can make things more efficient and create a platform for two people to have a really positive interaction?”
8. Don’t obsess over your vision.
Yes. Think about your vision. But don’t spend too much time over it or it will bog you down. Elon Musk, for example, only spends around 30 minutes a week on his vision of SpaceX colonizing Mars. Besides those 30 minutes, Musk spends a majority of his time focused on the milestones that are the most immediate and critical.
9. Be grateful.
“Most of the time when people ask me about motivation, 80 percent of the time I attribute it to gratitude. If you want real fuel to win, be grateful,” writes Gary Vaynerchuk.
“Gratitude is what has gotten me through my toughest moments in business. Whenever I have lost a deal to a competitor, or an incredible employee, or millions of dollars in revenue, I default to gratitude. It’s impossible not to stay motivated or get too down when you’re feeling grateful.”
10. Forget about motivation.
“So many people wait to feel ‘motivated’ before they do anything. Here’s a newsflash: happy productive people do not wait for motivation, they just get on with it,'' said Marie Forleo.
Apakah Graf Hayat anda punyai kod GREAT FINANCIER dalam petak MAIN STRUCTURE? Ini adalah potensi yang bagus untuk kewangan. Bagaimana pula dengan syarikat anda (SSM) yang anda tubuhkan punyai kod Great Financier dalam petak Main Structure? Dapatkah graf hayat atau laporan Graf Hayat untuk diri anda dan syarikat anda. |
Di kala waktu kuarantin akibat Covid-19, energi negatif menular sehinggakan kita yang berada duduk di rumah pun menjadi tertekan, bimbang, ketakutan padahal kita selamat dalam rumah. Begitulah energi negatif yang begitu besar melanda dunia. Tetapi kita ikhtiarkan menjana energi positif dengan amalan2 wajib serta sunat seperti berzikir dan ikhtiar energi. |