Adakah tarikh lahir anda tiada angka 6 langsung? Adakah syarikat anda tiada angka 6 langsung? Lagilah berganda masalah.
Pernah ada satu client yang buat bisnes percetakan selama 5 tahun tidak berapa untung, rupanya tarikh daftar syarikat tiada angka 6 lansung, lalu selepas Dato Eddy minta dia tubuhkan satu syarikat baru pada 30 Mac yang ada angka 6, tidak lama dalam 4 bulan syarikat tersebut dapat satu projek RM800K... dari situ untungnya RM400K... kan mudah aje penyelesaian tu! tak payah nak komplen lagi dah.
Macam mana nak lari dari loan bank sebab tarikan nombor 7 dan 9 tu....memang ada aura tarikan dan kejayaan... pandai juga bank ye.. depa untung besar.. sebab tu orang berhutang bank rasa macam selesa tak nak habiskan hutang, kalau boleh nak tambah lagi tambah lagi... sebab "hutang bank" berjumlah 9.. bukan tekanan pun... ha, ingat godaan besar tu!
LIFE as a newbie in the working world is no walk in the park, and this is not just limited to the current generation. In fact, ask your dad or mum. Did they have it easy?
Recently, a law graduate, 23-year-old Zahra, spoke in front of Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, telling him how hard her life as a recent graduate is, saying that it is akin to an immigrant in the country.
Her struggles are not unique, but her expectations are probably a tad exaggerated as most fresh employees, like me, do not expect to be in a position where we can purchase a house merely two years after entering the work force.
“When I was a student, I always imagined how my life would be after graduating. Of course, it would be wonderful right? Because with the big salary I will get, I will be able to plan my future better.”
Like Zahra, I, too, am a law graduate, but I personally couldn’t relate to her complaints as not once did I think my law degree was going to guarantee me a big salary and the ability to buy a house, or even a car immediately after I graduated.
I am not judging her, but then again, from the video I watched, it seems as if she was expecting things to be handed to her on a silver platter.
According to Zahra, one of her struggles was having to pay her father RM500 a month for the car he “lent” her. Others her age have to pay the same amount to financial institutions who will hound them if they are a little behind on their monthly car instalments.
They also have to face the possibility of being blacklisted or declared bankrupt if they are ever unable to pay for their loans. Zahra doesn’t have to face this possibility.
She also talked about how she has to pay another RM500 for a room she rented in a house where she is living with seven other people.
Here’s the thing. I have friends who are also living in rented rooms. With the same amount, but are only sharing the place with maximum four people.
Of course, they don’t live in the city but just just a little on the outside like Shah Alam or Subang Jaya. They spend more on fuel as well.
At least three of them have resorted to taking public transport to move around to shave off a few ringgit from their monthly expenditure.
Suffice to say, unlike Zahra, they have opted to be mature in their expenses by utilising simple solutions. Perhaps, Zahra can learn a thing or two from my friends.
The point is, the current generation should not expect big salaries or huge benefits when they are simply just juniors in the working world.
Reality bites, but you should punch it in the teeth and move forward.
Incessant complaints on how the world is against you is, in economy speak, not cost effective.
"Help yourselves.”
That was the advice one Facebook user, by the name of Joe Najib, gave in response to the #SayaZahra phenomena which has taken social media by storm.
This was after a video featuring a law-graduate, identified only as Zahra, went viral on social media. The video showed her lamenting that she had to struggle to survive; a sentiment which led Joe to criticise her for being ungrateful and incompetent at finding a solution.
“Pluck a homeless man from the street and put him behind that microphone.Then, compare yourself. You may counter-argue saying he did not study or come from the same background as you did. Sure. But does that mean he deserves less?”
While Zahra, he said, may represent a number of youth who face similar hardships, Joe said she should stop whining and strive for the best.
Joe also said she should be thankful she had a job as there were those who had to cast away their ambitions in order to help their parents take care of stores and food stalls with no salary.
He then took Zahra to task for claiming university graduates had to’beg’ in their own country despite earning a degree.
“First,for as long as you eat two to three meals a day, for as long as you carry a smartphone with a data plan around, for as long as you have a roof over your head, for as long as you are a the Zakat contributor than a receiver, you are not in a position to say that you are a beggar.
“Calling yourself a pauper makes you sound ungrateful for what you already have.”
Joe then recalled the time he had to jump from one job to another just to earn a living when a recession struck Malaysia in the 90s.
A 11-minute video posted on Youtube by Majlis Tindakan Ekonomi Melayu Berhad (MTEM) four days ago, featured Zahra giving a speech in front of Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Datuk Muhyiddin Yassin.
The video and her quote “Belajar tinggi-tinggi, akhirnya mengemis juga” (“further your studies only to end up begging”) were later re-tweeted and shared by netizens.
Joe’s post received many positive responses and managed to gain over 2,000 likes and 500 shares within the past few hours.
“True,its not wrong to point out issues. But at the same time, be grateful for the many things that u have,” commented Facebook user Annuar A. Hadi.
One Nur Hidayah Zakaria said to be grateful, one needed to compare themselves with the less fortunate and not the other way around.
These were the pearls of wisdom from several young working adults to their peers, following a video of a 23-year old law graduate known as Siti Azzahra Abd Razly or Zahra complaining about her struggles going viral.
Landscape architect Johan Yusuff, 26, said he had been in the working force for three years now.
“I do not earn a huge salary. But I know how to manage my finances. I saved up, bought a car and am able to help my family financially.
“I disagree with what was said in the video. The opportunities are abundant in this country. If you know how to appreciate what this country has to offer, then you will get around with less hiccups,”he told The Rakyat Post.
Azzuren Hisham, 24, agreed with Johan and said that expectations should be in line with reality.
She also said young working adults should live within their means and not spend so much on an extravagant lifestyle.
Azzuren said as a junior litigator, she earns RM3,500 a month.
“Unless you have a strong financial back-up, for example if your parents are well to do, then you might be able to skip the ladder.
“But others have to go through the usual rigmarole and we are alright with that. I am renting a room in Mont Kiara and paying RM500, living with two others. But so far, I managed spend within my means.”
Fitri Zaharuddin, 25, said although he could not afford to buy a property just yet, he believes he can do so in five years’ time as long as he set his plans right.
“I have saved some money too. I work in the KLCC area, but that does not mean I have eat there everyday. To save up, I eat elsewhere outside where the food is cheaper.
“You see, I do not think I can buy a house within a year in the force,like Zahra and other young adults may think. I plan to buy a house within five years. That is realistic.”
Jason Tan, 25, an IT specialist, believes there should be less effort wasted on complaints and more on working towards solutions.
“If you can’t afford a car, take the public transport. It is readily available, cheap and convenient.
“Even those in other countries, such as the United Kingdom and the United States, commute to work on public transports.
“That is part and parcel of a working life. Rather than complain about it, why don’t we take joy in the experience that will help us build our character.”
The video that has gone viral, depicted Zahra relating her “struggles”to Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
She described that life as a working adult was akin to an immigrant in the country where most work “kais pagi, makan pagi” a Malay proverb to describe living from hand to mouth.
Alhamdulillah…. Dato slps waktu doa sya Alhamdulillah mcm2 rezeki diterima,...
Kepada individu yang ada pola 954 dan ada ahli keluarga bekerja di hospital/ perawat alternatif, anda DIMINTA UNTUK BUAT CLEANSING ENERGI DIRI ANDA SETIAP HARI/ KERAP KALI walaupun anda bukan bekerja di hospital. Malah, pernah Dato Eddy dedahkan sebelum ini bagaimana seorang wanita ada masalah mistik misteri sebab dia tu pola 954 dan jiran dia bekerja hospital, maka jika ada jiran sebelah rumah atau anda yang ada pola 954 kerap singgah tepi hospital untuk beli nasi lemak pagi2 untuk bawa ke kerja atau singgah ngeteh restoran tepi hospital, maka kena juga buat cleansing energi.
Kalau dah bekerja di hospital tu dah sememangnya kena buat hari-hari lah! Yang berkerja di hospital perlu cleansing diri TERMASUK CLEANSING PAKAIAN SERTA KASUT DAN MOTOR/ KERETA JUGA SERTA TAG NAMA, DOMPET YANG DIBAWA KERJA KE HOSPITAL ! semua bendalah yang termampu di cleansing kan yang dibawa masuk atau dibawa keluar dari hospital.
Anda boleh saja pergi buat cleansing energi secara berikut:
1. Dapatkan rawatan alternatif daripada pakar bertauliah. Usah cerita yang anda ada sakit misteri, cakap je nak buat cleansing energi... mungkin ambil masa 10 - 30 minit dibuat mandi garam dsbnya. Kerap buat mungkin sebulan sekali.
2. Atau, selalu pergi ke pantai laut, buka selipar dan pijak pasir tanpa berselipar. Juga cecahkan kaki ke air laut.. kalau tempat tu bersih, mandi berendam sekejap usahlah lama.
3. Atau, kerap pergi ke kawasan air terjun, usah naik tinggi, sekadar bawah memadai, buka selipar, pijak batu dan pasir dalam air terjun... tapi pastikan kawasan tersebut bersih dari masalah kencing tikus, kalau bersih, rendam badan sekejap usah lama.... bagi air mengalir dari atas air terjun ke badan ke bawah.
4. Atau, cari sabun tanah liat seperti Taharah atau Nasuha... atau sabun lumpur Laut Mati seperti Zara (kedai cosway) dan kerap mandi buat mandian... boleh juga mandian garam atau limau tapi melekit lah badan.. cubalah dulu sabun tanah liat/ lumpur tu dulu.
5. Selalu/ kerap buat "puasa putih" iaitu tidak makan bahan berdarah seperti daging termasuk seafood. Makan nasi putih, sup sayur, sayur2 rebus, air kosong (boleh letakkan stevia atau cuka epal dsbnya). Dikatakan energi toksik menyerap dan tinggal dalam darah manusia, jadi dengan mengurangkan bahan berdarah maka kuranglah energi toksik dalam badan.
Anda juga diminta kerap baca amalan tahlil (kalau sempat baca Surah Yasin dahulu kemudian bacakan tahlil ikut buku Yasin/ tahli) dan sedekahkan kepada arwah seperti arwah ayah, datuk dsbnya.
Juga, pastikan arah tempat tinggal anda adalah betul termasuk arah tempat tidur anda. Serta ada juga cara untuk tutup "laluan" energi toksik berdasarkan arah mata angin - dapatkan konsultansi/ Audit Premis untuk lebih jelas dan mendalam.
Pantang larang untuk orang pola 954:
1. Elakkan dari pergi ke hospital/ klinik/ melawat orang sakit ... jika pergi pun, selepas ziarah orang sakit, cepat-cepat mandi kalau boleh sabun taharah/ air laut/ air terjun. Niatkan untuk buang energi toksik keluar dari badan.
2. Elakkan merawat / mengurut orang lain kecuali anak-anak. Jika terpaksa urut kaki isteri/ suami/ ayah/ ibu mertua dsbnya, cepat-cepat mandi kalau boleh sabun taharah/ air laut/ air terjun.
3. Elakkan pergi ke foot refleksology, urut badan seumpamanya kerana dikhuatiri anda menyerap energi si pengurut tu... jika terpaksa sebab terseliuh maka lepas tu cepat-cepat mandi kalau boleh sabun taharah/ air laut/ air terjun.
Boleh juga ikhtiar memakai bahan energi sebagai ikhtar pendinding energi toksik seperti minyak wangi energi, contohnya minyak wangi yang dibacakan Al-Quran atau jika dari Dato Eddy menggunakan minyak wangi Energi Alam serta pek beras energi untuk dletakkan di rumah.
Tengok Dato Eddy yang ada pola 954, selamba sahaja tak ada masalah mistik walau berhadapan dengan ribuan kes mistik, .. ada seorang Admin kami pakai kot coklat Dato Eddy dan dia pening dan muntah2 sebab katanya banyak "benda" sangkut di kot tersebut... tapi Dato Eddy ok je.. perlu ada kaedah energi baik dalam diri.
Jika berminat nak belajar merawat dan mengurut, sila pastikan anda ada ilmu cleansing ju ga.
Bagi Dato Eddy, kami ada cara tersendiri dalam "menstabilkan" energi dalam badan sepertimana mengusir energi toksik secara kaedah KETENANGAN.. berbeza dengan semua perawat yang menggunakan kaedah kekerasan seperti sepit kaki dengan teras kayu, pukul dengan kain sampai pesakit terjerit jerit dsbnya... kami tak gunakan cara tersebut sebaliknya cara ketenangan. Jika nak dapatkan rawatan cara kami kena ikut kami untuk beberapa siri rawatan ke beberapa tempat seperti ke Masjid tertentu seperti Masjid Sultan Ibrahim, Muar, Masjid Shah Alam, Ulu Bendul (Kuala Pilah), Parit Raja (Batu Pahat), Gunung Pulai Pontian, Pulau Besar (Melaka) dan Gunung Jerai... boleh juga ikhtiar rawatan secara jarak jauh (transfer energi atau rawatan energi putih) atau secara langsung bertemu Dato Eddy untuk rawatan energi.
Tu la.. kenapa minta dilahirkan dengan pola 954? Kan dah kena buat macam-macam, terutama sekali jika ahli keluarga ada kaitan dengan perubatan moden/ alternatif. Seperkara lagi, ini realiti, jika anda/ anak-anak bercita-cita nak jadi doktor atau berminat nak minta kerja di hospital, kenalah bersedia tentang perkara-perkara energi toksik yang berpotensi berlaku kepada pasangan dan anak-anak. Jadi, bukannya perkara main-main bila bekerja di hospital tentang keselamatan energi toksik.. kalau kerja di kilang reaktor nuklear tu keselamatan energi radioaktif lah.
Program berkaitan;
- Konsultansi Peribadi/ Audit Premis Rumah
- Kursus Pola 954 Potensi Perubatan Moden dan Alternatif/ Mistik.
- Program Upload Energi Aura 38/ Cleansing Energi
- Program Ikhtiar Berdoa/ Rawatan Energi Jarak Jauh.
Program bersama para tahfiz bermula dengan iftar, solat hingga ke Qiamulail dan sahur.
Berkesempatan solat hajat bersama para tahfiz, rupanya setiap selepas solat Maghrib mereka membuat solat hajat dan ada juga permintaan untuk hajat daripada orang luar.
Berkelana mencari keredhaan Nya melakukan ikhtiar berdoa dan energi untuk kelangsungan kehidupan kita, dunia dan akhirat.
Tips; untuk tarikh nikah, seperti yang diberitahu di atas, elakkan jumlah 5 dan 8, juga elok ada pola 72 dan tidak mahukan pola 19, 11 atau 91... banyak lagi... nanti dalam kelas/ konsultansi akan diberitahu lebih lanjut.
Maklumbalas dari seorang klien Dato yang sering dapatkan khidmat strategi pernomboran bagi halatuju syarikat jadi seringlah datang ke pejabat beliau di KL. Sejak perubahan dilakukan banyak pula dapat projek, tetapi Dato pernah pesan pada tahun 2014 lalu bahawa tahun 2015 dijangka bermasalah, syukur, beliau dan syarikat dah bersedia hadapi jadi masih dapat meneruskan agenda perniagaan seperti biasa... memang sangat perlu sesebuah organisasi mempunyai "Strategic Planning" dan "forecasting" yang berterusan ... yang Dato punya cara adalah "forecasting" dan "Strategic Planning" menggunakan kaedah pernomboran.
Dato… sy pkai myk buluh tu, mulut mcm terkunci bila nk marah. Jadi tak marah tp lebih tenang & firm. Sblm ni sy jenis yg diam wpun dibuli tp sekarang, jadi berani utk berdepan.