First time teka betul untuk ujian tu... before tidur semalam, tarik nafas then terus terdetik jawapannya... mungkin sbb dh join program berdoa ramadhan & rawatan energy putih sebelum ni. ...Nk share ngn cikgu...tgh sesak baru lepas raya ni, tetiba 2 hari lpas dpt duit raya rm200, client bg. Pastu baru kejap tadi kwn bg hadiah subang emas kat sy...
Apabila energi sudah baik (putih) maka diri kita mudah mendapat "bantuan" untuk kita berjaya... ramai orang yang berpotensi bagus tetapi sukar berjaya kerana energi yang tidak baik (umpama kereta mewah nampak cantik di luar tapi enjinnya sudah teruk)... ikhtiarkan untuk energi yang baik... seperti program berdoa, membuat amalan kebaikan seumpamanya.
By Tara MacIsaac, Epoch Times
The common idea that DNA determines so much of who we are—not only our eye or hair color, for example, but also our addictions, disorders, or susceptibility to cancer—is a misconception, said stem-cell biologist Bruce Lipton, PhD.
“You find yourself to be more or less a victim of your heredity,” Lipton said in the documentary “Biology of Belief.” “The problem with that belief system is that it extends to another level … You become irresponsible. [You say,] ‘I can’t do anything about it, so why try?’”
This concept “says you are less powerful than your genes,” Lipton explained.
He said a person’s perception, not genetic programming, is what spurs all action in the body: “It’s actually our beliefs that select our genes, that select our behavior.”
To explain how this works, he starts at the level of the 50 to 65 trillion cells that comprise the human body. He shows how a cell functions independent of DNA and how its perceptions of environmental stimuli affect DNA. He then applies the same principles to the human body as a whole, showing the power our perceptions, our beliefs, have over DNA.
The following is a simplistic summary of Lipton’s understanding. For more details, you can watch his documentary below.
5-Step Explanation
1. The cell is like a human body and it functions without DNA.
The cell is like a human body. It is capable of respiration, digestion, reproduction, and other life functions. The nucleus, which contains the genes, has traditionally been viewed as the control center—the brain of the cell.
Yet, when the nucleus is removed, the cell continues with its life functions for a month or more and it can still recognize toxins and nutrients. It appears the nucleus—and the DNA it contains—does not control the cell.
Scientists assumed some 50 years ago that genes control biology. “It just seemed so correct, we bought the story,” Lipton said. “We don’t have the right assumptions.”
2. DNA is controlled by the environment.
Proteins carry out the functions in cells and they are building blocks of life. It has long been thought that DNA controls or determines the actions of proteins.
Lipton proposes a different model. Environmental stimuli that come into contact with the cell membrane are perceived by receptor proteins in the membrane. This sets off a chain reaction of proteins passing on what could be described as messages to other proteins, motivating action in the cell.
DNA is coated in a protective sleeve of protein. The environmental signals act on that protein, causing it to open up and to select certain genes for use—genes specifically needed to react to the current environment.
Basically, DNA is not the beginning of the chain reaction. Instead, the cell membrane’s perception of the environment is the first step.
If there are no perceptions, the DNA is inactive.
“Genes can’t turn themselves on or off … they can’t control themselves,” Lipton said. If a cell is cut off from any environmental stimuli, it doesn’t do anything. “Life is due to how the cell responds to the environment.”
3. Perception of the environment is not necessarily the reality of the environment
Lipton cited a 1988 study by John Cairns published in the journal Nature titled “The Origin of Mutants.” Cairns showed that mutations in DNA were not random, but happened in a predetermined way in response to environmental stresses.
“In every one of your cells, you have genes whose function it is to rewrite and adapt genes as necessary,” Lipton explained. In a chart illustrating Cairns findings in the journal, environmental signals were shown to be separate from the organism’s perception of environmental signals.
A being’s perception of the environment acts as a filter between the reality of the environment and the biological reaction to it.
“Perception rewrites genes,” Lipton said.
4. Human beliefs, choosing to perceive a positive or negative environment
Just as a cell has receptor proteins to perceive the environment outside the cell membrane, humans have the five senses.
These are what help a person determine which genes need to be activated for a given situation.
The genes are like programs on a computer disk, Lipton said. These programs can be divided into two classes: the first relates to growth, or reproduction; the second relates to protection.
When a cell encounters nutrients, the growth genes are activated and used. When a cell encounters toxins, the protection genes are activated and used.
When a human being encounters love, the growth genes are activated. When a human being encounters fear, the protection genes are activated.
A person may perceive a negative environment where there is actually a supportive or positive environment. When this negative perception activates the protection genes, the body’s response is to go into “fight or flight” mode.
5. ‘Fight or Flight’
Blood flow is directed away from the vital organs to the limbs, which are used for fighting and running. The immune system becomes of lesser importance. If you picture the responses we once needed for running from a lion, for example, the legs would have been infinitely more important in that immediate situation than the immune system. Thus, the body favors the legs and neglects the immune system.
So, when a person perceives a negative environment, the body tends to neglect the immune system and vital organs. Stress also makes us less intelligent, less clear-minded. The part of the brain related to reflexes is given more prominence in fight or flight mode than the part related to memory and other mental functions.
When a person perceives a loving environment, the body activates growth genes and nurtures the body.
Lipton gave the example of Eastern European orphanages, where children are given lots of nutrients, but little love. Children in such institutions have been found to have stunted development in terms of height, learning, and other areas. There is also a high incidence of autism. Lipton said autism in this case is a symptom of protection genes being activated, like walls being put up.
“Beliefs act as a filter between the real environment and your biology,” he said. Thus, people have the power to change their biology. It is important to keep a clear perception, he said, because otherwise you won’t develop the right things biologically for the real environment around you.
“You are not victims of genes,” he said, asking the audience to consider “What beliefs are you selecting genes with?”
Program berkaitan:
- Kaedah Graf Motif Hayat (Analisa 10 tahun)
- Konsultansi Peribadi/ Perniagaan.
Author: Katie Truesdell
A willingness to change is critical to survival
Everyone loves a comeback story. Here, three small businesses share theirs.
Clarke Allen, President/Founder, Clarke Allen Inc., Charlotte, North CarolinaIn 2009, after 15 years in the event planning and design business, Allen found himself in dire straits.
“The economy had tanked, I was near bankruptcy, my marriage was over, and I was overwhelmed,” Allen says.
Meanwhile, in part due to stress from these factors, company culture had deteriorated. Staffers were angry and disengaged, he says, and clients were beginning to make comments about staff attitudes. After much soul-searching, Allen acknowledged that his top-down management style, lack of trust in employees and failure to establish a culture of shared success had undermined his entire operation.
Allen then turned over a new leaf, personally and professionally. He sought the help of a business coach and made a concentrated effort to foster team collaboration, show appreciation for employees and facilitate autonomy as well as guidance.
As company culture improved, so did business: The company now orchestrates more than 300 events each year. Even when staffers leave—the cyclical nature of event planning—Allen says many stay involved part-time.
Lesson Learned: Recognize your faults and realign your actions.
Steve Goedeker, Owner, Goedeker’s, St. Louis, MissouriIn 1951, Steve’s dad opened a small TV and radio repair shop in his home, which grew into a well-known major appliances, furniture and lighting store.
But in the wake of the 2008 recession, it nearly went bankrupt. Although exclusively brick-and-mortar at the time, the company began selling online in a last-ditch effort for survival. There was one phone for calls and one computer dedicated to updating the website.
“We didn’t expect the site to take off,” Goedeker says. “It was never part of the grander plan. It was meant to be a way to supplement the store just enough to make it through the recession.”
The site did take off, however. Before long, Goedeker hired more employees to manage inventory, sales calls and customer service; remodeled the physical location to support the website; and educated himself about online retail, including Web design, online shipping and marketing. Now more than 90 percent of sales occur online, with the physical location still catering to longtime customers, and Goedeker says he’s learning new things every day.
Lesson Learned: Keep evolving and be open to change, no matter how terrifying it is.
Javier Dutan, Owners’ son, Castillo Restaurant, Brooklyn, New YorkSales started declining—about 10 percent each year—for this Ecuadorian restaurant chain in 2011, while food costs were rising. Castillo had been in business since 1999, but due to neighborhood gentrification, its loyal customer base had moved away, new customers had moved in, and there was increased competition.
Rather than go out of business, the company invested about $50,000 to rebrand the restaurants, including updates to interior design, menus, furniture and plates. The family also took steps to modify the Web presence, using advertising, social media and online ordering sites like GrubHub, Seamless and, which introduced a new revenue stream.
“The restaurants have stabilized quite well,” says Dutan, adding that they are seeing sales projections back up to 2011 levels. “We are happy with the results.” Dutan is a senior at Pace University, studying accounting and entrepreneurship management. He also runs his own software development business and has been able to use his experience to help revitalize the family restaurant.
Lesson Learned: Don’t get too comfortable or arrogant to make changes, and don’t be afraid to ask or to look for help.
When the first official stop sign did appear in Detroit, in 1915, it was small, white, and square, nothing like the red octagon we know today. But in 1923, a branch of Mississippi’s highway department suggested a change—what if a sign’s shape could denote the kind of hazard ahead? The logic was simple: The more sides a sign has, the more dangerous the upcoming stretch of road is.
Circles (which were considered to have infinite sides) designated the riskiest hazards, like railroad crossings. Octagons denoted the second most perilous hazards, like intersections. Diamonds signaled less-tricky stretches, and rectangles were strictly informational. We still use these parameters today...
Jom, kita periksa "jodoh" anda di program SST (Semak Secara Talian). Bagilah tarikh lahir anda dan 6 tarikh lahir orang/ tarikh daftar dsbnya untuk kita lihat apakah ada "jodoh" atau keserasian. Join grup WhatsApp ini dan nanti akan diberitahu keputusannya dan juga beberapa tips untuk perbetulkannya... ye lah, kalau dah kahwin tak kan nak buang macam tu je kan semata-mata kerana angka ... kita perbetulkanlah... itu gunanya kaedah pernomboran.
Persoalan: bagaimana individu-individu ini tahu apa yang cikgu Ady cakapkan walhal secara "jarak jauh"? Bolehkah energy "dihantar" kepada alam dan individu "mengambilnya" (seperti energi berdoa/ rawatan energi jarak jauh)?
Saya cuba buat ujian pendengaran seperti dalam blog cikgu tapi suasana pejabat tak sunyi dan tenang. Saya cuma tutup mata, fokus dan baca fatihah. Bila bayangkan perkataan .... tu degupan jantung saya laju... saya syak itulah jawapannya. Tak sangka betul.
Salam.... alhamdulillah masa latihan pola 38 bila baca shj terdetik perkataan lain tp bila ikut arahan tenang dan tarik nafas masa scroll d bawah smp word .... terus terasa getaran dai kepala smp ke hujung kaki...
Subhanallah... btl jawapan sya? Saya tak buat m, mana pun tapi gerak hati jer cikgu first saya baca soalan dn jawapan hati kuat menyatakan... saya hanya buat apa yg cikgu minta buat kemudian tapi lbh kuat gerak hati jwp... dan bukan jawapan yg lain2.
Asslkum Cikgu jwp sya betul... TQ Allah TQ Cikgu & team... saya tengok jwp A sampai D. Tapi mata saya mmg lama dengan perkataan ...., saya bertenang dulu kejam mata tapi sebenarnya dlm fikiran mmg dah pilih HEBAT pun, lepas tu saya sebut dlm hati hebat bnyk kali kemudian buka mata cari jwn kat bwh betul.
Saya cuba latihan energi 38 dlm blog cgu... saya main rasa ja tanpa fikir logik, jawaban rasa berat sangat ....
Merujuk kepada latihan pola 38 di bawah ini (mendengar tanpa pendengaran). Secara logik dan sains, bagaimanakah seseorang itu dapat "tahu" apa yang cikgu Ady cakap berseorang di bilik? Bagaimana ini boleh terjadi? Apakah jin? Mentera apa yang dipakai? Tidak... ianya adalah latihan "energi" ! Setiap orang mampu jana energinya sendiri.... Gunakan energi anda untuk mencipta kejayaan!
Program berkaitan:
- Seminar Aura Pola 38.
Sempena team kami akan naik ke Gunung Jerai pada 12 Ogos ini untuk ikhtiar doa kekayaan/ upload energi di sana pada hari pola 38, kali ini latihan pola 38 yang seterusnya.
1. Anda dan laptop berada di tempat yang tenang dan sunyi (pakai earphone lagi baik).
2. Tutup mata, tenangkan fikiran, baca Al Fatihah perlahan-lahan sambil bernafas tenang, perlahan-lahan mendalam berulang kali dan niatkan dapat ketenangan dan gerak hati untuk "mendengar" ayat yang akan diberikan.
3. Semasa dalam meditasi tersebut, cuba "dengar" (atau "rasa" gerak hati) - apakah ayat yang disebutkan tadi oleh cikgu Ady:
Jawapan: sila skrol ke bawah. Jika dapat jawapan, maka bagus teruskan energi positif anda. Jika jawapan salah, tak mengapa mungkin anda kurang bertenaga kali ini perlu rehat/ latihan.
Boleh hantar maklumbalas ke whatsapp atau email.
Jawapan: C - HEBAT
Alhamdulillah berkat doa hari ini kak closing 35k dan group network yg bagus.
Sedang elok tu, dibaginya kita beraya sakan dulu (Ogos) lepas tu "kering" lah kita (September).
Jadi, anda dah berusaha dan berikhtiar untuk Ogos ini? Usah termenung dan tunggu lagi, bertindak!! Orang yang hebat adalah yang sentiasa merancang ke hadapan (What's Next) dan berikhtiar (Doa, Ilmu, Strategi...)
Kaedah transfer/ rawatan energi adalah satu ikhtiar... kadang kala potensi dah bagus dan dah berikhtiar macam-macam tapi masih tak berjaya mungkin energi pula yang perlu diperbetulkan maka kita ikhtiar kaedah sebegini. Anggap kami ini sebagai technician dan anda sebagai unit air-cond... bila aircond tak sejuk walau dah set suhu 16 (angka baik), sebab gas aircond (energy) dah habis, jadi kami repair masukkan energi... jadi bila set 16, aircond jadi sejuk.. lebih kurang macam tu analoginya.
Berdoa - pada bajet yang kecil - untuk berdoa pada hari dan waktu yang sama. Memang selalu kita berdoa tapi kita ikhtiar berdoa secara berjemaah. Lagipun di pihak kami ada tambahan amalan untuk tingkatkan energi doa tersebut.
Transfer energi - seolah bateri kereta yang dah lemah perlu "jump start", jadi pihak kami "transfer" energi kepada anda.
Rawatan Energi Putih - energi yang lemah dan "toksik" menyebabkan anda murung, muram, kecewa, putus asa, tak bersemangat, berpenyakit jiwa, bermasalah dsbnya... jadi perlu di"putih"kan dicuci supaya energi baru yang segar boleh masuk gantikannya.
Rawatan Jalur Emas - energi yang lemah/ toksik menyebabkan "cahaya" atau aura energi lemah sukar untuk capai matlamat seperti rezeki dan kasih sayang, mungkin juga energi "tersumbat", jadi kaedah ini meluruskan kembali "jaluran" energi dalam badan supaya mudah capai matlamat.
Nota: Adalah elok anda juga berbuat beberapa amalan ketika program berdoa/ rawatan energi dibuat seperti solat sunat dsbnya (waktu biasanya diberikan sehari awal). Jika anda sibuk atau tak sempat untuk berbuat apa-apa ketika waktu yang diberikan, tak mengapa sebab di pihak kami lakukannya untuk pihak anda.
Unik, apakah ini kebetulan atau memang sudah suratan? Kenapa semua ini bala ini terjadi tahun ini kepada Mc Donald.. sebab dah memang tiba masanya.... Memang dah tiba masanya untuk diuji tekanan dan halangan... jadi kita belajar dari pengalaman orang/ bisnes lain.
Persoalannya, bagaimanakah anda dan syarikat anda tahun 2015 nanti? Apakah anda atau syarikat anda dalam kitaran tahun 8 pula - kena boikot? Dahlah tahun depan 2015 iaitu 2+0+1+5=8 adalah kitaran tahun 8 untuk dunia, kalau Mc Donald dalam kitaran 8 pun payah untuk dirinya, inikan pula satu dunia kitaran 8! Dengan Malaysia pula Vacuum Star tahun depan 2015 (sama pattern 2007), jadi apa persediaan anda? Persediaan negara?
Anda perlu ada ilmu strategi untuk menghadapi bukan sahaja kenali potensi tetapi menghadapi KRISIS POTENSI! Di luar sana, tiada satu pengajian yang membimbing anda tentang KRISIS POTENSI, banyaknya kenali potensi.. sekadar kenal tapi bagaimana dengan PRESTASI POTENSI?... di sini ada... Kaedah pernomboran cikgu Ady satu-satunya seumpama dan pertama di dunia yang menggunakan perihal pernomboran sebagai satu cara dan ikhtiar untuk pembangunan dan pemulihan bisnes! Jom, kita ikhtiar.
Program berkaitan:
- Seminar Strategi Tahun.
- Konsultansi Peribadi/ Perniagaan/ Korporat.
- Audit Premis Rumah/ Perniagaan.