Sebagai seorang pelajar, anda mungkin cuma belajar tahap 1 dan tahap 2 dan tahu tentang konflik yang terjadi atau bakal terjadi kepada diri atau seseorang yang lain. TETAPI ITU TIDAK BERMAKSUD DIRI ATAU ORANG ITU AKAN JADI SEBEGITU SELAMANYA... setiap orang ada Vacuum Star, setiap orang ada Widowed Star dsbnya.... sebagai tahap guru, cikgu Ady ada strategi-strategi untuk menjadikan seseorang yang berpotensi bercerai jadi bahagia, seseorang yang muflis jadi kaya malah seseorang yang berpotensi mati meneruskan hidup dengan baik. Selama 10 tahun ini, cikgu Ady dah saksikan sendiri mereka yang berjaya setelah membuat strategi... bukanlah cikgu Ady ini malaikat tetapi Tuhan bagi kita semua peluang dan ruang untuk berikhtiar....
Oleh itu, janganlah sekadar bercerita diri atau seseorang yang lain itu akan mati, bercerai, muflis dan sebagainya kerana anda mungkin belum pelajari tahap yang lebih tinggi iaitu strategi menyelesaikannya. Jadi, diminta tidak lagi bercerita tentang perkara negatif itu jika anda belum belajar kaedah strategi. Jika anda tahu seseorang itu berpotensi bercerai, mati, muflis dan sebagainya maka tak perlulah beritahu sebaliknya minta orang itu berjumpa dengan pakar berkaitan atau bertemu cikgu Ady.
Sukar untuk cikgu Ady melayan orang yang menjadi negatif akibat diberitahu oleh orang lain yang dirinya bakal muflis, bercerai atau mati TANPA beritahu pula strategi mengatasinya.
Pendekatan kaedah cikgu Ady berbeza dengan pakar yang lain - apa yang dikatakan mustahil kita boleh ikhtiar untuk jadikannya realiti!
Kebetulan buat sales, jadi mudahlah dapat pelanggan... tapi kenalah berhati-hati... juga selama ini hidup dalam "halangan" jadi ikthiar walau sekecil botol minyak wangi pyrite adalah satu ikthiar untuk tingkatkan energi.
Today is a special day 010314 (1314), which translated to Mandarin means 一生一世 (to be together forever).
Chinese Horoscope 2014:
David Tong: As the year of the Wood Horse is a year of the romance star, we expect to see more couples coming together and get married. But at same time, there will also be more separations and divorces, as well as lustful temptations that leads to extra-marital affairs and hence breakup in marriages. For those who are married or attached, if you value your family or partner, be sure to reject all these temptations, otherwise you have to face the consequences.
- Possible loss of wealth this year. Avoid risky investments and any forms of gambling.
- Minimal support from your superiors this year.
- Avoid changing jobs this year as you will end up getting a worse job.
- For singles, weak romance luck this year. Focus on your career or other areas of life.
- For attached/married, chance of major arguments this year. Give and take, else it could end up in separation. Go on a holiday to spark up your marriage/relationship.
- Bad year for weddings. Postpone to next year if possible.
- Average wealth luck.
- Before investing in anything, make sure you do all the necessary research as one wrong move could make you lose everything that you have.
- Career luck will improve in the 2nd half of the year.
- Strong romance luck.
- Chance of meeting someone that you like this year. Go all out to win his/her heart.
- If married/attached, resist any temptations that may come your way this year.
- Money will not come easily this year. Save before you spend.
- Make sure you seek other’s advice and do your homework first before making any significant investments.
- Beware of petty people that may backstab you in office. You friend may become your enemy tomorrow.
- Excellent romance luck.
- For singles, chance of meeting that special someone this year. Take the initiative to express your feeling for him/her.
- Good year for weddings.
- For attached, your spouse will always be there for you when you are in need of support.
- Good wealth and career luck this year.
- Chance of pay rise or promotions.
- You will receive help from the opposite gender.
- Expect more money making opportunities coming your way this year.
- Good romance luck
- For singles, you can attract whoever you like this year. Go all out this year and expand your social circle.
- Good year for weddings.
- For married/attached, be careful of 3rd party coming into your marriage.
- Low in wealth luck this year. Avoid any forms of speculative investments or gambling this year.
- Avoid excessive spending and save up for rainy days.
- Lots of nobleman help in career that will help you overcome all the obstacles.
- Weak romance luck this year
- For singles, hard to meet new people this year. Focus on your career or hobbies this year.
- For those married, improve the communication towards each other this year to avoid any forms of misunderstanding
- Good year to make money through side income or business.
- Beware of people that may come with ulterior motives, especially those who seems too good to be true.
- You will be recognised for your hard work this year and chance of increment or promotions
- For singles, good romance luck. Expand your social network and chances of finding that special someone is a brisk this year
- For married/attached, risk of adultery or 3rd party intrusion this year. Keep a distance away from the opposite sex
- Good work performance this year. Expect recognition and rewards from your superiors
- Chance of promotions or increment this year
- If you invest correctly, fortune may come your way
- For singles, likelihood that you will find that special someone from your workplace or friends this year. Your character will shine this year and attract that special someone.
- For those that are married/attached, beware of lustful temptations that may affect your marriage/relationship.
- Your wealth luck will be like a roller coaster ride, with lots of ups and downs this year. Avoid spending more than you can afford.
- Good year for career luck. All your hard work will be recognised by your superiors.
- Be careful of petty people around you that may sabotage your plans.
- Chance of meeting someone eligible is high this year. Grab whatever opportunities that come your way.
-Good year for wedding or having babies.
- For those who are married, generally a loving year with your spouse.
- Weak wealth luck this year.
- Avoid investing in real estate and think twice when investing in other areas.
- Avoid lending money to your family or friends, or you will never get it back.
- Career-wise, be prepared to burn more midnight oil this year. Prone to fatigue.
- Whenever there is a chance to travel, go ahead as the more you travel this year, the better it is for your career
- For singles, chances of meeting someone is slim this year.
- For those who are married or attached, lack of communication may distance the relationship between both of you. Go for short trips to spend some quality time with each other.
- Weak wealth luck this year. Exercise discipline and save up before you spend to avoid overspending on unnecessary items.
- Do not invest in high risk investments this year.
- Lots of nobleman help this year, especially female roosters
- Be careful of what you say as this may offend some people and bring about law suits
- Excellent romance luck. Finding a partner is easy this year. Expand your social network and go all out.
- Good year for wedding
- For those who are married or attached, practice self-discipline to avoid crossing the line
- The more you travel, the better it is for your wealth luck this year.
- Be careful of friends trying to cheat your money. Avoid lending money to anyone, not even your best friend.
- For career, your hard work will be recognised by your superiors.
- Expect a busy & hectic year ahead.
- Strong romance luck. However, be careful that the opposite gender may have a hidden agenda and try to cheat your money
- For those who are married, an auspicious year to have baby this year
- Good wealth luck this year.
- However, take note that you may lose items easily or even counter robbery or theft/burglary this year
- Career-wise, chances of promotion or increments this year.
- With the increased responsibilities, workload will increase. Be careful of burning out and falling sick. Rest well and exercise regularly
- Good romance luck for singles. Expand your social network to know more people.
- Go all out to win the heart of the person you like. If not, he/she will be snatched away by others.
- For those who are married/attached, your relationship will improve this year. Go on a holiday to spark up your marriage.
3 Mac 2014
SHAH ALAM - Pensyarah Sains Politik Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Profesor Madya Datuk Dr Mohammad Agus Yusoff hari ini meluahkan perasaan bimbang dan sedihnya terhadap nilai ringgit (RM) negara yang semakin hari semakin menurun nilainya.
Menurutnya, sejak dua tahun lepas, dunia dikejutkan dengan krisis Euro dan selepas itu krisis Dollar Amerika, waktu itu nilai Euro dan Dollar Amerika terumbang ambing kerana krisis ekonomi dan kewangan yang mereka hadapi.
Jadi, ketika itu katanya, rakyat Malaysia hendak menukar ringgit berasa sungguh selesa dan gembira kerana nilai ringgit bernilai tinggi ketika itu.
" Namun hari ini saya ke 'money changer'. Sedih saya melihat nilai ringgit kita rendah, tidak seperti enam bulan yang lalu berbanding dengan Euro, Amerika Dollar, British Pound atau Singapura Dollar.
"Mengapa nilai ringgit kita semakin rendah? Inilah isu yang perlu dijawab dan dibahaskan untuk dijadikan sebagai renungan bersama," katanya dalam entri terbaru Facebooknya.
Tambahnya, beliau pernah terbaca kenyataan seorang timbalan menteri yang berkata nilai ringgit yang rendah baik untuk ekonomi negara kerana ini menyebabkan eksport kita bertambah kerana banyak negara luar berminat pada barangan kita kerana harganya murah.
"Saya tidak berminat dengan jawapan sebegitu. Saya juga tidak bangga jika barangan kita dibeli oleh negara luar kerana harganya murah atau pelancong datang ke negara kita kerana kosnya rendah.
"Saya mahu negara luar berminat membeli barangan kita kerana produknya berkualiti dan pelancong datang ke negara kita kerana produk pelancongannya baik.
"...bolehkah kita bermentaliti begitu? Kita hebat kerana kualiti barangan kita hebat, bukannya kerana harganya murah dengan kualiti yang belum pasti," tegasnya.
PERHATIAN: Minyak wangi Pyrite 83HB dan 138HG telah mula diposkan pada Khamis lalu dan baru tadi cikgu Ady dihubungi pihak Pos Laju bahawa pakej telah rosak kebakaran. Oleh yang demikian, cikgu Ady akan hantar semula bahan yang ditempah pada Khamis dan Jumaat ini.
Program berkaitan:
- Konsultansi peribadi/ korporat.
- Seminar Strategi Hadapi Tahun.
- Pola 966 Potensi Bisnes Menguntungkan - Tahap 1, 2 dan 3.
- Pola 636 Potensi Pelaburan Berkesan - Tahap 1, 2 dan 3 dan Investomillionaires.
Juga percuma satu KEYCHAIN 769 dan sebotol minyak wangi Pyrite untuk dienergikan dengan energi alam pasir emas.
Daftar awal ye!
1. Diari Metafizik 2014 - bernilai RM198 percuma - sila bagi tarikh lahir dan waktu jam masa dilahirkan.
2. Baju T-Shirt Ungu $83$ Wealth Energy - sila bagi saiz baju.
Juga untuk kami tempah penempatan dan makanan.
Daftar/ maklumat lanjut: En Nizam 012 769 3807.
Jumpa anda di D Rimba Resort, Pantai Seri Mersing pada 8 Mac jam 11 pagi. Jika nak hadir 9 Mac sahaja - separuh harga (untuk program "tanam dalam pasir emas" dsbnya perlu sampai di resort selewatnya jam 8.00 pagi 9 Mac tersebut.
By Jaime Tardy
Many people believe that — while it’d certainly be nice — they’ll never become millionaires. That it’s an utterly unattainable dream.
The truth is: Hitting the $1 million mark is more attainable today than ever — and more important. That’s because, in order to live comfortably in retirement through your eighties, many people will need a nest egg of at least $1 million. “A general rule of thumb is that you need to save $1 million for every $40,000 of annual income you need to replace at retirement, not including Social Security, pension income or any other retirement income,” says David Fernandez, CFP, of Wealth Engineering in Scottsdale, Ariz.
Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to do it. While doing research for my book, “The Eventual Millionaire,” I interviewed more than 100 millionaires who came from all walks of life and made their first million in dozens of different ways, from starting their own businesses to investing in the stock market or real estate. And those aren’t the only paths to becoming a millionaire, either: Others hit the mark by simply living below their means and saving portions of each paycheck.
Before you can make a million, though, you need to get past the mystique and the myths surrounding it. Here are 6 common myths about millionaires debunked.
The Myth: Millionaires Live Lavishly
When you think of millionaires, you may picture people living in luxurious mansions and driving expensive sports cars. The reality? Millionaires are often the people next door: They drive Hondas and Volvos. They’re frugal (57 percent of the ones I interviewed described themselves as such). They often spend their money on necessities and a few things that are very important to them. Think Warren Buffett: The celebrated multi-billionaire famously still lives in the Omaha, Neb. house he bought in 1958 for $31,500.
In most cases, millionaires have gotten to where they are precisely because they've practiced excellent savings habits and live frugally. They learn to make smart choices, and they don’t stop just because they hit the $1 million mark. If anything, they’re validated by seeing the choices they’ve made paid off.
The Myth: Millionaires Are Smarter
People tend to put millionaires on a pedestal: They must be better or smarter than everyone else in order to achieve that goal. But that general statement simply isn’t true. Millionaires are ordinary people who have achieved extraordinary goals, but they make mistakes like everyone else. They may misspell words; they may even have learning disabilities. They’ve likely been in debt and had to dig themselves out. They’ve had ideas and businesses fail. Most of the ones I interviewed for my book have worked their way up the ladder, learning and stumbling along the way.
Rather than having lots of book smarts, what most millionaires have is a knack for setting goals for themselves and working toward them — without letting excuses get in their wa y. They, too, have to deal with unexpected expenses — plumbing leaks, health insurance increases, car trouble. They just keep moving forward despite the inevitable obstacles they have to overcome.
The Myth: Millionaires Are Just Luckier
Millionaires are the luckiest among us, right? They won the lottery, struck gold with their very first attempt at launching a business or haphazardly landed their dream jobs with massive salaries. Not so: Pure luck is not a factor in achieving success. Rather, truly successful people make their own luck. After all, a million-dollar idea is worth nothing without execution.
Bobby Casey, founder of asset protection firm Global Wealth Protection, told me the story of starting his first business building bikes for stores like Wal-Mart — a company that would eventually earn more than $6 million. “I went to at least 60 stores before I finally found one that said, ‘Okay, we’ll hire you. How much do you charge?’”
Casey had no money at the time — actually a “negative net worth,” as he describes it. “I racked up a bunch of credit card debt … driving around for several weeks at a time, only hearing no, no, no, no.” I asked him what he thinks might have happened if he stopped before he hit that 60th store. His response? “I wouldn’t have stopped if it took me 300 stores.”
Casey would say it was hard work, not luck, that got him over the million-dollar threshold. After getting an “in” at that first store, he worked 12-hour shifts — sometimes several in a row, at various stores, without stopping to sleep in between — to assemble thousands of bicycles for the Christmas season. Assembling bikes for Walmart turned into assembling grills and lawn equipment at Home Depot and Lowe’s and pool tables and other sporting goods equipment for Dick’s Sporting Goods and other chain stores. After 12 years, Casey sold his assembly and installation company in 2008.
The Myth: Most Millionaires Were Born Into Money
Another common myth is that millionaires were born into money or inherited it. But that's not often the case. In arecent survey, Fidelity Investments found 86 percent of millionaires are self-made. And among the more than 100 millionaires I interviewed for my book, each was self-made and only 26 percent of them said they even had connections to important people beforehand.
Take Dani Johnson. The speaker, bestselling author of “First Steps to Wealth” and “Grooming the Next Generation for Success” and producer of highly popular success seminars, started at the very bottom. After growing up on welfare and living with abuse throughout her childhood, Johnson ended up pregnant and single at 17. After a brief marriage at age 21, Johnson was left homeless and in debt. But she wanted to make a better life for herself.
She’d been introduced to a multi-level marketing business a couple of years earlier and decided it could be a chance to change her situation. After attending a panel session in which four millionaires talked about how they’d built their incomes through the business, Johnson decided it was worth a try. “I was told my whole life up to that point that I was nothing but a failure and I could never do anything right. I just sat there and thought to myself, ‘Man, if I’m the dumbest person in the room and it takes me 20 years to figure this out and to learn how to do what they do, and if I fail their income by 90 percent, then I would still do better in business for myself than I ever would staying at my job that I had at the mall.’”
For Johnson, the key to success wasn’t being born into money; it was being willing to give herself a chance. She started her first business from the trunk of her car and a payphone booth, and in her first four days, managed to sell $4,000 in products, generating $2,000 in profit for herself. The next month, while still working part time as a cocktail waitress, she made $6,500 and her income “just continued to skyrocket from there,” she says. Today, she teaches others how to build success, no matter where they start out.
The Myth: Millionaires Have to Be Fearless
Though it may seem like the only way to become a millionaire is to forge full-steam ahead and assume a lot of risk, fears are totally normal — even for the ultra-successful. Fifty-seven percent of the millionaires I surveyed said they were scared before starting their own business — scared of failure, disappointing their spouses or their families, scared of losing everything.
Anita Crook, founder of Pouchee, a purse organizer showcased on “The Today Show,” Fox Business and other media, started her company without any prior business experience. “Anybody who knows me knows I am not a salesperson,” Crook says. “I was scared to death to go into my first store to try to sell them something, especially something I had produced. I don’t take rejection well, so I was really afraid I was going to run out of the store crying if they had not liked it.” But Crook knew she had to try — it was the only way to sell her product. Once she heard “yes” from a few stores, she built the confidence to keep moving forward.
Success requires some risk, but wise millionaires don’t want to take uncalculated gambles. Millionaires have learned how to examine an opportunity and analyze the risk. They will even do small tests beforehand to see if an idea will work before going all in. They prefer to know as much information as they can ahead of time so they don’t make a bad investment.
Most millionaires find a happy medium between optimism and pessimism; they figure out how to examine opportunities realistically. They acknowledge amazing potential, but work tirelessly to learn and predict beforehand to make sure their investments pay off.
The Myth: They Earn Million-Dollar Paychecks
It’s true that many millionaires have earned their money by starting (or selling) their own businesses or finding high-paying positions within organizations. But this certainly isn’t the only way to amass $1 million. In his book “Millionaire Teacher,” Andrew Hallam explains how he saved over $1 million as a teacher well before retirement age, outlining how he used low-cost index funds and a disciplined approach to saving, investing and living on a budget to build a nest egg most of his fellow teachers would envy.
In addition to investing in the stock market, like Hallam, other millionaires boost their bottom lines by adding second jobs or passive streams of income. For instance, investing in real estate can allow a middle-income wage-earner to develop rental income as a second, reliable income stream. Artists who pay the bills and invest with the income earned through a day job might sell paintings for hundreds or thousands of dollars on the side and bank the extra income. Those who don’t earn million-dollar paychecks can still reach the $1 million mark; it just requires discipline, creativity and focus on the goal.
SERDANG 2 Mac - Golongan muda bawah 40 tahun di Malaysia didapati bukan sahaja mempunyai tahap pengurusan kewangan yang lemah tetapi kurang pengetahuan tentang pengurusan kewangan terutama dalam aspek berkaitan dengan kredit dan hutang, pengurusan risiko, pelaburan serta perbankan Islam.
Kajian yang dijalankan oleh Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) ke atas 480 responden (berumur 40 tahun ke bawah) pada tahun lalu mendapati, golongan itu mudah keliru apabila menyentuh tentang aspek-aspek kewangan dan tabungan masa depan.
Ketua Jabatan Pengurusan Sumber dan Pengajian Pengguna, Fakulti Ekologi Manusia, UPM, Dr. Mohamad Fazli Sabri (gambar) berkata, daripada hasil kajian yang dijalankan itu, 52.8 peratus menyatakan pendapatan mereka hanya cukup untuk memenuhi keperluan asas sahaja manakala untuk simpanan pula, hanya 53.1 peratus mampu menabung kurang daripada 10 peratus pendapatan.
"Generasi muda hari ini masih lagi keliru apabila berkait dengan kewangan mereka terutama dalam simpanan hari tua, pelaburan pintar, hutang dan kad kredit. Bahkan, mereka mempunyai pengetahuan kewangan yang rendah mengenai kadar faedah, inflasi dan kepelbagaian risiko.
"Kesannya, mereka tidak mampu mencapai kesenangan dan kekayaan kerana sering berhadapan dengan bebanan kewangan disebabkan tidak berupaya dalam menguruskan bajet dan merancang kewangan dengan baik," ujar beliau kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini baru-baru ini.
Tahun lalu, laporan menunjukkan 68,299 individu berumur di bawah 45 tahun diiisytiharkan bankrap dalam tempoh 2005 hingga 2012.
Kebimbangan itu bukan kerana jumlahnya melebihi separuh daripada jumlah keseluruhan 129,640 individu yang dilaporkan muflis oleh Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia dalam tempoh itu, tetapi secara tidak langsung menzahirkan budaya pengurusan kewangan yang masih lemah dalam kalangan belia di negara ini.
"Kita bimbang sekiranya perkara ini berterusan, rakyat Malaysia akan tersentak setiap kali berlakunya kenaikan harga barang terutama sekali apabila Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan (GST) akan dilaksanakan tahun depan," katanya.
Bagaimanapun, beliau berkata, pengurusan kewangan tidak mempunyai tempoh deadline tertentu sebaliknya perlu bermula pada bila-bila masa tanpa menunggu pelaksanaan GST mahupun tidak.
"Namun, adalah lebih baik bermula dari sekarang dengan melibatkan keluarga (ibu bapa dan anak-anak) dalam merancang kewangan," katanya.
Artikel Penuh:
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Tahukah anda tarikh kemerdekaan negara Malaysia tiada angka 6 langsung? Iaitu negara Malaysia dan rakyatnya berpotensi bermasalah kewangan JIKA tiada langkah pengurusan kewangan yang baik. Pihak kerajaan agresif dalam pengurusan kewangan seperti meningkatkan tahap rezab negara, tetapi rakyat Malaysia yang lahir dan bernaung dibawahnya berpotensi bermasalah kewangan kerana majoriti masih kurang pengurusan kewangan... oleh itu, sangatlah perlu setiap rakyat Malaysia ada pengurusan kewangan yang lebih kuat dan agresif... namun ada juga rakyat Malaysia yang telah mencuba buat pengurusan kewangan seperti menyimpan dsbnya tapi masih juga bermasalah kewangan... itu perlu dilihat dari aspek potensi individu pula, contohnya gabungan suami isteri, tempoh masa Vacuum dsbnya.
Program berkaitan:
- Konsultansi Peribadi / Korporat.
- Kursus Pola 666 Potensi Kekayaan dan Kewangan.
- Program Ikhtiar Berdoa Kekayaan / Rawatan Jalur Emas Rezeki

Campur kesemuanya jadikan 1 digit hasilnya 7!

Apakata dapatkan pasir "emas" dari Pantai Seri Mersing pada 8 dan 9 Mac ini, yang telah dienergikan... pasir dan tanah adalah satu elemen dalam hidup kita dan ini sebagai ikhtiar untuk pelengkap kitaran elemen dalam hidup kita.

Jumpa anda di D Rimba Resort, Pantai Seri Mersing pada 8 Mac depan. Upload Energi Emas 83!